Muhammad's Reflections - Dream/ Vision Board In fall 2014, Kheli Muhammad held a three-part series with a goal of empowering the mothers to envision their future. During this series, mothers at the Jane Addams shelter constructed vision/dream boards as a way to make their goals and dreams more tangible. Muhammad’s reflections:

“Throughout this process, we were able to see a shift in the conversation with the mothers about their hopes and dreams for their own lives. This shift then translated to their children. One girl became so excited about her mom’s board that she went out to make one herself to share. The mother and daughter were able to work together to dream.

“What could have been simply an arts-and-crafts project has turned into an inspirational movement. I have enjoyed connecting with these ladies; I have looked forward to seeing them. I thought I was coming to make an impact on their lives, but in the process they have changed my life as well!”

— Kheli Muhammad, LEND Family Fellow