Master Course in Pediatric Thyroid Ultrasound

Buerger Building, Philadelphia, PA  
3500 Civic Center Boulevard, Phila, PA 19104  

Nov 10, 2023-Nov 11, 2023, 7 a.m. - 4 p.m. (ET)


On day one, participants will experience a comprehensive series of lectures from CHOP’s expert multi-disciplinary team designed to further demonstrate and highlight important factors to consider in pediatric thyroid US as compared with adults. The topics of discussion will range from workflow operations for point-of-care US at the bedside, examining both the thyroid and neck region for lymph nodes in a variety of disorders/conditions, review and utility of the TIRADS scoring system, and Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy (FNAB). On day two, participants will have an immersive, hands-on experience with CHOP’s expert team to obtain hand-over-hand training in ultrasound technique. The target audience for this course are any healthcare workers providing care for pediatric patients with thyroid disease, thyroid nodules, or thyroid cancer; including but not limited to: pediatric endocrinologists, interventional radiologists, trainees, sonographers/ultrasound techs, etc.


Perform and interpret comprehensive thyroid/neck ultrasound studies in pediatric patients in ways that thoughtfully guide clinical decision-making for potential FNAB and surgical treatment of patients.
Identify features of normal thyroid anatomy as well as features of thyroid diseases, nodules, and cancer.
Establish/identify opportunities to create streamlined multidisciplinary style management of patients and program in their own departments/centers.
Obtain real-life experience performing thyroid ultrasounds by holding the proper probes and understanding/utilizing key functions on ultrasound equipment to improve image-taking.

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