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Vaccine- and Vaccine Safety-Related Q&A Sheets

Vaccine- and Vaccine Safety-Related Q&A Sheets

Order materials online

The Q&A sheets developed by the Vaccine Education Center can be viewed online, printed or photocopied. Healthcare providers who choose to can order Q&A sheets for their practice.

Go to ordering page

The information provided on each sheet addresses commonly asked questions and is meant to be informative; however, it should not be considered a replacement for actual medical advice.

If you have ideas for additional sheets or topics that you would like to see addressed in this format, please contact us online.

Prescription for information

Providers: Use these pads (English | Spanish) to send patients and their families to our online vaccine-related information or order pads online.

Vaccine Q&A Sheets

Chickenpox Q&A thumbnail

English [PDF, 579KB]
Spanish [PDF, 595KB]

COVID-19 Q&A thumbnail

English [PDF, 402KB]
Spanish [PDF, 400KB]

Hepatitis A Q&A thumbnail
Hepatitis A

English [PDF, 216KB]
Spanish [PDF, 218KB]

Hepatitis B Q&A thumbnail
Hepatitis B

English [PDF, 201KB]
Spanish [PDF, 131KB]

Human papillomavirus

English [PDF, 189KB]
Spanish [PDF, 167KB]

Influenza Q&A thumbnail

English [PDF, 239KB]
Spanish [PDF, 234KB]


English [PDF, 260KB]
Spanish [PDF, 268KB]


English [PDF, 240KB]
Spanish [PDF, 243KB]


English [PDF, 285KB]
Spanish [PDF, 293KB]


English [PDF, 285KB]
Spanish [PDF, 293KB]


English [PDF, 218KB]
Spanish [PDF, 220KB]


English [PDF, 605KB]
Spanish [PDF, 688KB]


English [PDF, 171KB]
Spanish [PDF, 172KB]

Vaccine safety-related Q&A sheets

Too Many Vaccines

English [PDF, 319KB]
Spanish [PDF, 324KB]

Facts About Vaccine Safety*

English [PDF, 127KB]
Spanish [PDF, 135KB]

Aluminum in Vaccines

English [PDF, 296KB]
Spanish [PDF, 333KB]

Vaccines and Autism

English [PDF, 225KB]
Spanish [PDF, 717KB]

Vaccine Ingredients

English [PDF, 219KB]
Spanish [PDF, 224KB]

Recommended Immunization Schedule

English [PDF, 204KB]
Spanish [PDF, 201KB]


English [PDF, 193KB]
Spanish [PDF, 209KB]

DNA, Fetal Cells & Vaccines

English [PDF, 229KB]
Spanish [PDF, 236KB]

*Previously titled, "The Facts about Childhood Vaccines"


Reviewed on September 25, 2023

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