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Perspectives on COVID-19 Vaccine for Kids

Perspectives on COVID-19 Vaccine for Kids

These short videos feature personal experiences from clinicians caring for kids with COVID-19; families affected by flu, another virus sometimes perceived as insignificant in kids; and survivors of polio, another virus that causes long-term effects. The videos can also be accessed through a YouTube playlist.

Allison B.

A clinician

"Over the past year and a half, I’ve spent time in the intensive care units and on the floors taking care of these children."

Watch their story.

Amber M.

A family affected by flu

"We thought when she was diagnosed with influenza that our biggest worry would be that all of us were going to get the flu, not that she would pass away from the flu."

Watch their story.

Angie W.

A family affected by flu

"Vaccination is key to allowing our children to be in school, play their sports, enjoy their activities."

Watch their story.

Carol F.

A polio survivor

"I can easily connect the fear of contracting polio to the fear we’ve all been experiencing with COVID-19. An asymptomatic or a very mild case of that virus has changed my life forever."

Watch their story.

Caroline D.

A clinician

"The only way to prevent problems like MIS-C is to make sure that children are not getting COVID-19. And the best way to do that is through vaccination."

Watch their story.

Caroline D.

On pregnancy & breastfeeding

"I've been very grateful … to get … my first 2 doses before being pregnant and my third dose, or booster shot, during pregnancy."

Watch their story.

Cathy R.

A polio survivor

"Had I had the chance to get a vaccine, maybe my life would have been a little different. It's been very difficult, and I don't want to see another child go through something like this."

Watch their story.

Deb S.

A polio survivor

"No one knows what the long-haulers may have to go through because we did not know at the time that we were going to be going through the same thing."

Watch their story.

Hamid B.

A clinician

"This is one of the other primary reasons to consider vaccination in children...not just because they got a disease for three, hour, five days, but it can affect them for months, and potentially even years down the line due to...the post-acute effects of this viral syndrome."

Watch their story.

Hilary W.

A clinician

"I’ve spent some time studying blood clots in children who have COVID-19 or the post-infectious inflammatory process, called … MIS-C."

Watch their story.

Janice N.

A polio survivor

"We were healthy, rambunctious kids, our parents abided by every single public health recommendation to try to protect us, and yet when a virus wants to hit, it's going to hit wherever it wants to."

Watch their story.

Jennifer M.

A family affected by flu

"I just remember being completely alarmed because here this healthy, vibrant 5-year-old within a matter of 24 hours was clinging to life and unable to breathe on her own."

Watch their story.

Joe R.

A polio survivor

"Movie theaters and swimming pools were closed. Birthday parties were canceled. ...And the start of school was sometimes delayed."

Watch their story.

Kathy S.

A polio survivor

"Living with the issues of ongoing damage caused by a virus can make your life a very different place to be."

Watch their story.

Lauren L.

A clinician

"It can be traumatizing and scary and difficult for children and their support systems, despite the severity of illness or anything of that nature."

Watch their story.

Matt E.

A clinician

"It's important to know that heart issues, including myocarditis, are much more common and more severe with the COVID-19 infection compared to the vaccine."

Watch their story.

Meg K.

A clinician

"I don't think I can put into words the tremendous relief I felt after he was vaccinated. ... I actually had tears of relief as I drove him home."

Watch their story.

Paul O.

A clinician

"I think everyone who voted ‘yes’ would do that only if they would imagine that they would vaccinate their own children or grandchildren."

Watch their story.


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