Clinical Neuropathology

Clinical Neuropathology is staffed by two pediatric neuropathologists, making it the largest group of working pediatric neuropathologists anywhere in the United States.
Members of this division are internationally recognized experts in the areas of pediatric brain tumors, developmental neuropathology, neurometabolic conditions and neuromuscular disease.
Our clinical mission is to provide the very highest level of diagnostic expertise and care available in neuropathology to patients and families treated at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
Diagnostic tests
Diagnostic neuropathology is based on the same principles used for the preparation and evaluation of tissue specimens used in Anatomic Pathology. These include:
- Gross examination of tissue from the central and peripheral nervous system
- Preparation of representative tissue sections through tissue fixation, processing, paraffin embedding, and sectioning
- Use of routine Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) and special stains
- Immunohistochemical and immunofluorescent staining
- In situ hybridization
- Cytological evaluation of cerebrospinal fluid
- Molecular / genetic testing when clinically indicated
- Electron microscopy
We offer a wide range of consultation services for outside cases including brain biopsies (both tumors and non-neoplastic diseases), muscle biopsies and autopsy brain and spinal cord examination. Instructions for preparation and submission of cases for consultation, as well as the accompanying consult requisition forms, can be found below.
Members of Clinical Neuropathology run and support active translational research programs mainly for pediatric brain tumors, and also include epilepsy, neuromuscular disease, and developmental biology of the nervous system.
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Pediatric Neuropathologists also make significant contributions to translational and basic research at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Research Institute by contributing to the Pathology Core Laboratory and supporting an extensive multi-institution pediatric brain tumor tissue repository.
Main Hospital, 5th Floor, Room 5NW27
Monday – Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Shipping address
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Main Hospital, 5th Floor
Room 5NW27
3401 Civic Center Boulevard
Philadelphia PA 19104-4318
Specimen handling instructions
Specimen requisition forms
- Autopsy Brain Examination Requisition
- Brain Biopsy Requisition
- Muscle Biopsy Requisition
- Nerve Biopsy Requisition
More information
For questions regarding sending testing to Clinical Neuropathology, please contact Alisha Wilkens, at

Meet the team
You may not see our pathologists and lab personnel, but they are hard at work studying cell samples and test results to diagnose children in our care.

Train with CHOP
A key component of our educational mission is to provide postgraduate medical education in pediatric neuropathology to trainees in pediatric pathology, neuropathology and pediatric neurology.