Jonathan A. Mitchell, PhD
About Jonathan A. Mitchell, PhD
Co-Director, Digital Health Innovation Core, Center for Human Phenomic Science
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics (Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition), Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Awards and Honors
2017, Rising Star Award, American Society for Bone and Mineral Research
2017, New Investigator Award, American College of Sports Medicine
2016, John Haddad Young Investigator Award, American Society for Bone and Mineral Research
2015, NIH Mentored Research Scientist Development Award, National Institutes of Health
2012, New Investigator Award: American Society of Preventive Oncology
2011-2014, NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award, National Institutes of Health
2010, Michael L. Pollock Student Scholarship, American College of Sports Medicine
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
2020-present, Society of Behavioral Medicine
2020-present, Sleep Research Society
2020-present, American Academy of Sleep Medicine
2015-present, American Society for Bone and Mineral Research
2007-present, American College of Sports Medicine
- 2017-present, Member of the "Exercise is Medicine" Pediatrics Advisory Group
Editorial and Academic Positions
Editorial Positions
Ad Hoc Reviewer
2023-present, Editorial Board Member, Annals of Human Biology
2023-present, Associate Editor, Sleep Health
2020-present, Editorial Board Member, Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise
Academic and Institutional Committees and Positions
2023-present, Co-Director, Pediatric Sleep and Circadian Research Affinity Group
2022-present, Digital and Technology Innovation Work Group, Research Institute
2020-present, Resource Review Committee, Center for Human Phenomic Science
2020-present, Epidemiology and Biostatistics Graduate Group, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
2017-present, Mobile Health Research Affinity Group
2016-present, Metabolism, Nutrition and Physical Development Research Affinity Group
Education & training
Undergraduate Degree
BSc (Hons) in Physiology - University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland
Graduate Degree
PhD in Exercise Science - University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC
MsC in Human Nutrition - University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland
Postdoctoral Fellow of Epidemiology - Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Cousminer D, Bradfield JP, Kember RL, Ulrich A, Balkiyarova Z, Alyass A, Aris IM, Bell JA, Broadaway KA, Chen Z, Chai JF, Davies NM, Fernandez-Orth D, Bustamante M, Fore R, Ganguli A, Heiskala A, Hottenga JJ, Íñiguez C, Kobes S, Leinonen J, Lowry E, Lyytikainen LP, Mahajan A, Pitkänen N, Schnurr TM, Have CT, Strachan DP, Thiering E, Vogelezang S, Wade K, Wang C, Wong A, Holm LA, Chesi A, Choong C, Cruz M, Elliott P, Franks S, Frithioff-Bøjsøe C, Gauderman WJ, Glessner JT, Gilsanz V, Griesman K, Hanson RL, Kaakinen M, Kalkwarf H, Kelly A, Kindler J, Kähönen M, Lanca C, Lappe J, Lee NR, McCormack S, Mentch FD, Mitchell JA, Mononen N, Niinikoski H, Oken E, Pahkala K, Sim X, Teo YY, Baier LJ, van Beijsterveldt T, Adair LS, Boomsma DI, de Geus E, Guxens M, Eriksson JG, Felix FD, Gilliland FD, Hansen T, Hardy R, Hivert MF, Holm JC, Jaddoe VWV, Järvelin MR, Lehtimäki T, Mackey DA, Meyre D, Mohlke KL, Mykkänen J, Oberfield S, Pennell CE, Perry JRB, Raitakari O, Rivadeneira F, Saw SM,Sebert S, Shepherd JA, Standl M, Sørensen TIA, Timpson NJ, Torrent M, Willemsen G, Hypponen E, Power C, McCarthy MI, Freathy RM, Widén E, Hakonarson H, Prokopenko I, Voight BF, Zemel BS, Grant SFA: Trans-Ancestral Genome-Wide Association Study of Longitudinal Pubertal Height Growth and Shared Heritability with Adult Health Outcomes. Genome Biology 25(1): 22, Jan 2024.
Markiewitz ND, Lane-Fall M, Huang J, Mercer-Rosa L, Stack K, Mitchell J, O'Connor MJ, Rossano JW, Paridon S, Burstein DS, Edelson JB: Determinants of Reduced Exercise Capacity in Youth After Heart Transplant: A Longitudinal Cohort Study. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation Feb 2024 Notes: In press (accepted Feb 19th, 2024).
Prout Parks E, Allison KC, Bruton Y, Khalil T, Mitchell JA: Gamification to Promote Physical Activity in Youth and Mothers with Obesity. Pediatric Exercise Science Page: 1-8, Feb 2024 Notes: In press, published ahead of print.
Basner M, Smith MG, Jones CC, Ecker AJ, Howard K, Schneller V, Cordoza M, Kaizi-Lutu M, Park-Chavar S, Stahn AC, Dinges DF, Shou H, Mitchell JA, Bhatnagar A, Smith T, Smith AE, Stopforth CK, Yeager R, Keith R: Associations of Bedroom PM2.5, CO2, Temperature, Humidity and Noise with Sleep: an Observational Actigraphy Study. Sleep Health 9(7): 253-263, Feb 2023.
Hitt TA, Hershey J, Olivos-Stewart D, Forth E, Stuart F, Garren P, Mitchell JA, Hawkes CP, Willi SM, Gettings JM: The Impact of Fear of Hypoglycaemia on Sleep in Adolescents with Type I Diabetes. Diabetic Medicine 14(1): e15066, Feb 2023.
Husain S, Morales KH, Williamson AA, Mayne SL, Fiks AG, Basner M, Dinges DF, Zemel BS, Mitchell JA: The Neighborhood Environment and Sleep Health in Adolescents. Sleep Health 9(4): 512-518, Jun 2023.
Mayne S, DiFiore G, Hannan C, Nwokeji U, Tam V, Filograna C, Martin T, South E, Mitchell JA, Glanz K, Fiks A: Using Mobile Methods to Assess Time-Varying Home and Neighborhood Environmental Exposures Related to Adolescent Sleep. Sleep Health 9(3): 331-338, Jun 2023.
Fair M, Decker J, Fiks AG, Mayne S, Morales KH, Williamson AA, Mitchell JA: Optimizing Intervention Components for Sleep Promotion in Children in the Context of Obesity Prevention: The SLEEPY 2.0 Study Protocol. Frontiers in Sleep 2, Oct 2023 Notes: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/frsle.2023.1264532
Zemel BS, Shepherd JA, Grant SFA, Lappe JM, Oberfield SE, Mitchell JA, Winer KK, Kelly A, Kalkwarf HJ: Reference Ranges for Body Composition Indices by Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry from the Bone Mineral Density in Childhood Study Cohort. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 118(4): 792-803, Oct 2023.
Vajravelu MA, Hitt TA, Mak N, MS, Edwards A, Mitchell JA, Schwartz L, Kelly A, Amaral S: Text Messages and Financial Incentives for Physical Activity: Insights from Virtual Group Interviews of Adolescents with Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes. Journal of Medical Internet Research Diabetes 7(2): e33082, Feb 2022.
Elkhatib Smidt SD, Ghorai A, Taylor SC, Gehringer B, Dow HC, Langer A, Rawot E, Zhang J, Mitchell JA, Rader DJ, Almasy L, Brodkin ES, Bucan M: The Relationship Between Autism Spectrum and Sleep-Wake Traits. Autism Research 15(4): 641-652, Apr 2022.
Elkhatib Smidt SD, Gooneratne N, Brodkin ES, Bucan M, Mitchell JA: Sufficient Sleep Duration in Autistic Children and the Role of Physical Activity. Autism 26(4): 814-826, Apr 2022.
Marquet O, Hirsch, JA, Kerr J, Jankowska MM, Mitchell J, Hart JE, Laden F, Hipp JA, James P: GPS-Based Activity Space Exposure to Greenness and Walkability is Associated With Increased Accelerometer-Based Physical Activity. Environment International 165: 107317, Jun 2022.
Cousminer DL, Wagley Y, Pippin JA, Elhakeem A, Way GP, McCormack SE, Chesi A, Mitchell JA, Kindler JM, Baird D, Hartley A, Howe L, Kalkwarf HJ, Lappe JM, Lu S, Leonard M, Johnson ME, Hakonarson H, Gilsanz V, Shepherd JA, Oberfield SE, Greene CS, Kelly A, Lawlor D, Voight BF, Wells AD, Zemel BS, Hankenson KD, Grant SFA: Genome-Wide Association Study Implicates Novel Loci and Reveals Candidate Effector Genes for Longitudinal Pediatric Bone Accrual. Genome Biology 22(1): 1-3, Jan 2021.
Zysman-Colman Z*, Kilberg M*, Chesi C, Grant S, Mitchell J, Sheikh S, Hadjiliadis D, Rickels M, Rubenstein R, Kelly A: Genetic Potential and Height Velocity during Childhood and Adolescence do not Fully Account for Shorter Stature in Cystic Fibrosis. Pediatric Research 89(3): 653-659, Mar 2021 Notes: *Equal contribution.
Mitchell JA, Morales KH, Williamson AA, Huffnagle N, Eck C, Jawahar A, Juste L, Fiks AG,Zemel BS, Dinges DF: Engineering a Mobile Platform to Promote Sleep in the Pediatric PrimaryCare Setting. SLEEP Advances 2(1): zpab006, Apr 2021.
Mayne S, Morales K, Williamson AA, Grant SFA, Fiks AG, Dinges DF, Zemel BS, Mitchell JA: Associations of the Residential Built Environment with Adolescent Sleep Outcomes. SLEEP 44(6): zsaa276, Jun 2021.
Grgic O, Gazzara MR, Chesi A, Medina-Gomez C, Cousminer DL, Mitchell JA, Prijatelj V, Shevroja E, McCormack SE, Kalkwarf HJ, Lappe JM, Gilsanz V, Oberfield SE, Shepherd JA, Kelly A, Faucz FR, Feelders RA, de Jong FH, Uitterlinden AG, Visser JA, Ghanem LR, Wolvius EB, Hofland LJ, Stratakis CA, Zemel BS, Barash Y, Grant SFA, Rivadeneira F: Splicing of CYP11B1 is Involved in Adrenal Steroidogenesis and Skeletal Maturation of Children. Communications Biology 4(1): 1274, Nov 2021.
Patel M, McCormick A, Mitchell JA, Lin KY, Farmer J, Rummey C, Perlman S, Delatycki M, Wilmot G, Mathews K, Yoon G, Hoyle C, Subramony SH, Zesiewicz T, Lynch DR, McCormack SE: Body Mass Index and Height in the Friedreich Ataxia Clinical Outcome Measures Study. Neurology Genetics 7(6): e638, Dec 2021.
Patterson F, Mitchell JA, Dominick GM, Lozano A, Huang L, Hanlon A: Does Meeting Physical Activity Recommendations ameliorate association between Television Viewing with Cardiovascular Disease Risk? A Cross-sectional, Population-based Analysis. British Medical Journal Open 10(6): e036507, Jun 2020.
Mitchell JA, Morales KH, Williamson AA, Huffnagle N, Ludwick A, Grant SFA, Dinges DF, Zemel BA: Changes in Sleep Duration and Timing During the Middle-to-High School Transition. Journal of Adolescent Health 67(6): 829-836, Dec 2020.
Roy SM, Fields DA, Mitchell JA, Hawkes CP, Kelly A, Wu GD, DeRusso PA, Elovitz MA, Ford E, Drigo D, Zemel BS, McCormack SE: Body Mass Index is a Better Indicator of Body Composition than Weight-for-Length at Age 1 Month. Journal of Pediatrics 204: 77-83, Jan 2019.
Quante M, Mariani S, Weng J, Marinac CR, Kaplan ER, Rueschman M, Mitchell JA, James P, Hipp JA, Cespedes Feliciano EM, Wang R, Redline S: Zeitgebers and their Association with Rest-Activity Patterns. Chronobiology International 36(2): 203-213, Feb 2019.
Marinac CR, Quante M, Mariani S, Weng J, Redline S, Cespedes Feliciano EM, Hipp JA, Wang D, Kaplan ER, James P, Mitchell JA: Associations Between Timing of Meals, Physical Activity, Light Exposure, and Sleep with Body Mass Index in Free-Living Adults. Journal of Physical Activity and Health 16(3): 214-221, Mar 2019.
Cousminer DL, McCormack SE, Mitchell JA, Chesi A, Kindler JM, Kelly A, Voight BF, Kalkwarf HJ, Lappe JM, Gilsanz V, Oberfield SE, Shepherd JA, Zemel BS, Grant SFA: Postmenopausal Osteoporotic Fracture-Associated COLIA1 Variant Impacts Bone Accretion in Girls. Bone 121: 221-226, Apr 2019.
Qian F, Wang S, Mitchell J, McGuffog L, Barrowdale D, Leslie G, Oosterwijk JC, Chung WK, Evans DG, Engel C, Kast K, Aalfs CM, Adank MA, Adlard J, Agnarsson BA, Aittomäki K, Alducci E, Andrulis IL, Arun BK, Ausems MGEM, Azzollini J, Barouk-Simonet E, Barwell J, Belotti M, Benitez J, Berger A, Borg A, Bradbury AR, Brunet J, Buys SS, Caldes T, Caligo MA, Campbell I, Caputo SM, Chiquette J, Claes KBM, Margriet Collée J, Couch FJ, Coupier I, Daly MB, Davidson R, Diez O, Domchek SM, Donaldson A, Dorfling CM, Eeles R, Feliubadaló L, Foretova L, Fowler J, Friedman E, Frost D, Ganz PA, Garber J, Garcia-Barberan V, Glendon G, Godwin AK, Gómez Garcia EB, Gronwald J, Hahnen E, Hamann U, Henderson A, Hendricks CB, Hopper JL, Hulick PJ, Imyanitov EN, Isaacs C, Izatt L, Izquierdo Á, Jakubowska A, Kaczmarek K, Kang E, Karlan BY, Kets CM, Kim SW, Kim Z, Kwong A, Laitman Y, Lasset C, Hyuk Lee M, Won Lee J, Lee J, Lester J, Lesueur F, Loud JT, Lubinski J, Mebirouk N, Meijers-Heijboer HEJ, Meindl A, Miller A, Montagna M, Mooij TM, Morrison PJ, Mouret-Fourme E, Nathanson KL, Neuhausen SL, Nevanlinna H, Niederacher D, Nielsen FC, Nussbaum RL, Offit K, Olah E, Ong KR, Ottini L, Park SK, Peterlongo P, Pfeiler G, Phelan CM, Poppe B, Pradhan N, Radice P, Ramus SJ, Rantala J, Robson M, Rodriguez GC, Schmutzler RK, Hutten Selkirk CG, Shah PD, Simard J, Singer CF, Sokolowska J, Stoppa-Lyonnet D, Sutter C, Yen Tan Y, Teixeira RM, Teo SH, Terry MB, Mads T, Marc T, Amanda ET, Katherine MT, Nadine T, van Asperen CJ, van Engelen K, van Rensburg EJ, Wang-Gohrke S, Wappenschmidt B, Weitzel JN, Yannoukakos D; GEMO Study Collaborators; HEBON; EMBRACE, Greene MH, Rookus MA, Easton DF, Chenevix-Trench G, Antoniou AC, Goldgar DE, Olopade OI, Rebbeck TR, Huo D: Height and Body Mass Index as Modifiers of Breast Cancer Risk in BRCA1/2 Mutation Carriers: A Mendelian Randomization Study. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 111(4): 350-364, Apr 2019.
Full KM, Moran K, Carlson J, Godbole S, Natarajan L, Glanz K, Mitchell J, Hipp JA, Laden F, James P, Kerr J: Latent Profile Analysis of Accelerometer-Measured Sleep, Physical Activity, and Sedentary Time and Differences in Health Characteristics in Adult Women. PLoS One 14(6): e0218595, Jun 2019.
Cousminer DL, Mitchell JA, Chesi A, Roy SM, Kalkwarf HJ, Lappe JM, Gilsanz V, Voight BF, Oberfield SE, Shepherd JA, Kelly A, McCormack SE, Zemel BS, Grant SFA: Genetically Determined Later Puberty Impacts Lowered Bone Mineral Density in Childhood and Adulthood. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 33(3): 430-436, Mar 2018.
Mitchell JA, Chesi A, McCormack SE, Cousminer DL, Kalkwarf HJ, Lappe J, Gilsanz V, Oberfield SE, Shepherd JA, Kelly A, Grant SFA, Zemel BS: Physical Activity and Bone Accretion: Isotemporal Modeling and Genetic Interactions. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 50(5): 977-986, May 2018.
Mitchell JA, Chesi A, McCormack SE, Cousminer DL, Kalkwarf HJ, Lappe J, Gilsanz V, Oberfield SE, Shepherd JA, Kelly A, Zemel BS, Grant SFA: Multi-Dimensional Bone Density Phenotyping Reveals New Insights into Genetic Regulation of the Pediatric Skeleton. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 33(5): 812-821, May 2018.
Mostoufi-Moab S, Kelly A, Mitchell JA, Baker J, Zemel BS, Brodsky J, Long J, Leonard MB: Changes in Pediatric DXA Measures of Musculoskeletal Outcomes and Correlation with Quantitative CT Following Treatment of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Bone. Bone 112: 128-135, Jul 2018.
McCormack SE, Chesi A, Mitchell JA, Roy SM, Cousminer DL, Kalkwarf HJ, Lappe JM, Gilsanz V, Oberfield SE, Shepherd JA, Mahboubi S, Winer K, Kelly A, Grant SF, Zemel BS: Relative Skeletal Maturation and Population Ancestry in Non-Obese Children and Adolescents. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 32(1): 115-124, Jan 2017.
Kerr J, Marinac CR, Ellis K, Godbole S, Hipp JA, Glanz K, Mitchell JA, Laden F, James P, Berrigan D: Comparison of Accelerometry Methods for Estimating Physical Activity. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 49(3): 617-624, Mar 2017.
Mitchell JA, Dowda M, Pate RR, Kordas K, Froberg K, Sardinha LA, Kolle E, Page A, on behalf of the International Children's Accelerometry Database (ICAD) Collaborators: Physical Activity, Sedentary Behavior and Childhood Obesity: A Quantile Regression Analysis. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 49(3): 466-473, Mar 2017.
James P, Hart JE, Hipp JA, Mitchell JA, Kerr J, Hurvitz PM, Glanz K, Laden F: GPS-Based Exposure to Greenness and Walkability and Accelerometry-Based Physical Activity. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention 26(4): 525-532, Apr 2017 Notes: Focus Issue on Geospatial Approaches to Cancer Control and Population Sciences.
Lynch SM, Mitra N, Ravichandran K, Mitchell J, Spangler E, Zhou W, Paskett ED, Gehlert S, DeGraffinreid C, Stowe R, Dubowitz T, Riethman H, Branas CC, Peek MK, Rebbeck TR: Telomere Length and Neighborhood Circumstances: Evaluating Biological Response to Unfavorable Exposures. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention 26(4): 553-560, Apr 2017 Notes: Focus Issue on Geospatial Approaches to Cancer Control and Population Sciences.
Chesi A, Mitchell JA, Kalkwarf HJ, Bradfield JP, Lappe J, Cousminer DL, Roy SM, McCormack SE, Gilsanz V, Oberfield SE, Hakonarson H, Shepherd JA, Kelly A, Zemel B, Grant SFA: A Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies Two Sex-specific Loci, at SPTB and IZUMO3, Influencing Pediatric Bone Mineral Density at Multiple Skeletal Sites. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 32(6): 1274-1281, Jun 2017.
Manousaki D, Dudding T, Haworth S, Hsu Y, Liu C, Medina-Gómez C, Voortman T, van der Velde N, Melhus H, Robinson-Cohen C, Cousminer DL, Nethander M, Vandenput L, Noordam R, Forgetta V, Greenwood CMT, Biggs ML, Psaty BM, Rotter JI, Zemel BS, Mitchell JA, Taylor B, Lorentzon M, Karlsson M, Jaddoe VVW, Tiemeier H, Campos-Obando N, Franco OH, Utterlinden AG, Broer L, van Schoor NM, Ham AC, Arfan Ikram M, Karasik D, de Mutsert R, Rosendaal FR, den Heijer M, Wang TJ, Lind L, Orwoll ES, Mook-Kanamori DO, Michaëlsson K, Kestenbaum B, Ohlsson C, Mellström D, CPGM de Groot L, Grant SFA, Kiel DP, Zillikens MC, Rivadeneira F, Sawcer S, Timpson NJ, Richards BJ: Low Frequency Synonymous Coding Variation in CYP2R1 has Large Effects on Vitamin D Level and Risk of Multiple Sclerosis. American Journal of Human Genetics 101(2): 227-238, Aug 2017.
Mitchell JA, Quante M, Godbole S, James P, Hipp JA, Marinac CR, Mariani S, Cespedes Feliciano EM, Glanz K, Laden F, Wang R, Weng J, Redline S, Kerr J: Variation in Actigraphy-Estimated Rest-Activity Patterns by Demographic Factors. Chronobiology International 34(8): 1042-1056, Aug 2017.
McCormack SE, Cousminer DL, Chesi A, Mitchell JA, Roy SM, Kalkwarf HJ, Lappe JM, Gilsanz V, Oberfield SE, Shepherd JA, Kelly A, Grant SFA, Zemel BS: Association Between Linear Growth and Bone Accrual: A Longitudinal Assessment of a Diverse Cohort of Children and Adolescents. JAMA Pediatrics 171(9): e171769, Sep 2017.
Murray K, Godbole S, Natarajan L, Full K, Hipp JA, Glanz K, Mitchell JA, Laden F, James P, Quante M, Kerr J: The Relations between Sleep, Time of Physical Activity, and Time Outdoors Among Adult Women. PLoS One 12(9): e0182013, Sep 2017.
Cespedes Feliciano EM, Quante M, Weng J, Mitchell JA, James P, Marinac CR, Mariani S, Redline S, Kerr J, Godbole S, Mantiega A, Wang D, Hipp JA: Actigraphy-Derived Daily Rest-Activity Patterns and Body Mass Index in Community-Dwelling Adults. SLEEP 40(12): zsx168, Dec 2017.
Mitchell JA, Chesi A, Elci O, McCormack SE, Roy SM, Kalkwarf HJ, Lappe JM, Gilsanz V, Oberfield SE, Shepherd JA, Kelly A, Grant SF, Zemel BS: Genetic Risk Scores Implicated in Adult Bone Fragility Associate with Pediatric Bone Density. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 31(4): 789-95, Apr 2016.
Roy SA, Spivack J, Faith M, Chesi A, Mitchell JA, Kelly A, Grant SFA, McCormack SE, Zemel BS: Infant BMI or Weight-for-Length and Obesity Risk in Early Childhood. Pediatrics 137(5): e20153492, May 2016.
Mitchell JA, Chesi A, Elci O, McCormack SE, Roy SM, Kalkwarf HJ, Lappe J, Gilsanz V, Oberfield SE, Shepherd JA, Kelly A, Grant SFA, Zemel BS: Physical Activity Benefits the Skeleton of Children Genetically Predisposed to Lower Bone Density in Adulthood. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 31(8): 1504-12, Aug 2016.
Mitchell JA, Chesi A, McCormack SE, Roy SM, Cousminer DL, Kalkwarf HJ, Lappe J, Gilsanz V, Oberfield SE, Shepherd J, Kelly A, Zemel BS, Grant SFA: Rare EN1 Variants and Pediatric Bone Mass. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 31(8): 1513-7, Aug 2016.
Mitchell JA, Godbole S, Moran K, Murray K, James P, Laden F, Hipp JA, Kerr J, Glanz K: No Evidence of Reciprocal Associations Between Daily Sleep and Physical Activity. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 48(10): 1950-6, Sept 2016.
Roy SA, Chesi A, Mentch F, Xiao R. Chiavacci R, Mitchell JA, Kelly A, Hakonarson H, Grant SFA, Zemel BS, McCormack SE: Body Mass Index (BMI) Trajectories in Infancy Differ by Population Ancestry and May Presage Disparities in Early Childhood Obesity. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 100(4): 1551-1560, Apr 2015.
Chesi A, Mitchell JA, Kalkwarf HJ, Bradfield JP, Lappe JM, McCormack SE, Gilsanz V, Oberfield SE, Hakonarson H, Shepherd JA, Kelly A, Zemel BS, Grant SFA: A Trans-Ethnic Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies Gender Specific Loci Influencing Pediatric aBMD and BMC at the Distal Radius. Human Molecular Genetics 24(17): 5053-5059, Sep 2015.
Mitchell JA, Chesi A, Elci O, McCormack S, Kalkwarf H, Lappe J, Gilsanz V, Oberfield S, Shepherd J, Kelly A, Zemel B, Grant SFA: Genetics of Bone Mass in Childhood and Adolescence: Effects of Sex and Maturation Interactions. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 30(9): 1676-1683, Sep 2015.
Zeigler-Johnson C, Morales KH, Glanz K, Spangler E, Mitchell J, Rebbeck TR: Individual- and Neighborhood-Level Education Influences the Effect of Obesity on Prostate Cancer Treatment Failure After Prostatectomy. Cancer Causes and Control 26(9): 1329-1337, Sep 2015.
Mitchell JA, Bottai M, Park Y, Marshall SJ, Moore SC, Matthews CE: A Prospective Study of Sedentary Behavior and Changes in the Body Mass Index Distribution. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 46(12): 2244-52, Dec 2014.
Mitchell JA, Pate RR, Beets MW, Nader PR: Time Spent in Sedentary Behavior and Changes in Childhood BMI: A Longitudinal Study from Ages 9 to 15 Years. International Journal of Obesity 37(1): 54-60, Jan 2013.
España-Romero V, Mitchell JA, Dowda M, O'Neill JR, Pate RR: Objectively Measured Sedentary Time, Physical Activity and Markers of Body Fat in Preschool Children. Pediatric Exercise Science 25(1): 154-63, Feb 2013.
Pate RR, Dowda M, Brown WH, Mitchell J, Addy C: Physical Activity in Preschool Children with the Transition to Outdoors. Journal of Physical Activity & Health 10(2): 170-5, Feb 2013.
Mitchell JA, Pate RR, España-Romero V, O'Neill JR, Dowda M, Nader PR: Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity is Associated with Decreases in Body Mass Index from Ages 9 to 15 Years. Obesity 21(3): E280-93, Mar 2013.
Mitchell JA, Rodriguez D, Schmitz KH, Audrain-McGovern J: Greater Screen Time is Associated with Adolescent Obesity: A Longitudinal Study of the BMI Distribution from Ages 14 to 18. Obesity 21(3): 572-5, Mar 2013.
Mitchell JA, Rodriguez D, Schmitz KH, Audrain-McGovern J: Sleep Duration and Adolescent Obesity. Pediatrics 131(5): e1428-34, May 2013.
Mitchell JA, Hakonarson H, Rebbeck TR, Grant SFA: Obesity-Susceptibility Loci and the Tails of the Pediatric BMI Distribution. Obesity 21(6): 1256-60, Jun 2013.
Mitchell JA, Pate RR, Dowda M, Mattocks C, Riddoch C, Ness AR, Blair SN: A Prospective Study of Sedentary Behavior in a Large Cohort of Youth. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 44(6): 1081-7, Jun 2012.
Mitchell JA, Pate RR, Blair SN: Screen-Based Sedentary Behavior and Cardiorespiratory Fitness from Age 11 to 13. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 44(7): 1302-9, Jul 2012.
Mitchell JA, Pate RR, Liese A: Changes in Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors from Age 9 to 19 and the Influence of Television Viewing. Obesity 21(2): 386-93, Aug 2012.
Beets MW, Morgan CF, Banda JA, Bornstein D, Byun W, Mitchell J, Munselle L, Rooney L, Beighle A, Erwin H: Convergent Validity of Pedometer and Accelerometer Estimates of Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity of Youth. Journal of Physical Activity and Health 8 (S2): S295-305, Sep 2011.
Dowda M, Pfeiffer KA, Brown WH, Mitchell JA, Byun W, Pate RR: Parental and Environmental Correlates of Physical Activity of Children Attending Preschool. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine 165(10): 939-44, Oct 2011.
Mitchell JA, Church TS, Rankinen T, Earnest CP, Sui X, Blair SN: FTO Genotype and the Weight Loss Benefits of Moderate Intensity Exercise. Obesity 18(3): 641-3, Mar 2010.
Mitchell JA, Bornstein DB, Sui X, Hooker SP, Church TS, Lee CD, Lee D-C, Blair SN: The Impact of Combined Health Factors on Cardiovascular Disease Mortality. American Heart Journal 160(1): 102-8, Jul 2010.
Mitchell JA, Mattocks C, Ness AR, Leary SD, Pate RR, Dowda M, Blair SN, Riddoch C: Sedentary Behavior and Obesity in a Large Cohort of Children. Obesity 17(8): 1596-602, Aug 2009.
Abstracts (includes Posters and Scientific Presentations)
Chen P-W, Banker M, Kaye M, Song PXK, Zanna, K, Sano A, Cantoral A, Peterson KE, Tellez-Rojo MM, Cielo C, Williamson AA, Zemel BS, Moreno JP, Jansen EC, Mitchell JA: Performance of an Automated Sleep Scoring Approach for Actigraphy Data in Children and Adolescents. Poster Presentation, American Heart Association Epi | Lifestyle Scientific Sessions, Chicago, IL Mar 2024.
Decker JE, Fair MA, Fiks AG, Mayne S, Morales KH, Williamson A, Mitchell JA: Applying Behavior Change Theory Taxonomy (BCTT) to Identify Effective Sleep Duration Extension Strategies for Children. Poster Presentation, Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA Mar 2024.
Decker JE, Morales KH, Chen PW, Jansen EC, Zemel BS, Mitchell JA: Chrononutrition Traits and Healthy Index 2020 Scores in Adolescents During the Middle to High School Transition. Poster Presentation, Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA Mar 2024.
King-Dowling S, Harris S, Mitchell JA, Psihogios A, Barz Leahy A, DeVirgilio K, Jubelirer T, Schwartz LA: Dynamic Associations Between Physical Activity and Symptom Burden among Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer. Podium Presentation, Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA Mar 2024.
Chen PW, Walch O, Cielo C, Jansen EC, Mitchell JA: Comparing Validation Metrics of Machine Learning Algorithms for Actigraphy Data in Children. Poster Presentation, Associated Professional Sleep Societies Annual Meeting, Houston, TX Jun 2024.
Decker JE, Zemel BS, Mitchell JA: Patterns in Timing of Energy Intake and the Impact on Fat Mass in Adolescents. Poster Presentation, American Heart Association Epi | Lifestyle Scientific Sessions, Boston, MA Feb 2023.
Decker JE, Zemel BS, Mitchell JA: Sociodemographic Predictors of Diet Quality During Adolescence. Poster Presentation, American Heart Association Epi | Lifestyle Scientific Sessions, Boston, MA Feb 2023.
Zemel BS, Shepherd JA, Grant SFA, Lappe JM, Oberfield S, Mitchell JA, Winer KK, Kelly A, Kalkwarf H: DXA-Based Body Composition Reference Ranges from Healthy U.S. Children Demonstrate Large Differences by Race/Ethnic Group and More Appropriate Characterization of Excess Adiposity Compared to NHANES Podium Presentation, 10th International Conference on Nutrition and Growth, London, UK Apr 2023.
Decker JE, Zemel BS, Mitchell JA: Sociodemographic Predictors of Diet Quality During Adolescence. Poster Presentation, Poster Day, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Research Institute, Philadelphia, PA May 2023.
Vajravelu ME, Hewitt B, Gonzalez AR, Kriska A, Mitchell J, Helgeson V, Amaral S, Arslanian S: Physical Activity in Adolescents and Young Adults (AYA) with Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) or Prediabetes-The Role of Motivation. Poster Presentation, American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions, San Diego, CA Jun 2023.
Decker JE, Morales K, Chen B, Jansen EC, Zemel BS, Mitchell JA: Chrononutrition Traits and Healthy Index 2020 Scores in Adolescents During the Middle to High School Transition. Penn Center for Nutritional Science and Medicine's Obesity Day Symposium, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. Poster Presentation, Penn Center for Nutritional Science and Medicine's, Obesity Day Symposium, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA Sept 2023.
Chen PW, Walch O, Decker J, Moll E, Fair M, Siedman C, Williamson AA, Cielo C, Mitchell JA : Performance Metrics of Open-Source Actigraphy Sleep Scoring Algorithms for Children Poster Presentation, Annual Circadian and Sleep Research Retreat, Chronobiology and Sleep Institute, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA Oct 2023.
Decker JE, Yolton K, Braun J, Kalkwarf H, Buckley J, Lanphear B, Chen A, Cecil KM, Zemel BS, Mitchell JA: Self-Reported Sleep Duration and Timing and Bone Mineral Density in Adolescents. Poster Presentation, American Society for Bone and Mineral Research Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada Oct 2023.
King-Dowling S, Nielsen K, Jankowski M, Mitchell JA, Psihogios A, Barz Leahy A, DeVirgilio K, Jubelirer T, Schwartz LA: Physical Activity Barriers and Facilitators among Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer: A Mixed Methods Study. Poster Presentation, International Pediatric Oncology Congress, Ottawa, Canada Oct 2023.
Mitchell JA, Bradfield J, McCormack SE, Chesi A, Kalkwarf HJ, Duren DL, Shepherd JA, Hankenson KD, Kelly A, Hakonarson H, Grant SFA, Zemel BS: A Polygenic Risk Score Linked to Fracture Reduction in Adults is Associated with Fracture Reduction in a Multi-Ancestry Sample of Children. Podium Presentation, American Society for Bone and Mineral Research Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada Oct 2023.
Malina S, Hitt T, Magge SN, Jun J, Wang CX, Moll E, Katz L, Dinges DF, Mitchell JA: A Text Message-Based Sleep Diary is an Efficient Tool for Clinical Sleep Research in Children and Young Adults. Poster Presentation, Twelfth Biennial Pediatric Sleep Medicine Meeting, Hilton Head, SC Nov 2023.
Mitchell JA, Morales K, Williamson AA, Jawahar A, Juste L, Zemel BS, Dinges DF, Fiks AG: Promoting Sleep Duration in the Pediatric Setting Using a Mobile Health Platform: A Randomized Optimization Trial. Podium Presentation, Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD Apr 2022 Notes: Citation Award (for abstracts judged by the Program Committee to be of original, significant, and high caliber research).
Mayne S, Hannan C, DiFiore G, Nwokeji U, Tam V, Martin T, Mitchell J, South E, Glanz K, Fiks A: Using Mobile Methods to Assess Time-Varying Home and Neighborhood Environmental Exposures Related to Adolescent Sleep. Poster Presentation, Society for Epidemiologic Research Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL Jun 2022.
Mitchell JA, Husain S, Morales KH, Williamson AA, Mayne S, Fiks AG, Basner M, Dinges DF, Zemel BS: Childhood Opportunity Index and Sleep Health in Adolescents. Poster Presentation, Associated Professional Sleep Societies Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC Jun 2022.
Mitchell JA, Bradfield J, McCormack SE, Chesi A, Kalkwarf HJ, Lappe JM, Oberfield SE, Duren DL, Shepherd JA, Hankenson KD, Kelly A, Zemel BS, Grant SFA: A Polygenic Risk Score Linked to Fracture Reduction in Adults is Associated with Enhanced Bone Density in Childhood. Poster Presentation, American Society for Bone and Mineral Research Annual Meeting, Austin, TX Sept 2022.
Mitchell JA, Tanes C, Bittinger K, Grant SFA, Zemel BS: Bone Mineral Density in Adolescents and Short Chain Fatty Acids in the Gut Microbiota. Poster Presentation, American Society for Bone and Mineral Research Annual Meeting, Austin, TX Sept 2022.
Edelson JB, Lane-Fall M, Huang J, Wang Z, Mercer-Rosa L, Mitchell JA, Paridon S, O'Connor MJ, Rossano J, Kawut S, O'Byrne ML: Neighborhood Childhood Opportunity Index is Associated with Impaired Exercise Performance in Pediatric Heart Transplant Patients. Poster Presentation, American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, Chicago, IL Nov 2022.
Markiewitz ND, Stack K, Lane-Fall M, Huang J, Mercer-Rosa L, Mitchell JA, O'Connor MJ, Rossano JW, Kawut S, Paridon S, Burstein DS, Edelson JB: Adolescents Have Reduced Exercise Capacity After Heart Transplant. Poster Presentation, American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, Chicago, IL Nov 2022.
Kogon A, Masqood A, Loguidice J, Meyers KE, Mitchell JA: Longer Sleep Duration Reduces the Odds of Hypertension in Children Referred to Nephrology for Elevated Blood Pressure. Poster Presentation, Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting Apr 2021 Notes: Virtual meeting due to COVID19.
Mitchell JA, Morales K, Williamson AA, Huffnagle N, Jawahar A, Juste L, FiksAG, Zemel BS, Dinges DF: Preparing a Mobile System to Promote Sleep in the Pediatric Primary Care Setting. Podium Presentation, Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting Apr 2021 Notes: Virtual Meeting due to COVID19.
Elkhatib Smidt SD, Gooneratne N, Brodkin ES, Bucan M, Mitchell JA: Sleep Duration in American Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and the Role of Physical Activity. Podium Presentation, Associated Professional Sleep Societies Annual Meeting Jun 2021 Notes: Virtual presentation due to COVID19.
Kogon A, Masqood A, Loguidice J, Meyers KE, Mitchell JA: Longer Sleep Duration Reduces the Odds of Hypertension in Children Referred to Nephrology for Elevated Blood Pressure. Poster Presentation, Associated Professional Sleep Societies Annual Meeting Jun 2021 Notes: Virtual meeting due to COVID19.
Mazzotti DR, Malone SK, Patterson F, Mitchell JA, German PR: Accelerometer-Derived Sleep and Circadian Domains and Sociodemographic Correlates in the UK Biobank. Podium Presentation, Associated Professional Sleep Societies Annual Meeting Jun 2021 Notes: Virtual Meeting due to COVID 19.
Mitchell JA, Morales KH, Williamson AA, Jawahar A, Juste L, Zemel BS, Dinges DF, Fiks AG : Changes in Childhood Sleep Patterns in an Intervention Study Prior to and During COVID19 Restrictions. Poster Presentation, Associated Professional Sleep Societies Annual Meeting Jun 2021 Notes: Virtual meeting due to COVID19.
Williamson AA, Wu K, Jawahar A, Juste L, Morales KH, Zemel BS, Dinges DF, Fiks AG, Mitchell JA: Variation in Sleep Beliefs and Behaviors among Caregiver-Child Dyads Participating in a Sleep Extension Intervention. Poster Presentation, Associated Professional Sleep Societies Annual Meeting Jun 2021 Notes: Virtual meeting due to COVID19.
Mitchell JA, Morales K, Williamson AA, Jawahar A, Juste L, Zemel BS, Dinges DF, Fiks AG: Intervention Components for a Mobile Health Platform to Promote Sleep in the Pediatric Setting: A Randomized Optimization Trial. Podium Presentation, Center for Health Incentives & Behavioral Economics and The Palliative and Advanced Illness Research Center Roybal Retreat, Tannersville, PA Oct 2021.
Reiner JN, Hitt TA, Mitchell JA, Levitt Katz LE: Quality of Sleep in Adolescents with Type 2 Diabetes Is Related to Depressive Symptoms but Not to Sleep Duration. International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes. Poster Presentation, International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes Oct 2021 Notes: Virtual meeting due to COVID19.
Lectures by Invitation
Mitchell JA. "Sleep and Pediatric Obesity Prevention: Moving from Observational to Experimental Evidence," Obesity Research Initiative Symposium, University of Georgia, Athens, GA. Feb 2024.
Mitchell JA. "Sleep Patterns and School Start Times: Data from the Philadelphia Region," Wissahickon School Board Meeting, Ambler, PA. Dec 2023.
Mitchell JA. "Panel Discussion: Wearables and Devices for Pediatric Sleep," Twelfth Biennial Pediatric Sleep Medicine Meeting, Hilton Head, SC. Nov 2023.
Mitchell JA. "Applying the MOST Framework to Develop a Multi-Component Sleep Intervention for Children," Center for Advancement and Dissemination of Intervention Optimization, New York University, New York City, NY. Sept 2023.
Mitchell JA. "A MOST Promising Approach for Promoting Sleep in Children," Department of Physical Education and Sports, University of Granada, Granada, Spain. Mar 2023.
Mitchell JA. "Energetic Behaviors and Growth Outcomes in Childhood: Epidemiologic and Intervention Perspectives," Department of Health and Kinesiology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT. Feb 2023.
Mitchell JA. "Sleep Promotion in Pediatric Primary Care using a Digital Approach," Nutritional Sciences Seminar, Department of Nutrition Science, School of Public Health, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. Oct 2022.
Mitchell JA. "Actigraphy Data Processing Needs for Physical Activity and Sleep Assessment in Children," Data Management and Modeling Core (DMMC), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. Sept 2022.
Mitchell JA. "A Digital Solution for Sleep Promotion in Children," Department of Pediatric Endocrinology, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA. Sept 2022.
Editorials, Reviews, Chapters
Maqbool A, Prout Parks E, Shaikhkhalil A, Panganiban J, Mitchell JA, Stallings VA: Nutritional Requirements In: Kliegman RM, St Geme JW, et al. (eds). Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics (21st Edition). Philadelphia: Elsevier, Chapter 55: 303-321, Apr 2019.
Parks EP, Shaikhkhalil A, Sainath N, Mitchell J, Brownell JN, Stallings VA: Feeding Healthy Infants, Children and Adolescents. In: Kliegman RM, St Geme JW, et al. (eds). Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics (21st Edition). Philadelphia: Elsevier, Chapter 56: 321-331, Apr 2019.