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Government Affairs, Health Policy, and Advocacy

Government Affairs, Health Policy, and Advocacy

CHOP’s Government Affairs team works to identify and address problems facing children that could be solved by government action.

The Office of Government Affairs, Health Policy and Advocacy at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) partners with families, clinicians, community representatives and hospital leaders to identify issues affecting children that need to be addressed at the local, state or federal government level. Our role is to develop and advocate for legislation that improves and protects the health and well-being of the children and families CHOP serves.

  • Speak Up For Kids: An Advocacy Animation

    Girl: I can do a whole lot, but I can't vote. Will you be my voice? Speaking up does make a difference. You can be a voice for children's health and safety issues at local, state and federal levels. You can help make amazing and important things happen like: cures for pediatric disease, great medical care for kids with chronic conditions, insurance for all kids, better care for children and teenagers with mental health problems.

    A lot of people want to speak up, but they're not sure how. You can reach out to your representatives in different ways, but the best way to get your message across is to call the office directly or send a short clear email you wrote yourself.

    It's a great idea to connect with other people or organizations because a unified message is a stronger message. How about that? Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and a lot of other hospitals have government affairs teams full of really dedicated people who know a lot about government and policy.

    If you're speaking up on behalf of CHOP, it's important to reach out to this team. They want to make sure that our message is unified, so they need to know what you're saying; and they can help you craft the most powerful message so you can make the biggest impact for kids.

    The most important thing is to speak from your heart like I am when I say, thank you.

Transcript Transcript

CHOP's Gun Safety Program talks to families in primary care offices, the ER and their communities. 

little girl reaching for gun in drawer

Closeup of young boy outside smiling

Be an advocate for children

To make a real difference for children, we need people like you with real-life experience. Join us, and let’s make our voices heard!

Mother and daughter hugging

Family and community resources

Learn about our commitment to children, the impact of our work and how you can get involved. 

Closeup of capitol building exterior

Our team

Our team serves as the connection between CHOP and local, state and government officials. We work together to find and advance solutions to the most pressing problems facing children today. 

CHOP and NJM Insurance Group Celebrate Expanded Availability of Assessments Across CHOP’s Primary Care Network

Thanks to a collaboration between Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and NJM Insurance Group (NJM), thousands of adolescent drivers have completed a virtual driving assessment (VDA) to better prepare them for navigating the road. 

Leading Healthcare Systems Join National Gun Safety Movement to Address Leading Cause of Death in Kids

To encourage families and communities to help protect children from gun violence, leading healthcare systems across the tri-state area have joined thousands of hospitals and health associations in a nationwide public awareness and education campaign. 

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