Amanda Lerman, MD
Locations: Specialty Care, 3550 Market Street
About Amanda Lerman, MD
Attending Physician
Internal Medicine – American Board of Internal Medicine
Education & training
Medical Degree
MD - Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, PA
Internal Medicine Primary Care Track - Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Adolescent Medicine - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Editorials, Reviews, Chapters
Lerman A. Examining Our Unconscious Biases. In Ginsburg KR, Kinsman SB, editors. Reaching Teens: Wisdom from Adolescent Medicine. Elks Grove Village: American Academy of Pediatrics; 2013.
Lerman A, Kinsman SB. The Adolescent World. In Ginsburg KR, Kinsman SB, editors. Reaching Teens: Wisdom from Adolescent Medicine. Elks Grove Village: American Academy of Pediatrics; 2013.
Lerman A. Professionalism in Medicine: A Case-Based Guide for Medical Students. In: Spandorfer J, Pohl C, Nasca T, Rattner SL, editors. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2010.
Axelrod DJ, Lerman A. Sickle Cell Anemia. In: Ebell EH, editor. Essential Evidence. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons; 2009.