2019 Fetal Family Reunion Video

On June 2, 2019, more than 2,500 people celebrated at CHOP's 23rd Annual Fetal Family Reunion. Every year, patients and families treated by the Center for Fetal Diagnosis and Treatment return to reconnect with their clinicians and other families who share an indescribable bond, and celebrate breakthroughs, big and small.


2019 Fetal Family Reunion Video

Male: I’d like to welcome you all back to the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia to the Fetal Family Reunion, our 23rd; how about that!

Female: We are from Cleveland, Ohio.

Female: We are from Ocean City, Maryland.

Female: We're from Jacksonville, Florida.

Female: We're coming from Rochester, New York.

Female: I found out at 24 weeks that the baby had something wrong with him. So we came here as a second opinion, and they were amazing.

Female: Landon has spina bifida, so we had fetal surgery at 24 weeks’ gestation and then we stayed here in Philadelphia until he was born at 36.6.

Female: My daughter has a congenital heart defect. She had complete heart block. I'm so thankful. I don't know where she'd be without them. That's … that's for sure.

Female: We had a great experience with them. The people here were great, the surgeons, the nurses.

Female: It's kind of great catching up. They're all surprised how big he is and how well he's doing.

Female: It's the best day of the year. We love this day. We plan it in every year.

Female: This is a place where you'll see no matter what type of kid comes here, that they all play like as if they're all the same.

Child: This is my first year and I love it, all the people and all the games.

Child: All the doctors, they're just the best.

Child: I like meeting other families and sharing like experiences and showing them that like anything is possible.

Child: It's great to see how much we've grown since like the first time I came and how much like happiness and joy it brings to everybody. It's just a great time.

Female: It's really great to reconnect with the doctors. She has pictures of all of them in her room, and she always asks, you know, when are we going to see Dr. Adzick; when are we going to see Dr. Julie?

Female: Family; it's fun, it's familiar faces, the doctors, the nurses.

Female: The atmosphere is just amazing to see all these wonderful children who have, you know, had care here at CHOP.

Female: We've connected with a lot of other families also, just through Mason's diagnosis so getting to meet them in person ….

Male: Just seeing all of the families around, makes you feel a lot better knowing that hey, like we're not the only ones out there dealing with this stuff.

Female: We love CHOP. CHOP's like a second home to us. Every time we come here, we're just so excited to see everybody. Huh?

Landon: Yeah.

Female: Yeah!

Topics Covered: Fetal Surgery

Related Centers and Programs: Richard D. Wood Jr. Center for Fetal Diagnosis and Treatment, Garbose Family Special Delivery Unit

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