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Neonatal Conferences

Neonatal Conferences

Several conferences sponsored by the Division of Neonatology at CHOP are open to healthcare professionals.

Neonatal clinical conference

A weekly neonatal clinical conference is held with the purpose of discussing patient management issues related to medical/surgical care, ECMO therapy or transport issues. The fellow involved in the care of the patient presents the case and identifies topics for discussion. Teleconferencing allows for the participation of referring physicians and are included whenever possible. Once a month, the conference is a neonatal morbidity and mortality presentation.

Consensus conference

Four to five times a year, a two-hour conference is held during which one fellow and one faculty member present a controversial topic in patient management. Participation of nursing, house physicians, nurse practitioners and ancillary staff is encouraged. The group then works on a consensus statement that is adopted as a practice guideline for the division.

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