Diabetes: Taking Charge of Your Lows

Experiencing low blood sugar can be scary and embarrassing. But don’t try to avoid lows by letting your sugars run high all the time. It will just make them worse! Stay healthy by taking charge of your lows.


Diabetes: Taking Charge of Your Lows

Female speaker: We can all agree that one of the worst parts about diabetes is experiencing low blood sugar. Honestly, they're the bully of diabetes. They can be bad and scary. They come at the absolute worst time, and they can be super embarrassing. Lows can be such a bad experience that's easy to want to treat them like a bully in the hallway and start to avoid them completely by letting your sugars run high all the time. But purposely going high will only make that bully come back and hurt you more. You've heard it all before, high A1Cs, complications, and the only solution is to take charge of your lows.

Topics Covered: Type 1 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes, Cystic Fibrosis-related Diabetes

Related Centers and Programs: T1Y1: Newly Diagnosed Diabetes Program, Diabetes Center