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Deborah A. Romeo, MD, ScM

Deborah A. Romeo, MD, ScM

Deborah A. Romeo, MD, ScM

Deborah A. Romeo, MD, ScM, is an anesthesiologist with the Division of Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.



About Deborah A. Romeo, MD, ScM


Attending Anesthesiologist


Anesthesiology – American Board of Anesthesiology

Pediatric Anesthesiology – American Board of Anesthesiology

Leadership and Memberships

Memberships in Professional Organizations

2015-present, Congenital Cardiac Anesthesia Society
 - 2020-present, Congenital Cardiac Anesthesia Society Communications Committee
 - 2017-present, Congenital Cardiac Anesthesia Society Hemostasis Committee
2014-present, Society of Pediatric Anesthesia
2010-present, American Society of Anesthesiologists

Editorial and Academic Positions

Editorial Positions

2020-present, Peer Reviewer, Children

Education & training

Graduate Degree

MSc in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD

Medical Degree

MD - University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD


General Surgery - Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, VA


Anesthesiology - Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, VA
Neurosurgery - Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, VA


Pediatric Cardiac Anesthesiology - Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH
Pediatric Anesthesiology - Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH

Team affiliations

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Choi SW, Romeo DA, Gutman DA, Smith JV. Re-expansion Pulmonary Edema Following Tube Thoracostomy in a Pediatric Patient with Anterior Mediastinal Mass. Case Reports in Anesthesiology. 2022;2022:8547611. PMID 35646401

McCoy NC, Hay EL, Romeo DA, Doty JW, Wolf BJ, Hudspeth MP. Decreased Opioid Consumption in Bone Marrow Harvest Patients Using Quadratus Lumborum Blocks in a Standardized Protocol. Frontiers in Medicine. 2022;9:862309. PMID 35559351

Romeo DA, Gutman DA, Sirianni JM, Marotta MS. A Diagnosis of Choriocarcinoma in a Parturient Presenting with Intracranial Hemorrhage. Journal of Medical Cases. 2022;13(4):151–154. PMID 35464325


Romeo DA. Aortic Stenosis. In: Berenstain LK, Spaeth JP, eds. Congenital Cardiac Anesthesia: A Practical Approach. Cambridge University Press; 2021:90-96.

Delany DR, Gaydos SS, Romeo DA, et al. Down Syndrome and Congenital Heart Disease: Perioperative Planning and Management. Journal of Congenital Cardiology. 2021;5(7):1–14.


Romeo DA, Schnepper G. Basic Pediatric Regional Anesthesia. In: Buckenmaier C, Kent M, Brookman J, Tighe P, Mariano E, Edwards D, eds. Military Advanced Regional Anesthesia and Analgesia Handbook. Oxford University Press; 2020: 249-258.

Gutman DA, Hassid M, Jeanes Z, Redding AT, Romeo DA. Prophylactic Physostigmine for Extreme and Refractory Adult Emergence Delirium, Aimed at Increasing Patient Safety and Reducing Health Care Workplace Violence: A Case Report. A & A Practice. 2020;14(6):413–414. PMID 32784327


Prabhakaran K, Sampson DA, Hoehner JC. Neuroblastoma survival and death: an in vitro model of hypoxia and metabolic stress. The Journal of Surgical Research. 2004;116(2):288–296. PMID 15013368


Bernier-Villamor V, Sampson DA, Matunis MJ, Lima CD. Structural basis for E2-mediated SUMO conjugation revealed by a complex between ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme Ubc9 and RanGAP1. Cell. 2002;108(3):345–356. PMID 11853669


Sampson DA, Wang M, Matunis MJ. The small ubiquitin-like modifier-1 (SUMO-1) consensus sequence mediates Ubc9 binding and is essential for SUMO-1 modification. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2001;276(24):21664–21669. PMID 11259410


Sampson DA, Arana ME, Boehmer PE. Cysteine 111 affects coupling of single-stranded DNA binding to ATP hydrolysis in the herpes simplex virus type-1 origin-binding protein. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 200;275(4):2931–2937. PMID 10644762

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