Food Pharmacy Resources

Food Access Resources

Our Dining Room alleviates hunger by serving hot, nourishing meals to people experiencing poverty.

Feeding America has programs to reach children, seniors, and families no matter where they live or spend time. At senior centers or schools, in the city or countryside, Feeding America programs get food to people where they are and when they need it most.

The Free Library is advancing literacy in Philadelphia in a unique and innovative way—with a fork and a spoon. Cooking and eating are educational acts and provide opportunities to learn math, science, languages, history and so much more. Pull up a seat at our table and see what's cooking at the Free Library of Philadelphia!

Greater Goods is a free grocery store in the heart of Kensington. 

Philabundance is a proud member of Feeding America, a nationwide network of food banks leading the fight against hunger in the United States.

SEAMAAC has partnered with the City of Philadelphia, the Share Food Program, and Philabundance to act as a food pantry site for communities in South Philadelphia.

Share Food Program works with hundreds of community-based organizations and partners across the Greater Philadelphia region to provide nutritious food to anyone facing food insecurity.

By partnering with grocery stores, restaurants, wholesalers, and farmers, Sharing Excess rescues and redistributes over 120,000 lbs. of food every week.

SNAP-Ed focuses on good nutrition, stretching food dollars, living physically active lifestyles, and engaging partners to build healthier communities. This helps to ensure the healthy choice is the easiest choice to make where people live, work, shop, play, eat, and learn.

The West Philly Bunny Hop is a mutual aid group providing free food to Philadelphians, no questions asked.