N/IICU Clinical Pathway for the Management of PDA in the First Month in the High-Risk Preterm Neonate

Clinical Management
Stable Findings
Continue to monitor
Cardiology follow-up recommended if ductus remains patent
Obtain Echocardiogram
Echocardiogram Staging
Persistent or worsening
clinical assessment
ECHO: Small/Moderate PDA
Clinical Management
Enteral Feedings
Stable findings
Continue to monitor
Worsening clinical assessment Consider repeat ECHO
Persistent or worsening
clinical assessment
Posted: April 2016
Revised: June 2020
Authors: S. Ghavam, MD; J. Stoller, MD; H. French, MD; L. Christ, MD; L. Fong de Leon, MD; N. Brutus, DO; J. Cohen, MD; B. Asiegbu, MD; J. Tioseco, MD; C. Muhumza, MD; S. Grayson, MD; K. Myers, MD; M. Curtis-Cohen, MD; T. Mollen, MD; M. Cohen, MD; J. Carroll, RN, MSN