Marilyn S. Blumenstein, MSN, CRNP

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Marilyn Blumenstein, MSN,CRNP is a pediatric nurse practitioner and a program nurse specialist in the Hemostasis and Thrombosis Center. 

Areas of Expertise: Care of children and adolescents in the in-patient and out-patient setting, Anti-coagulation management and nursing, Medical staff and patient/family education
Appointments and Referrals: 1-800-TRY-CHOP (1-800-879-2467)


Education and Training

Medical School




Undergraduate Degree

Hahnemann University

Graduate Degree

Additional Training

University of Pennsylvania

Titles and Academic Titles

Nurse Practitioner, Hemostasis and Thrombosis Program

Departments and Services

Research Interests

Awards and Honors

Editorial and Academic Positions

Leadership and Memberships