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Please Help Us Understand Your Wishes

Please Help Us Understand Your Wishes

On behalf of the patients and families served by Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), thank you for including CHOP in your estate plans.

Your gift reflects the promise that every child will be able to experience a healthy future. In return, we make these promises to you:

  • We will respect your privacy.
  • We will respect your right to change your plans.
  • We promise to use your gift the way you intend.

CHOP is committed to maintaining the highest standards of ethics and continuing to be worthy of your legacy support.

Please share the details of your gift so we can ensure your gift is used as you intend and welcome you to the Lewis Society. You can complete the online submission below or download this form and return to:

Roberts Pediatric Research Center
Office of Gift Planning
Foundation Department - 12th Floor
2716 South Street
Philadelphia, PA 19146

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