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Jeffrey Skolnik, MD

Jeffrey Skolnik, MD

Jeffrey Skolnik, MD, is an attending physician with the Cancer Center at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

About Jeffrey Skolnik, MD


Attending Physician

Adjunct Associate Professor of Pediatrics (Oncology), Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvaniac


Pediatric Hematology-Oncology – American Board of Pediatrics

Pediatrics – American Board of Pediatrics

Leadership and Memberships

Memberships in Professional Organizations


2015-present, Accelerating Paediatric Oncology Drug Development, Scientific Advisory Board


2019-present, Oncoheroes Biosciences, Strategic Advisory Board
2016-present, CureSearch
 - 2021-present, Chair, Industry Advisory Council
2014-present, Coalition Against Childhood Cancer
2011-present, Paediatric Oncology, Cancer Drug Development Forum
2006-present, Children's Oncology Group, Developmental Therapeutics Subcommittee

Education & training

Medical Degree

MD - New York University, New York, NY


Medicine - Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, MA


Medicine - Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, MA


Pediatric Hematology/Oncology - The Children's Hospital in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA




Skolnik J, Hall D, Barkauskas, DA: Toxicity and Pharmacokinetics of Actinomycin- D and Vincristine in Children and Adolescents: Children's Oncology Group Study ADVL06B1. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 88(24): 359-365, Aug 2021.


Aggarwal, C., Cohen, R., Morrow, M., Kraynyak, K., Sylvester, A., Cheung, J., Dickerson, K., Schulten, V., Knoblock, D., Gillespie, E., Bauml, J., Yan, J., Diehl, M., Boyer, J., Dallas, M., Kim, J., Weiner, D., Skolnik, J. : Immune therapy targeting E6/E7 oncogenes of human papillomavirus type 6 (HPV-6) reduces or eliminates the need for surgical intervention in the treatment of HPV-6 associated recurrent respiratory papillomatosis. Vaccines 29(1): 56, Jan 2020.


I. Flinn, N.L. Bartlett, K.A. Blum, K.M Ardeshna, A. LaCasce, C.R. Flowers, A.R. Shustov, K. Thress, F. Zheng, J. Skolnik, J.W. Friedberg: A Phase II Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy of Fostamatinib in Patients with Relapsed or Refractory Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL). Eur J Cancer 54(1): 11-17, Feb 2016.

Pearson ADJ, Herold R, Rousseau R, Copland C, Bradley-Garelik B, Binner D, Capdeville R, Caron H, Carleer J, Chesler L, Geoerger B, Kearns P, Marshall L, Pfister SM, Schleiermacher G, Skolnik J,Spadoni C, Sterba J , van den Berg H, Uttenreuther-Fischer M, Witt O, Norga K, Vassal G.: Implementation of Mechanism of Action biology-driven early drug development for children with cancer. Elsevier Inc. 62(1): 124-31, Jul 2016.


Tolcher A.W., Khan K., Ong M., Banerji U., Papadimitrakopoulou V., Gandara D.R., Patnaik A., BairdR.D., Olmos D., Garrett C.R., Skolnik J.M., Rubin E.H., Smith P.D., Huang P., Learoyd M., Shannon K.A., Morosky A., Tetteh E., Jou Y.M., Papadopoulos K.P., Moreno V., Kaiser B., Yap T.A., Yan L., deBono J.S. : Antitumor activity in RAS-driven tumors by blocking AKT and MEK. Clin Cancer Res 21(4): 739-48, February 2015.

Barrett, J.S., Patel, D., Dombrowksy, E., Skolnik, J.M.: Risk assessment of drug interaction potential and concomitant dosing pattern on targeted toxicities in pediatric cancer patients. AAPS J 15(3): 775-86, July 2015.


Vassal G1, Rousseau R, Blanc P, Moreno L, Bode G, Schwoch S, Schrappe M, Skolnik J, Bergman L, Bradley-Garelik MB, Saha V, Pearson A, Zwierzina H: Creating a unique, multi-stakeholder Paediatric OncologyPlatform to improve drug development for children andadolescents with cancer. Elsevier 51(2): 218-24, October 2014.


Gerecitano, J.F., Stephenson, J.J., Lewis, N.L. Osmukhina, O., Li, J., Wu, K., You, Z., Huszar, D., Skolnik, J.M., Schwartz, G.K: A Phase I trial of the kinesin spindle protein (Eg5) inhibitor AZD4877 in patients with solid and lymphoid malignancies. Invest New Drugs 31(2): 355-362, April 2013.

Jones, R., Vuky, J., Elliott, T., Mead, G., Angel Arranz, J., Chester, J., Chowdhury, S., Dudek, A.Z., Muller-Mattheis, V., Grimm, M-O., Gschwent, J.E., Wulfing, C., Albers, P., Li, J., Osmukhina, A., Skolnik, J., Hudes, G. : Phase II study to assess the efficacy, safety and tolerability of the mitotic spindle kinesin inhibitor AZD4877 in patients with recurrent advanced urothelial cancer. Invest New Drugs. Invest New Drugs (eds.). 31(4): 1001-1007, April 2013.


Infante, J.R., Kurzrock, R., Spratlin, J., Burris, H.A., Eckhardt, S.G., Li, J., Wu, K., Skolnik, J.M., Hylander-Gans, L., Osmukhina, A., Huszar, D., Herbst, R.S: A Phase I study to assess the safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetics of AZD4877, an intravenous Eg5 inhibitor in patients with advanced solid tumors. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 69(1): 165-172, January  2012.

Edwards, A., Skolnik, J., Dombrowksy, E., Patel, D., Barrett, J: Modeling and simulation approaches to evaluate pharmacokinetic sampling contamination from central venous catheters in pediatric pharmacokinetic studies of actinomycin-D: A report from the Children's Oncology Group. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 70(1): 83-94, July 2012.


Chen, J., Boodhan, S., Nanji, M., Chang, A., Sekharan, S., Lavoratore, S., Brandao, L.R., Skolnik, J.M., Dupuis, L.L.: A Reliable and Safe Method of Collecting Blood Samples From Implantable Central Venous Catheters for Determination of Plasma Gentamicin Concentrations. Pharmacotherapy 31(8): 776-784, August 2011.

Langholz, B., Skolnik, J.M., Barrett, J.S., Renbarger, J., Seidel, N., Zajicek, A., Arndt, C.: Dactinomycin and vincristine toxicity in the treatment of childhood cancer: A retrospective study from the Children's Oncology Group. Pediatric Blood Cancer 57(2): 252-257, August 2011.


Skolnik, J.M., Zheng, A.Y., Barrett, J.S., Adamson, P.C.: Approaches to clear residual chemotherapeutics from indwelling catheters in children with cancer. Ther Drug Monit 32(6): 741, December 2010.


Huszar, D., Theoclitou, M.E., Skolnik, J., Herbst R.: Kinesin motor proteins as targets for cancer therapy. Cancer and Metastasis Review 28(1-2), 197-208 2009.


Barrett, J.S., Skolnik, J.M., Jayaraman, B., Patel, D., Adamson, P.C: Discrete Event Simulation Applied to Pediatric Phase I Oncology Designs.  Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 89(6): 729-733, 2008.

Barrett, J.S.; Jayaraman, B., Patel, D., Skolnik, J.M.: A SAS-based solution to evaluate study design efficiency of phase I pediatric oncology trials via discrete event simulation.  Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 90(3): 240-250, 2008.

Mondick, J.T., Gibiansky, L., Gastonguay, M.R., Skolnik, J.M., Cole, M., Veal, G.J., Boddy, A.V., Adamson, P.C., Barrett, J.S.: Population pharmacokinetic investigation of actinomycin-D in children and young adults.  Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 48(1): 35-42, 2008.

Skolnik, J.M., Barrett, J.S., Jayaraman, B., Patel, D., Adamson, P.C.:  Shortening the timeline of pediatric phase 1 trials: the rolling six design.  Journal of Clinical Oncology 26(2): 190-195, 2008.


Lee, J.I., Skolnik, J.M., Barrett, J.S., Adamson, P.C.: A sensitive and selective liquid chromatography- tandem mass spectrometry method for the simultaneous quantification of actinomycin-D and vincristine in children with cancer. Journal of Mass Spectrometry 42(6): 761-770, 2007.

Skolnik, J.M., Adamson, P.C.: Tyrosine kinase inhibitors in pediatric malignancies.  Cancer Investigation 25(7): 606-612, 2007.


Skolnik J.M., Barrett, J.S., Shi H., Adamson, P.C.: A liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method for the simultaneous quantification of actinomycin-D and vincristine in children with cancer.  Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 57(4): 458-464, 2006.


Lange, B.J., Gerbing, R., Feusner, J., Skolnik, J., Sacks, N., Smith, F.O., Alonzo, T.A.: Mortality in overweight and underweight children with acute myeloid leukemia.  Journal of the American Medical Association  293(2): 203-2011, 2005.

Lee, D.P., Skolnik, J.M., Adamson, P.C.: Pediatric Phase I Trials in Oncology: An Analysis of StudyConduct Efficiency. Journal of Clinical Oncology 33: 8431-8441, 2005.


Chiarle R., Fan, Y., Piva, R., Boggino, H., Skolnik, J., Novero, D., Palestro, G., De Wolf-Peeters, C., Chilosi, M., Pagano, M., Inghirami, G.: S-phase kinase-associated protein 2 expression in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma inversely correlates with p27 expression and defines cells in S phase.  American Journal of Pathology 160(4): 1457-1466, April 2002.


Chiarle R., Budel, L.M., Skolnik, J., Frizerra, G., Chilosi, M., Corato, A., Pizzolo, G., Magidson, J., Montagnoli, A., Pagano, M., Maes, B., De Wolf-Peeters, C., Inghirami, G.: Increased proteasome degradation of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27 is associated with a decreased overall survival in mantle cell lymphoma.  Blood 95: 619-626, 2000.

Editorials, Reviews, Chapters


Fox, E., Blaney, S., Moreno, L., Norris, R., Skolnik J., Adamson, P., Balis, F.: General principles of chemotherapy, in Principles and Practice of Pediatric Oncology. Principles and Practice of Pediatric Oncology. 8th edition; edited by Pizzo, P. and Poplack, D. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins (eds.). 2020.


Adamson, P., Blaney, S., Bagatelle, R., Skolnik J., Balis, F.: General principles of chemotherapy, in Principles and Practice of Pediatric Oncology. Pizzo, P. and Poplack, D.  Lippincott Williams and Wilkins  2015.

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