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Technically Speaking: Tools to Help Keep You Current on CDC’s COVID-19 Vaccination Recommendations

Technically Speaking: Tools to Help Keep You Current on CDC’s COVID-19 Vaccination Recommendations
May 22, 2023

The fact that you are reading this indicates that you have lived to see the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency, which officially occurred on May 11, 2023. As a result:

  • COVID-19 case and death data are no longer highlighted on CDC’s “COVID Data Tracker.”
  • National and county-level test positivity data from COVID-19 Electronic Reporting are no longer available.
  • The remarkable “V-safe” tracking system for health check-ins after vaccination has ended.

However, the CDC states, “Access to COVID-19 vaccines will generally not be affected for now. The U.S. government is currently distributing free COVID-19 vaccines for all adults and children.” For more information on the end of the public health emergency, see the May 17, 2023, edition of IZ Express.

In addition to the end of the public health emergency, much has recently changed regarding COVID-19 vaccination recommendations, including the:

  1. Removal of authorization for monovalent mRNA vaccines
  2. End of availability of the Janssen COVID-19 vaccine (Johnson & Johnson) in the United States (all remaining doses have expired).

To help you keep current on the most recent and up-to-date COVID-19 vaccination recommendations, we wanted to share some resources.

From reviews and updates the “Checklist of Current Versions of U.S. COVID-19 Vaccination Guidance and Clinic Support Tools” every month, prominently indicating when it was last updated at the top of the page. All COVID-19 vaccination providers should review the checklist regularly. It is posted on's “Vaccines: COVID-19” webpage, which also contains updated links to the FDA Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) Fact Sheets for bivalent mRNA vaccines and links to other important government and partner websites. Bookmark's “Vaccines: COVID-19” webpage to keep a comprehensive list of resources from the CDC and FDA at your fingertips, including fact sheets, clinical considerations, vaccine administration tools, and storage and handling guidance.

Try this

You’ve received your clinic supply of Moderna’s bivalent vaccine, but it says “Booster doses only.” Now, you are confused. Use the “Checklist of Current Versions” to find the latest link to the “Moderna: Bivalent Vaccine Vial Infographic,” which can help sort out this confusion. (Check yourself at the end of this article.)

From the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)

AAP’s “Pediatric COVID-19 Vaccine Dosing Quick Reference Guide” is a six-page, color-coded tool for figuring out the right vaccine formulation and dose. The pages include information on mRNA vaccination of previously unvaccinated (pages 1, 3, 6) and vaccinated children. It gives guidance, both for those who are immunocompetent and those who are moderately to severely immunocompromised (pages 3, 4, 5). The last page reflects recommendations on use of the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine in previously unvaccinated individuals (for use in limited situations where mRNA vaccine is contraindicated, unavailable, or declined). This remarkable tool is a testimony to how complex it is to give the right patient the right dose at the right time.

Try this

Your patient is an immunocompetent 3-year-old who received one dose of Moderna monovalent vaccine. Your office now stocks Moderna bivalent vaccine. Check the AAP’s “Quick Reference Guide” to see if this child should receive a dose of the bivalent vaccine.

How did you do?

“Try this” from the resource: The CDC’s “Moderna: Bivalent Vaccine Vial Infographic,” which was updated on May 5, 2023, per the chart, helps you sort out the confusion and offers a useful graphic to post near where the vaccine will be stored.

“Try this” from the AAP resource: From page 2 of the AAP’s guide, this child should receive one dose of Moderna bivalent (6 months–11 years: 25 mcg/0.25 ml) at least four to eight weeks after the last monovalent dose.

Final thoughts

As we reach the end of the public health emergency, CDC reported that in all there were 6,143,551 hospitalizations and 1,127,928 deaths due to COVID-19. While these numbers are tragically high, they could have been much worse. The end of the emergency is a testimony to the hard work and ingenuity of scientists, vaccine manufacturers, clinicians and public health personnel. Blessings on you all.

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