Vaccine Education Center News and Updates

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What Is Changing in 2024-2025 Influenza Vaccines?

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Dr. Offit explains that one of the influenza type B strains has disappeared from circulation. For this reason, 2024-2025 influenza vaccines will contain only three types of influenza strains.

2022 NY Polio Case: Why and What Does It Mean?

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In the fall of 2022, an unvaccinated man in Rockland County, NY, was paralyzed by polio. The poliovirus type was from the oral polio vaccine – a version of polio vaccine still used in other countries. Find out why this case was concerning for scientists and clinicians.

Aluminum in Vaccines and Asthma?

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aluminum vaccines asthma screenshot

Aluminum is used in some vaccines as an adjuvant. Adjuvants enhance the immune response to vaccines, allowing for use of lower quantities of antigen in the vaccine and fewer doses.

A Trusted Source of Vaccine Information for 22 years

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During its first 20 years, the Vaccine Education Center (VEC) at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, founded in 2000, became a trusted source of science-based information on vaccines, especially childhood vaccines. 

Myocarditis and COVID-19: Get the Facts

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Doctor listening to young boy's heartbeat

Worried about the risk of myocarditis? A CHOP expert helps discern the myths from the facts so you can make an informed decision about vaccinating your child.
