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Severe BPD — Discharge Planning — Clinical Pathway: Post-N/IICU Inpatient

Post-N/IICU Inpatient BPD Clinical Pathway

Discharge PlanningCTA: Care Team Assistant
SLP: Speech Language Pathologist
Discharge Task Primary Team Member
  • Ensure:
    • Appropriate plan is in place for management of other comorbidities
    • Adequate supply of medications is prescribed to last until patient’s initial subspecialist follow-up visits
    • Discharge feeding and medication regimens are feasible in out-of-hospital setting
  • Medical Team
  • Ensure:
    • Schedule PCP visit prior to discharge
    • Schedule visit with BPD team or outside pulmonologist as applicable
    • Schedule, or submit Complex Scheduling Service request for, other subspecialty appointments
  • Medical Team, CTA
  • Determine who will manage tube feedings and oral feeding advancement outpatient. Consider GI/Nutrition and/or Feeding Team in discussion with SLP and RD.
  • Medical Team, Dietician,
  • SLP, and/or CTA
  • Ensure receipt of all necessary equipment
  • Case Manager
  • Ensure caregiver training is complete
  • Nurse


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