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News & Views: The VPD Outbreak Survival Guide

News & Views: The VPD Outbreak Survival Guide
May 22, 2019

Measles. Mumps. Pertussis. Hepatitis A. Influenza. Chickenpox.

Cruise ships. Airports. Schools. Stores. Doctor’s offices.

The stories — and, so too, it seems, the vaccine-preventable diseases — are everywhere. While the media and the public debate whether vaccine exemptions should be allowed, you and your colleagues are likely busier than ever — monitoring public health guidance and current outbreak numbers, answering even more questions about vaccines (Is that possible?), and, yes, giving vaccines.

Read on for some timely tips:

  1. “Many hands make light work.”1 — Get the entire team involved. Realizing that regular vaccine-related efforts as well as the potential for diagnosis of a vaccine-preventable disease (VPD) are greater, review your current practices and make sure they are efficient. Is the front-office team properly screening for a potential case of measles? Are common questions answered in a centrally available resource (e.g., a handout or an FAQ section of your website) allowing for triage? Have ordering practices been adjusted and streamlined to account for demand or to quickly ramp up supplies if needed?

    While you may feel too busy to do this, the time spent is usually saved several times over when processes, and teams, are efficient.
  2. “Action expresses priorities”2 — Are there things that you and your team do normally that can be put on hold? Give yourself and those on your team permission to set things aside while the craziness is happening.
  3. “Develop an attitude of gratitude”3 — If your team is working even more than usual, take a moment for a collective breath. Bring in a treat, do something to make the day different (e.g., a slightly longer lunch, a positive quote on the refrigerator, the latest meme), or simply remember to say thanks.
  4. “Relax. Refresh. Recharge.”4 — Make sure when you leave the office, you “turn off” even if just for a bit. Give yourself time to relax and regroup — and, maybe, don’t turn on the news.

1John Heywood; 2Gandhi; 3Brian Tracy, 4Unkown

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