Why Choose Our Brachial Plexus Injury Program

When it comes to the care of a child with a brachial plexus injury, our team at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia makes it a priority to develop a personalized treatment strategy that will work for your family, avoids unnecessary testing, and incorporates surgery only when absolutely necessary. Every child and every injury is different, so through close observation by a multidisciplinary team, we can ensure that we’re offering the best option, customized to your child.

  • We practice family-centered care. Our nationally-recognized, multidisciplinary team supports a patient- and family-centered care philosophy. Every child with a brachial plexus injury is unique and, in our view, benefits from the development of a personalized care strategy.
  • We make every effort to avoid surgery. An expert occupational therapist will work with your child during each visit, providing exercises that will improve the arm’s function as much as possible before any other treatment is planned.
  • We focus on close, personalized observation of each child. Our entire team of physicians and therapists carefully examines your child’s movements during each visit. These observations often yield important clues and minimize the need for diagnostic testing. Based on observations made over a series of visits, the Brachial Plexus Injury Program team will collectively recommend an evaluation and treatment plan specific to your child.
  • We make communication with your pediatrician a priority. Our team will communicate with your pediatrician and local therapist so that they remain up to date on your child’s recovery process, and can consider your child’s brachial plexus care in their ongoing healthcare.

Next Steps
mother hugging son

Would you like a second surgical opinion from a CHOP expert?

Our referral nurse navigator can give your family timely access to world-renowned pediatric orthopaedic surgeons in every specialty.

Child smiling

Your Child's Appointment

Learn what to expect during your child's appointment with the Brachial Plexus Program.