Diabetes: The Take 15 Challenge

It takes just 15 minutes a day to take care of yourself and your diabetes. By spending a few minutes each time you eat to test blood sugar, count carbs, calculate and give your insulin dose, you'll feel a boost of confidence, show adults that you can be responsible, and stop feeling bad about not taking care of yourself.


Diabetes: The Take 15 Challenge

Speaker: Welcome to "The Take 15 Challenge." There are 1,440 minutes in one day. Challenge yourself to take just 15 of those minutes to take care of yourself and your diabetes. The catch is that you have to believe you can do it, that you're worth those 15 minutes. Once you succeed in this challenge the reward will be better than anything you have done. You'll feel and look great physically, you'll get a boost of confidence in yourself, you'll feel great about yourself, and you can take on anything. You show all the adults around you that you can be responsible, and that will get your parents off your back. You can stop feeling bad about not taking care of yourself. You can worry less about your risk of complications because you're doing all you can to keep yourself safe and healthy. So are you up for the challenge?

This is all you have to do: Test your blood sugar, that's only 30 seconds. Count your carbs, that's about one minute. And calculate and give your insulin dose, that's about one minute and 30 seconds. That adds up to about three minutes each time you eat. Assuming you eat about three meals and two snacks, that's 15 minutes. Sounds pretty easy right? And it's totally worth it. You're totally worth it. All you have to do is take 15.

Topics Covered: Type 1 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes, Cystic Fibrosis-related Diabetes

Related Centers and Programs: T1Y1: Newly Diagnosed Diabetes Program, Diabetes Center