Life With Diabetes

These resources will help your family and child navigate life with diabetes, and the common challenges associated with the condition. Review our information about support and coping, school, teen topics, and general well-being.

the fact that chop provides ongoing care is an amazing relief. you have this whole map laid out for you, and you can trust the process.

Support & Coping

Coping With Diabetes
Find tips on how you can help your child, and yourself, cope with the demands of managing diabetes, form the experts at the Diabetes Center at CHOP.

Taking Care of Your Child Emotionally in Dealing With Diabetes
Diabetes can take an emotional toll on your child (and you!). Here are a few ideas on how to you can support your child/teen.

Diabetes: The Take 15 Challenge [VIDEO]
It takes just 15 minutes a day to test blood sugar, count carbs, calculate and give the insulin dose that will take care of your diabetes.


Diabetes Care in School
Find tips on how you can team up with your child’s school to provide care for your child with diabetes.

Help Your Child Tell Friends About Type 1 Diabetes
Many children worry about telling friends that they have diabetes. Learn how you can help your child prepare to tell friends about his or her disease.

Teen Topics

Diabetes and Sports
This diabetes e-learning module is for young athletes who want to perform at their peak. Learn about keeping your blood sugar in the best range to maximize your peak performance.

Teens and Diabetes
Open communication between you and your teenager with diabetes is important. Recognize that your teen wants to be treated as an adult, even if that means letting him take charge of his own diabetes

The Move to College: How to Prepare Over the Summer
For young adults with diabetes, preparing for the move to college over the summer will ensure you're at your best at the start of this new chapter.

General Well-being

Diabetes and Insurance Issues
Find out how social workers and diabetes nurses at the Diabetes Center at CHOP can help you with insurance and financial concerns.

Staying Connected With Your Diabetes Team
When managing diabetes, you should work with your diabetes team at the Diabetes Center, even in between regular appointments. Here's how.

Summer Safety Tips and Diabetes
Summer brings a lot of fun things – vacation, swimming and outdoor activities. It also brings the hot weather. Use these tips to help keep you safe!

Controlling Blood Sugar During the Winter
Find helpful tips for kids with diabetes to help control blood sugars during the winter months and keep away the winter blues.

Managing Your Diabetes While Traveling
If you are traveling or going on vacation this summer, make sure you plan ahead to keep your diabetes in check. Dealing with high blood sugars – or worse, a trip to the hospital – can put a damper on your plans.

Watch this e-learning module to learn more about diabulimia, including its risks and complications, and the dangers of DKA caused by diabulimia.

Next Steps
Appointments and Referrals
girl testing blood sugar

Tools to Manage Diabetes

These resources will help your child and family manage blood sugar testing, highs and lows, insulin, nutrition, and more.

young boy smiling

Life With Diabetes

Review our information about support and coping, school, teen topics, and general well-being.