Emotional and Lifestyle Support at the Diabetes Center

You may have heard the phrase "psychosocial services" before. Don’t let the word “psychosocial” put you off. It just refers to professionals who can support all aspects of a child’s life, going beyond the medical care provided by your endocrinologist, nurses and diabetes educators. For children with diabetes and their families, this support is critical.
Experts in providing support
Your core diabetes team, including your nurse practitioner and certified diabetes educator, has additional training and tons of experience in helping patients and their families cope with a diabetes diagnosis. If dealing with diabetes is making your child sad or, as parents, you are getting really stressed out, tell your diabetes team.
For those who need a little more assistance, our psychologist, social workers and child life specialists may be available to help. They can play a key role in helping your whole family manage the diabetes — and live your lives with diabetes to the fullest.
These are not “once and done” services. As children mature and face different social and lifestyle challenges, our psychosocial team is available to coach children and families through changes.
“The experts at CHOP take things one step at a time. They put you on a solid path and coach you as a family.”