In 2020 when we did not have vaccines, monoclonal antibodies or anti-viral drugs, many were looking for something that was readily available to treat COVID-19. One drug that received a lot of attention was ivermectin, an anti-parasitic agent used primarily in large animals. Some who took the drug were convinced that it worked.

Several studies, however, showed that people suffering from COVID-19 didn’t benefit from ivermectin. Some refused to believe it, arguing that the studies weren’t performed using a dose that was high enough. In response to this skepticism, researchers who are part of an NIH group called ACTIV (Accelerating COVID-19 Therapeutic Interventions and Vaccines) recently published a study looking at the efficacy of high-dose ivermectin in treating COVID-19 (Naggie S, Boulware DR, Lindsell CJ, et al. “Effect of Higher-Dose Ivermectin for 6 Days vs Placebo on Time to Sustained Recovery in Outpatients with COVID-19,” JAMA 2023 Mar 21;329(11):888-897).

ACTIV investigators randomized 1,206 patients older than 30 years with mild to moderate confirmed COVID-19 to receive either 600 ug/kg of ivermectin daily for six days or placebo. Previous studies had tested 400 ug/kg per day. Researchers found that high dose ivermectin did not improve the time to sustained recovery.

Materials in this section are updated as new information and vaccines become available. The Vaccine Education Center staff regularly reviews materials for accuracy.

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