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Refractory Neuroblastoma Resources for Professionals

Refractory Neuroblastoma Resources for Professionals

Advances in Multi-Disciplinary Care for Children with High-Risk Neuroblastoma Webinar

Survival rates for children with high-risk neuroblastoma have doubled in the past two decades, but this progress has come with the use of lengthy, complex therapy. In this recorded lecture, learn from CHOP experts about the current state of therapy for these patients, the remaining challenges in the areas of surgery, radiation, and medical therapy for children with high-risk disease and new directions in therapeutic strategies.

View the recording

For referring physicians

Refer a patient to the Cancer Center: One of our oncologists will work with you to determine the next best steps in the child's care and answer any questions you may have.

Second opinions: We work with families and pediatric specialists from all over the country and around the world to confirm diagnoses or to provide second opinions.

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