Why Choose The CuRED Clinic

Young man The Sickle Cell and Red Cell Disorders Curative Therapy Center (CuRED) is the first clinical center in the United States to offer a family-focused integrated care model to help patients with red blood cell disorders on the journey from chronic disease to cure.

  • Given the breadth and depth of expertise at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), we are uniquely positioned to offer this multidisciplinary center that includes experts in transplant, gene therapy, fertility preservation, hematology and more.
  • The most cutting-edge curative therapies for red blood cell disorders are available at CHOP, whether through clinical trials or approved therapies.
  • CHOP has been committed to sickle cell research and care since the 1970s, longer than any other institution in the country.
  • CHOP broadens the care community by partnering with primary care providers nationwide. Patients do not need to live in the Philadelphia area to receive our comprehensive care.
  • Every patient receives customized care when they come to CHOP. Whether or not they qualify for our curative therapies, each will receive a personalized roadmap for their care and access to the most experienced team.
  • We are one of the few centers available offering multiple options of care for patients.
  • We have world-leading established centers for care for sickle cell disease and thalassemia.

CuRED was designated a Frontier Program by Children's Hospital of Philadelphia in 2019. Frontier Programs are unique, cutting-edge programs that will forge important new discoveries, deliver novel therapies, and help even more children thrive.