Raquel Gur, MD, PhD
Areas of expertise: Psychosis
About Raquel Gur, MD, PhD
Dr. Gur is Professor of Psychiatry Neurology and Radiology at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine where she directs the Neuropsychiatry Section and the Schizophrenia Research Center and is Vice Chair of Research Development in the Department of Psychiatry. Her combined training in Psychology, Neurology and Psychiatry has provided the tools to pursue an academic career working with basic and clinical neuroscientists to advance the understanding of schizophrenia. In directing these research endeavors, she has interacted with scientists of diverse backgrounds, conducted collaborative interdisciplinary research, mentored junior faculty and trainees, and has come to know many patients and their families. She is a member and has served in organizations including the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences, the NIMH Council and the American Psychiatric Association task forces including the DSM-5 Psychosis work group. She is Past President of the Society of Biological Psychiatry and President Elect of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. NIMH has supported her research efforts and she has over 300 publications in peer-reviewed journals.
Attending Psychiatrist
The Karl and Linda Rickels Professor of Psychiatry, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Awards and Honors
2021, Weill Cornell Medicine, Department of Psychiatry - Samuel W. Perry Memorial Award
2019, Schizophrenia International Research Society – Outstanding Translational Research Award
2013, President-Elect, American College of Neuropsychopharmacology
2012, National Alliance on Mental Illness (Pennsylvania Montgomery County) Brain Scientific Research Award
2011, American College of Physicians – William C. Menninger Memorial Award
2009, NARSAD - Lieber Prize for Outstanding Research in Schizophrenia
2007, President, Society of Biological Psychiatry
IRG Member, Special Reviews Committee, National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
2007, American College of Psychiatrists Stanley Dean Award in Schizophrenia
2001, Institute of Medicine
2001, American Psychiatric Association Kempf Fund Award
2000, Fellow, American College of Neuropsychopharmacology
1999, NARSAD Distinguished Investigator Award
1997, William Osler Patient Oriented Research Award
1997, NAMI Exemplary Psychiatrist Award
1994, Member, American College of Neuropsychopharmacology
1989, NIMH Method to Extend Research In Time (MERIT) Award, MH42191
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
American Medical Association
American Psychiatric Association
American College of Neuropsychopharmacology
Society for Neuroscience
Society of Biological Psychiatry
Editorial and Academic Positions
Editorial Positions
2020-present, Editorial Board, The American Journal of Psychiatry
2008-present, Editorial Committee, Biological Psychiatry
Academic and Institutional Committees
1998-present, M.D. Ph.D. Admissions Committee, School of Medicine
1990-present, Committee on Appointments and Promotion, Department of Psychiatry
Research Interests
Education & training
Graduate Degree
PhD in Clinical and Developmental Psychology - Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
MA in Psychology - Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Medical Degree
MD - University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Medicine/Psychiatry - Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Neurology - Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Psychiatry - Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Predoctoral Fellowship - Stanford University, Stanford, CA
Postdoctoral Fellowship - University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Additional Training
Post Doc in Clinical Psychology - University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Gur RE, Kaltman D, Melhem ER, Ruparel K, Prabhakaran K, Riley M, Yodh E, Hakonarson H, Satterthwaite T, Gur RC. Incidental findings in youths volunteering for brain MRI research. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2013 Oct;34(10):2021-5. doi: 10.3174/ajnr.A3525. Epub 2013 Jun 27.
Tang SX, Yi JJ, Calkins ME, Whinna DA, Kohler CG, Souders MC, McDonald-McGinn DM, Zackai EH, Emanuel BS, Gur RC, Gur RE. Psychiatric disorders in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome are prevalent but undertreated. Psychol Med. 2013 Sep 9:1-11. In press. PMID: 24016317
Satterthwaite TD, Elliott MA, Ruparel K, Loughead J, Prabhakaran K, Calkins ME, Hopson R, Jackson C, Keefe J, Riley M, Mentch FD, Sleiman P, Verma R, Davatzikos C, Hakonarson H, Gur RC, Gur RE. Neuroimaging of the Philadelphia Neurodevelopmental Cohort. Neuroimage. 2013 PMID: 23921101
Satterthwaite TD, Elliott MA, Gerraty RT, Ruparel R, Loughead J, Calkins ME, Eickhoff SB, Hakonarson H, Gur RC, Gur RE, Wolf DH. An Improved Framework for Confound Regression and Filtering for Control of Motion Artifact in the Preprocessing of Resting-State Functional Connectivity Data. Neuroimage. 2012; 25:
Satterthwaite TD, Ruparel K, Loughead J, Elliott MA, Gerraty RT, Calkins ME, Hakonarson H, Gur RC, Gur RE, Wolf DH. Being right is its own reward: load and performance related ventral striatum activation to correct responses during a working memory task in youth. Neuroimage. 2012;61:723-729. PMID: 22484308
Satterthwaite TD, Wolf DH, Loughead J, Ruparel K, Elliott MA, Hakonarson H, Gur RC, Gur RE. Impact of in-scanner head motion on multiple measures of functional connectivity: relevance for studies of neurodevelopment in youth. Neuroimage. 2012;60:623-632. PMID: 22233733
Wolf DH, Pinkham AE, Satterthwaite TD, Ruparel K, Elliott MA, Valdez J, Smith MA, Detre JA, Gur RC, Gur RE. Oral alprazolam acutely increases nucleus accumbens perfusion. Mol Psychiatry. 2012 in press. PMID: 23070072
Gur RC, Richard J, Calkins ME, Chiavacci R, Hansen JA, Bilker WB, Loughead J, Connolly JJ, Qiu H, Mentch FD, Abou-Sleiman PM, Hakonarson H, Gur RE. Age group and sex differences in performance on a computerized neurocognitive battery in children age 8-21. Neuropsychology. 2012; 26:251-265. PMID:22251308
Carlson GC, Talbot K, Halene TB, Gandal MJ, Kazi HA, Schlosser L, Phung QH, Gur RE, Arnold SE, Siegel SJ. Dysbindin-1 mutant mice implicate reduced fast-phasic inhibition as a final common disease mechanism in schizophrenia. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011; 108:E962-970. PMID: 21969553
Wolf DH, Gerraty R, Satterthwaite TD, Loughead J, Campellone T, Elliott MA, Turetsky BI, Gur RC, Gur RE. Striatal intrinsic reinforcement signals during recognition memory: relationship to response bias and dysregulation in schizophrenia. Front Behav Neurosci. 2011;5:81. PMID:22355285
Wolf DH, Satterthwaite TD, Loughead J, Pinkham A, Overton E, Elliott MA, Dent GW, Smith MA, Gur RC, Gur RE. Amygdala abnormalities in first-degree relatives of individuals with schizophrenia unmasked by benzodiazepine challenge. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2011; 218:503-512. PMID: 21603892
Gur RC, Ragland JD, Reivich M, Greenberg JH, Alavi A, Gur RE. Regional differences in the coupling between resting cerebral blood flow and metabolism may indicate action preparedness as a default state. Cereb Cortex. 2009;19:375-382. PMID: 18534991
Limbic Activation Associated with Misidentification of Fearful Faces and Flat Affect in Schizophrenia. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2007; 64:1356-1366. PMID: 18056543
Gur RE, Kohler CG, Ragland JD, Siegel SJ, Lesko K, Bilker WB, Gur RC. Flat affect in schizophrenia: Relation to emotion processing and neurocognitive measures.Schizophrenia Bulletin. 2006, 32, 279-287.
Gur RE, Kohler CG, Turetsky BI, Siegel SJ, Kanes SJ, Bilker WB, Brennan AR, Gur RC. A sexually dimorphic ratio of orbitofrontal to amygdala volume is altered in schizophrenia. Biol Psychiatry. 2004;55:512-517. PMID: 15023579
Gur RE, McGrath C, Chan RM, Schroeder L, Turner T, Turetsky BI, Kohler C, Alsop D, Maldjian J, Ragland JD, Gur RC. An fMRI study of facial emotion processing in schizophrenia. Am J Psychiatry. 2002;159:1992-1999. PMID: 12450947
Gur RE, Maany V, Mozley D, Swanson C, Bilker W, Gur RC. Subcortical MRI Volumes in Neuroleptic-Naive and Treated Patients With Schizophrenia. American J Psychiatry, 1998, 155, 1711-1717.
Gur RE, Cowell P, Turetsky BI, Gallacher F, Cannon T, Bilker W, Gur RC. A follow-up MRI study of schizophrenia: Relationship of neuroanatomic changes with clinical and neurobehavioral measures. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1998, 55, 145-152.
Gur RE, Mozley PD, Resnick SM, Mozley LH, Shtasel DL, Gallacher F, Arnold SE, Karp JS, Alavi A, Reivich M, Gur RC. Resting cerebral glucose metabolism and clinical features of schizophrenia. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1995, 52, 657-667.
Gur RE, Mozley PD, Shtasel DL, Cannon TD, Gallacher F, Turetsky BI, Grossman RI, Gur RC. Clinical subtypes of schizophrenia differ in brain and cerebrospinal fluid volume. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1994, 151, 343-350.
Gur RE, Mozley PD, Resnick SM, Shtasel DL, Kohn MI, Zimmerman RA, Herman GT, Atlas SW, Grossman RI, Erwin RJ, Gur RC. Magnetic resonance imaging in schizophrenia: I. Volumetric analysis of brain and cerebrospinal fluid. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1991, 48, 407-412.
Gur RE, Resnick SM, Alavi A, Gur RC, Caroff S, Dann R, Silver F, Saykin AJ, Chawluk JB, Kushner M, Reivich M. Regional brain function in schizophrenia: I. A positron emission tomography study. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1987, 44, 119-125.
Gur RE, Skolnick BE, Gur RC, Caroff S, Rieger W, Obrist WD, Younkin D, Reivich M. Brain function in psychiatric disorders: I. Regional cerebral blood flow in medicated schizophrenics. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1983, 40, 1250-1254.
Gur RE. Left hemisphere dysfunction and left hemisphere over-activation in schizophrenia. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1978, 87, 226-238.
Lectures by Invitation
Gur RE. “Integrating Common and Rare Variants Approaches in the Study of Psychosis” The University of Alabama at Birmingham, Department of Psychaitry Annual Research Symposium (Virtual). Apr 2022.
Gur RE. “Pathways to Psychosis: The Translational Research Potential of 22q11.2 DS” Future MINDDS Conference (Virtual). Apr 2022.
Gur RE. “Deep Brain-Behavior Phenotyping in Genomic Studies” Stanford 3rd Biennial 22q11 Deletion Syndrome Symposium (Virtual). Nov 2021.
Gur RE. “The Translational Research Potential of Rare Genetic Disorders: 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome” Samuel W. Perry Memorial Grand Rounds, Department of Psychiatry, Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY. Apr 2021.
Gur RE. “The Emergence of Psychosis: Insights, Challenges and Opportunities” Ohio State University, Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds Columbus, Ohio. Feb 2020.
Gur RE. “Challenges and Opportunities in Studying the Emergence of Psychosis” Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine Lecture. Kyoto, Japan. Jan 2020.
Gur RE. “The Contribution of Genes and Environment to the Evolution of Psychosis” Takeda Science Foundation 10th Symposium on PharmaSciences: Mental Illness: Human Biology and Preclinical Modiling for Translation Osaka, Japan. Jan 2020.
Gur RE, Johnson AB. If Your Adolescent Has Schizophrenia: An Essential Resource for Parents. New York: Oxford University Press, The Annenberg Foundation Trust at Sunnylands, and the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania, 2006.
Gur RE, Andreasen NA, Asarnow R, Gur RC, Jones P, Kendler K, Matcheri K, Lieberman J, McCarley R, Murray R, Rapoport J, Tamminga C, Tsuang M, Walker E, Weinberger D. Commission on Schizophrenia. In D.L. Evans, E. Foa, R.E. Gur, H. Hendrin, C. O'Brien, M. Seligman, B.T. Walsh, (Eds), Treating and Preventing Adolescent Mental Health Disorders: What We Know and What We Don’t Know. New York: Oxford University Press, The Annenberg Foundation Trust at Sunnylands, and the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania, 2005.
Editorials, Reviews, Chapters
Gur RE. Psychosis Proneness. In Neurobiology of Mental Illness. Charney, Buxbaum, Sklar & Nestler. Oxford University Press, 2012
Gur RE and Gur RC. Schizophrenia: Functional Human Brain Imaging. In Kaplan and Sadock (eds.) Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry/IX, Baltimore: Wolters Kluwer/Lippencott Williams and Wilkins, 2009
Gur RC, Contreras D, Gur RE. Function and Indeterminacy: Brain and Behavior. In Ciprut, JV, Indeterminacy: The Mapped, the Navigable and the Uncharted, Cambridge Massachusetts, MIT Press, 2008, 195-214.
Gur RC, Gur RE. Neural substrates for sex differences in cognition. In S.J. Ceci, W.N. Williams (eds.), Why Aren’t More Women in Science? Washington, DC: American Psychological Association Press, 2007, 189-198.
Gur RE, Gur RC. Neuroimaging in Schizophrenia: Linking Neuropsychiatric Manifestations to Neurobiology. In H.I. Kaplan, B.J. Sadock (eds.), Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry/VIII, Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2005.
Gur RC, Gur RE. Gender Differences in the Functional Organization of the Brain. In M.J. Legato (ed.), Principles of Gender Specific Medicine, Elsevier Academic Press, 2004, 63-70.
Gur RE. Arnold SE. Neurobiology of Schizophrenia. In A.F. Schatzberg, C.B. Nemeroff (eds.), The Textbook of Psychopharmacology, 3rd Edition. The American Psychiatric Publishing, 2004. 38. Gur RC, Moberg PJ, Kurtz MW, Gur RE. Aging and Neurocognitive Functioning. In M.A. Forciea, E.P. Schwab, D.B. Raziano, R. Lavizzo-Mourey (eds.), Geriatric Secrets 4th Edition, Philadelphia: Hanley and Belfus, 2004, 36-40.
Gur RC, Cowell P, Gur RE. Gender Differences in Neuropsychological Testing. In L.J. Dickstein, B.L. Kennedy (eds.). Gender Differences in the Brain: Linking Biology to Psychiatry. New York: Guilford Publications, 2000.
Gur RE, Gur RC. Schizophrenia: Brain Structure and Function. In H.I. Kaplan, B.J. Sadock (eds.), Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry/VII, Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2000.
Gur RC, Moberg PJ, Gur RE. Aging and cognitive functioning. In R. Lavizzo-Mourey, M. Forciea (eds.), Geriatric Secrets, 1996, 126-129. 3rd Edition.
Gur RE. Functional Brain Imaging Studies in Schizophrenia. In F.E. Bloom, D.J. Kupfer (eds.), Psychopharmacology: The Fourth Generation of Progress, 1995, 1185-1192.
Gur RC, Gur RE. The potential of physiological neuroimaging for the study of schizotypy: experiences from applications to schizophrenia. In A. Raine, T. Lencz, S.A. Mednick (eds.), Schizotypal Personality. Cambridge University Press, 1995, 406-425.
Gur RE. Schizophrenia. In A. Frazer, P.B. Molinoff, A. Winokur (eds), Biological Bases of Brain Function and Disease. Raven Press, 1994, 325-338.
Gur RC, Gur RE. Methods for the study of brain-behavior relationships. In A. Frazer, P.B. Molinoff, A. Winokur (eds), Biological Bases Of Brain Function and Disease. Raven Press, 1994, 261-279.
Gur RC, Gur RE, Saykin AJ. Behavioral Imaging: The Neuropsychological Assessment. In K. Maurer (ed.), Imaging of the Brain in Psychiatry and Related Fields. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1993, 351-361.
Gur RC, Gur RE. Neurobehavioral and neuroimaging data in the medical-legal context. In H.V. Hall, R.J. Sbordone (eds.), Disorders of Executive Functions: Civil and Criminal Law Applications, 1993, 107-122.
Gur RC, Saykin AJ, Gur RE. Neuropsychological assessment in psychiatric research and practice. In S.B. Guze, J. Helzer (eds), Psychiatry, 1991, 1-16.
Gur RC, Gur RE. Laterality in schizophrenia: PET Studies. In N.D. Volkow, (ed.), Positron Emission Tomography in Schizophrenia, 1991, 47-58.
Gur RC, Gur RE. The impact of neuroimaging on human neuropsychology. In R.G. Lister, H.J. Weingartner (eds.), Perspectives on Cognitive Neuroscience. Oxford University Press, 1991, 417- 435.
Gur RC, Gur RE. The use of neuroimaging techniques in brain injury. In J. Dywan, R. Kaplan (eds.), Neuropsychology and the Law. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1991.
Gur RC, Gur RE, Saykin AJ. The neuropsychological study of schizophrenia. In C.A. Tamminga, S.C. Schulz (eds.), Advances in Neuropsychiatry and Psychopharmacology, Vol 1. Schizophrenia Research. New York: Raven Press, 1991, pp. 153-162.
Gur RE. Regional brain dysfunction in schizophrenia: PET and regional cerebral blood flow studies. In R. Takahashi, P. Flor-Henry, J. Gruzelier, S-I Niwa (eds.), Cerebral Dynamics and Psychopathology. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1987.
Gur RE, Gur RC. Hemispheric specialization and regional cerebral blood flow. In A. Glass (ed.), Individual differences in hemispheric specialization. New York: Plenum Publications, l987.
Gur RE. Cognitive aspects of schizophrenia. In N. Andreasen (ed.), American Psychiatric Association Annual Review, Vol 5. Washington DC: American Psychiatric Association Press, 1986.
Gur RE. The resting and activated schizophrenic brain. In J. Morihisa (ed.), Brain imaging in psychiatric research. Washington DC: American Psychiatric Press, 1985.
Gur RC, Gur RE, Sussman NM, Selzer M. Positron emission tomography in epilepsy. In M. Reivich (ed.), Positron emission tomography. New York: Liss, 1985.
Gur RE. Hemispheric activation in schizophrenia: regional cerebral blood flow. In P. Flor-Henry, J. Gruzelier (eds.), Lateralization and psychopathology. Amsterdam: Elsevier Biomedical Press, 1983.
Gur RC, Gur RE. Handedness and individual differences in hemispheric activation. In J. Herron (ed.), The neuropsychology of left-handedness. New York: Academic Press, 1979.
Gur RE. Hemispheric overactivation in schizophrenia. In J. Gruzelier, P. Flor-Henry (eds.), Hemisphere asymmetries in psychopathology. Amsterdam: Elsevier Biomedical Press, 1979.
Gur RE, Levy J, Gur RC. Clinical studies of brain organization and behavior. In A. Frazer, A. Winokur (eds.), Biological basis of psychiatric disorders. New York: Spectrum, 1977.
Gur RE, Gur RC. Correlates of conjugate lateral eye movement behavior in humans. In S. Harnad et al (eds.), Lateralization in the nervous system. New York: Academic Press, 1976.