Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (GI) Patient Stories

81 - 90 of 96

Crohn’s Disease: Lucy’s Story

Lucy holding a lacrosse stick

Lucy plays lacrosse, loves to bake, and shocks people with her theatrical makeup skills. She’s back to enjoying life after being very sick with Crohn’s disease.

Finding Hope Far from Home: Ali’s Story


When 6-year-old Ali became seriously ill for the second time, his family believed only one place in the world could offer him the best care — Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

Crohn’s Disease: Meredith’s Story

Meredith Smiling

Diagnosed with Crohn’s disease at the age of 6, Meredith's symptoms are under control with the help of her medical team at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

Very Early Onset IBD: Jacob's Story

IBD patient Jacob and his father

Jacob's family took him to different doctors, looking for help for their very sick baby. They finally found answers, and life-changing treatment, at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

Heterotaxy Syndrome: Laila's Story

Laila Kramer was 8 years old when her family learned she was born with heterotaxy syndrome, a rare birth defect where many of her internal organs are reversed from their normal positions. When she contracted a serious liver infection, she got help from CHOP experts.

Eosinophilic Esophagitis: Colin's Story

Colin has eosinophilic esophagitis, a rare inflammatory condition of the esophagus, and receives care at CHOP, which is one of the few pediatric hospitals with a specialized program for the condition.
