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Lara Varpio, PhD

Lara Varpio, PhD

Lara Varpio, PhD, is part of the research faculty at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.



About Lara Varpio, PhD


Research Faculty

Awards and Honors

2021, Best Paper Award, Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC)
2020, Article Impact Award, Perspectives on Medical Education
2020, Best Research Paper, Assessment, Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) annual conference
2020, ECME Mentor Award, Early Career Medical Educator (ECME) of Canada
2019, New Investigator Award, Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), Research in Medical Education (RIME) selection
2019, Best Paper Award, Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), Research in Medical Education (RIME) selection
2019, Fulbright Scholar Host Scientist, Fulbright Scholars Program
2019, Fellow of KIPRIME (inaugural member), Karolinska Prize in Medical Education Fellowship Program (KIPRIME)
2019, 2nd place, Summer student research presentation, Comprehensive Student Research Training Program
2018, #1 Top downloaded article between 2015-2017, Perspectives on Medical Education
2018, #1 Top downloaded article for 2017, Perspectives on Medical Education
2018, Among top 20 downloaded articles for 2017, Medical Education
2016, Yearbook of Medical Informatics, one of four best articles for the year addressing clinical information systems
2016, Diana Forsythe Award, American Medical Informatics Association
2016, Dean’s Impact Award, School of Medicine, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
2016, Annual Innovation in Education Award, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS)
2016, John F. Maher Award, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS), Department of Medicine
2016, Outstanding Publication Award, American Educational Research Association (AERA), Division I (Education in the Professions)
2015-2017, Key Literature in Medical Education (KeyLIME), The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada’s official Medical Education podcast
2015, Academic Medicine’s Excellence in Reviewing Award, Academic Medicine, Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges
2015, Medical Education’s Choice Critics Award, Medical Education, Published on behalf of the Association for the Study of Medical Education (ASME)
2014, Academic Medicine’s Excellence in Reviewing Award, Academic Medicine, Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges
2012, The Dr. Meridith Marks Educator Award for Innovation and Scholarship in Medical Education, University of Ottawa
2012, Best Paper of the Year, The Canadian Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
2012, Baldwin Award, Journal of Interprofessional Care
2008, Outstanding Dissertation Award in Technical Communication, American National Council of Teachers of English’s (NCTE) Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC)
2007, Alumni Gold Medal, University of Waterloo
2007, Outstanding Achievement in Graduate Studies, University of Waterloo

Leadership and Memberships

Memberships in Professional Organizations

2017-present, Association for Medical Education in Europe

Editorial and Academic Positions

Editorial Positions

2020-present, Special Series: The Varieties of Literature Reviews, Journal of Graduate Medical Education
2020-present, Associate Editor, Advances in Health Sciences Education
2015-present, Associate Editor, Perspectives on Medical Education
2015-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) international conference
2013-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Academic Medicine
2012-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Medical Education

Education & training

Undergraduate Degree

BA in English - McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada

Graduate Degree

PhD in English - University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada
MA in Language and Professional Writing - University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada


Research Fellow in Medical Education - University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada

Team affiliations

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Olmos-Vega, F., Stalmeijer, R., Varpio, L., Kahlke, R. (2022). A practical guide to reflexivity in qualitative research. Medical Teacher. In press.

**INVITED** Regher G., Varpio, L. (2022). Conferencing Well. Perspectives on Medical Education. 11(2): 101-103.

Mount, G.*, Kahlke, R., Melton, J., Varpio, L. (2022). A Critical Review of Professional Identity Formation Interventions in Medical Education. Academic Medicine: RIME Supplement. In press.

Cimino, F.*, Ma, TL., Barker, A.M., Stalmeijer, R.E., Varpio, L. (2022) A critical review of faculty roles and experiences in interprofessional education. Academic Medicine: RIME Supplement. In press.

Barry, E.S.*, Merkebu, J., Varpio, L. (2022). State-of-the-art Literature Review Methodology: A 6-Step Approach for Knowledge Synthesis. Perspectives on Medical Education. In press.

Bourgeois-Law, G.*, Regehr, G., Teunissen, P., Varpio, L. (2022). Strangers in a strange land: The experience of physicians undergoing remediation. Medical Education. 56(6): 670-679.

**INVITED** Norman, G., Sherbino, J., Varpio, L. (2022). The Scope of Health Professions Education Requires Complementary and Diverse Approaches to Knowledge Synthesis. Perspectives on Medical Education.

**INVITED** Bynum, W.*, Teunissen, P., Varpio, L. (2022). Response to: Drs. Fujikawa and Eto. Academic Medicine. In press.


Bourgeois-Law, G.*, Varpio, L., Regehr, G., Teunissen, P. (2021). Remediation in practice: A polarity to be managed. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions. In Press.

Varpio, L., Bader-Larsen, K., Hamwey, M.*, Meyers, H., Cruthirds, D., Durning, S., Artino, A. (2021). Delivering patient care during large-scale emergency situations: Lessons from military care providers. PLoS ONE. 16(3): e0248286.

Stalmeijer, R., Varpio, L. (2021). The wolf you feed: Challenging interprofessional workplace-based education norms. Medical Education. 55(8): 894-902.

Balmer, D., Varpio, L., Bennett, D., Teunissen, P. (2021). Longitudinal Qualitative Research in Medical Education: Time to conceptualize time. Medical Education. 55(11): 1253-1260.

Bynum, W.*, Teunissen, P, Varpio, L. (2021). “In the shadow of shame”: A phenomenological exploration of the nature of shame experiences in medical students. Academic Medicine – Research in Medical Education (RIME) Supplement. 96(11S): S23-S30.

Bunin, J.*, Shohfi, E., Meyer, H., Ely, W., Varpio, L. (2021). The burden they bear: A scoping review of physician empathy in the ICU. Journal of Critical Care. 65:156-163.

Konopasky, A., Varpio, L., Stalmeijer, R. (2021). The Potential of Narrative Analysis for HPE Research: Highlighting Five Analytic Lenses. Medical Education. 55(12):1369-1375.

**INVITED** Bunin J.L.*, Shohfi E., Meyer H., Varpio L., Response to: Interpersonal mentalizing processes of intensivists: some additional suggestions on empathy and theory of mind, Journal of Critical Care. 66:182-183

Konopasky, A., Bunin, J.*, Varpio, L. (2021). The Philosophy of Agency: Agency as a Protective Mechanism Against Clinical Trainees’ Moral Injury. In Applied Philosophy for health Professions Education. Eds. M. Brown, M. Veen, G. Finn. Springer Publishers.

Varpio, L., Bader-Larsen, K.S., Durning, S.J., Artino, A., Hamwey, M.*, Cruthirds, D.F., Meyer, H.S. (2021). Military Interprofessional Healthcare Teams: Identifying the Characteristics that Support Success. Military Medicine.186(S3):1-6.

Barry, E.S., Bader-Larsen, K.S., Meyer, H.S., Durning, S.J., Varpio, L. (2021). Leadership and followership in military interprofessional healthcare teams. Military Medicine. 186(S3):7-15.

Cristancho, S., Field, E., Bader-Larsen, K.S., Varpio, L. (2021). Interchangeability in MIHTs: Lessons into collective self-healing and the benefits thereof. Military Medicine. 186(S3):16-22.

Meyer, H.S., Bader-Larsen, K.S., Artino, A., Varpio, L. (2021). Ethical Bearing is about Conduct: Ethics as an Essential Component of Military Interprofessional Healthcare Teams. Military Medicine. 186(S3):23-28.

Meyer, H.S., Durning, S.J., Bader-Larsen, K.S., Hamwey, M.*, Varpio, L. (2021). Perseverance: An Essential Trait of Military Interprofessional Healthcare Teams. Military Medicine. 186(S3):29-34.

Cruthird, D.F., Bader-Larsen, K.S., Hamwey, M.*, Varpio, L. (2021). Situation Awareness: Forecasting Successful Military Medical Teams. Military Medicine. 186(S3):35-41.

Hamwey, M.*, Bader-Larsen, K.S., Cruthirds, D.F., Varpio, L. (2021). The Ties that Bind: Camaraderie in Military Interprofessional Healthcare Teams. Military Medicine. 186(S3):42-47.

Varpio, L., Bader-Larsen, K.S., Hamwey, M.*, Meyer, H.S., Artino, A., Cruthirds, D.F., Durning, S.J. (2021). New Insights about Military Interprofessional Healthcare Teams: Lessons Learned and New Directions from a Program of Research. Military Medicine. 186(S3):53-59.

MacLeod, M., Parker, R., Varpio, L. (2021). Introduction to the JGME Literature Review Series. Journal of Graduate Medical Education. 13(6):797-800.

Varpio, L. (2021). Reflections on loss of mentors. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 26:329-333.

**INVITED** Varpio, L., Ellaway, R. (2021). Shaping our worldviews: A conversation about and of theory. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 26:339-345. doi: 10.1007/s10459-021-10033-2.

Varpio, L., Bader, K., Hamwey, M.*, Semelrath, K., Paradis, E. (2021). Interprofessional education in the US military: harnessing simulation for team readiness. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 35(1):55-63.

St.-Onge, C., Young, M., Renaud, J.-S., Cummings, B.-A., Drescher, O., Varpio, L. (2021). Sound practices: An exploratory study of building and monitoring multiple-choice exams at Canadian Undergraduate Medical Education Programs. Academic Medicine. 96(2):271-277.

Varpio, L., Harvey, E., Jaarsma, D., Dudek, N., Hay, M., Day, K., Bader-Larsen, K., Cleland, J. (2021). Attaining full professor: An international qualitative study of the experiences of women’s and men’s experiences in academic medicine. Medical Education. 55(5):582-594. doi:10.1111/medu.14392.

Kiger, M.*, Bautista, T., Hammond, C., Meyer, H., Varpio, L., Dong, T. (2021). Defragmenting the day: The effect of full-day continuity clinics on continuity of care and resident and attending perceptions of the clinic. Teaching and Learning in Medicine. 33(5): 546:553.


Humphrey-Murto, S., Lingard, L., Varpio, L., Watling, C., Ginsburg, S., LaDonna, K., (2020). Learner Handover: Who is it really for? Academic Medicine. 95(5):686-689.

Varpio, L, MacLeod, A. (2020). The philosophy of science series: Harnessing the interdisciplinary edge effect in health professions education research. Academic Medicine. 95(5):686-689.

**INVITED** Varpio, L., Young, M., Uijtdehaage, S., Paradis, E. (2020). The distinctions between theory, theoretical framework, and conceptual framework. Academic Medicine. 95(7):989-994.

**INVITED** MacLeod, A., Ellaway, R., Paradis, E., Park, Y.S., Rees, C., Young, M., Varpio, L., (2020) Being Edgy in Health Professions Education: Concluding the Philosophy of Science Series. Academic Medicine. 95(7):995-998.

**INVITED** Young, M., Varpio, L., Uijtdehaage, S., Paradis, E. (2020). The spectrum of inductive and deductive research approaches using quantitative and qualitative data. Academic Medicine. 95(7):1122.

Humphrey-Murto, S., O’Brien, B., ten Cate, O., Irby, D., Hu, W., van der Vleuten, Gruppen, L., Hamstra, S., Durning, S.J., Varpio, L. (2020). 14 Years Later: Follow-up Study of 8 Health Professions Education Scholarship Units. Academic Medicine. 95(4):629-636.

Thomas, A., Lubarsky, S., Varpio, L., Durning, S.J., Young, M. (2020). Scoping reviews in health professions education: challenges, considerations, and lessons learned about epistemology and methodology. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 25(4):989-1002.

Kiger, M.*, Varpio, L. (2020). Thematic Analysis of Qualitative Data: AMEE Guide No. 131. Medical Teacher. 42(8):846-854.

Etmanski, B., Hamstra, S., Varpio, L. (2020). The sensemaking narratives of scientists working in health professions education scholarship units: The Canadian experience. Perspectives on Medical Education. 9:157-165.

Mavis, B., Gabbur, N., Nelson, E., Schroedl, C., Shea, J., Varpio, L. (2020). Learn Serve Lead Medical Education Submissions: Demystifying the Decision Process. Academic Medicine. 95(11S):S122.

** INVITED** Bynum, W.*, Fox, J., Varpio, L.. (2020). In Reply to Dr Dyster. Academic Medicine. 95(8):1127-1128.

Chamberland, M., Mamede, S., Bergeron, L., Varpio, L. (2020). A layered analysis of self-explanation and structured reflection to support clinical reasoning in medical students. Perspectives on Medical Education. doi: 0.1007/s40037-020-00603-2.

**INVITED** Bynum, W.*, Varpio, L., Teunissen, P.W. (2020). Why impaired wellness may be inevitable in medicine and why that may not be a bad thing. Medical Education. 55(1);16-22.

Bourgeois-Law, G., Regehr, G., Teunissen, P.W., Varpio, L. (2020). Educator, Judge, Public Defender: Conflicting roles for remediation of practicing physicians. Medical Education. 54(12): 1171-1179.

Varpio, L., O’Brien, B., Rees, C., Monrouxe, L., Ajjawi, R., Paradis, E. (2020). The applicability of generalizability and bias in health professions education’s research. Medical Education. 55(2):167-173.

Van Schalkwyk, S., O’Brien, B., van der Vleuten, C., Wilkinson, T., Meyer, I., Schmutz, A., Varpio, L. (2020). Exploring Perspectives on Health Professions Education Scholarship Units from Sub-Saharan Africa. Perspectives on Medical Education. 9(6): 359-366.

McOwen, K., Zaidi, Z., Varpio, L. (2020). The Five W’s of RIME Program Planning. Academic Medicine. 95(11S): S123.

Bynum, W.*, Varpio, L., Lagoo, J., Teunissen, P. (2020). “I’m unworthy of being in this space”: The origins of shame in medical students. Medical Education. 55(2): 185-197.

Kiger, M.*, Meyer, H., Varpio, L. (2020). “It’s you, me on the team together, and my child”: Attending, resident, and patient family perspectives on patient ownership in resident continuity clinics. Perspectives on Medical Education. doi:10.1007/s40037-020-00635-8.

Rachul, C., Varpio, L. (2020). More than words: How multimodal analysis can help medical education. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 25(5): 1087-1097.

**INVITED** Varpio, L., Teunissen, P.W. (2020). Leadership in interprofessional healthcare teams: Empowering knotworking with followership. Medical Teacher. 43(1): 32-47. doi: 10.1080/0142159X.2020.1791318.


Bynum, W.*, Artino, A.R., Uijtdehaage, S., Webb, A.M., Varpio, L. (2019). Sentinel emotional events: the nature, triggers, and effect of shame experiences in medical residents. Academic Medicine. 94(1): 85-93.

St-Onge, C., Young, M., Varpio, L. (2019). Development and Validation of a Health Professions Education-focused Scholarly Mentorship Assessment Tool. Perspectives on Medical Education. 8(1): 43-46.

Bourgeois-Law, G.*, Varpio, L., Regehr, G., Teunissen P., (2019). Education or regulation? Exploring underlying conceptualizations of physician remediation. Medical Education. 53(3): 276-284.

Humphrey-Murto, S., Wood, T., Mascioli, K., Gonsalves, C., Varpio, L. (2019). The Delphi Method. Academic Medicine. 92(10)1491-1498.

Larsen, D., Varpio, L., Nimmon, L. (2019). Cultural Historical Activity Theory: The role of tools and tensions in medical education. Academic Medicine. 94(8)1255.

O’Brien, B., Irby, D., Durning, S.J., Hamstra, S., Hu, W., Gruppen, L., Varpio, L. (2019). Boyer and Beyond: A study of health professions education scholarship units in the United States and a synthetic framework for scholarship at the unit-level. Academic Medicine. 94(6):893-901.

Hamwey, M.*, Allen, L., Hay, M., Varpio, L. (2019). Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecological Model of Human Development: Applications for Medical Education. Academic Medicine. 94(10):1621.

Stephens, M.B., Bader, K.S., Myers, K.R., Walker, M.S.*, Varpio, L. (2019). Professional Identity Formation and the Ancient Art of Mask-Making. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 34(7):1113-1115.

Kahlke, R., Varpio, L. (2019). Positioning the work of health professions education scholarship units: How Canadian directors harness institutional logics. Academic Medicine. 94(12):1988-1994.

**INVITED** Young, M., LaDonna, K., Varpio, L., Balmer, D. (2019). Fluidity of focal length: Research questions in health professions education research and scholarship. Academic Medicine. 94(11S):S1-S4.

Bourgeois-Law, G.*, Teunissen, P.W., Varpio, L., Regehr, G. (2019). Attitudes Towards Physicians Requiring Remediation: One-of-Us or Not-Like-Us? Academic Medicine, Research in Medical Education supplement. 53(3):276-284.

Kiger, M.E.*, Meyer, H.S., Hammond, C., Miller, K.M., Dickey, K.J., Hammond, D.V., Varpio, L. (2019). Whose Patient is This? A Scoping Review of Patient Ownership. Academic Medicine, Research in Medical Education supplement. 94(11S):S95-S104.

Neubauer, B.*, Witkop C, Varpio, L. (2019). Two Philosophies of Phenomenology: Transcendental and Hermeneutic. Perspectives on Medical Education. 8(2):90-97.

Wilcox, S., Varpio, L. (2019). Finding comfort in the discomfort of difficult conversations. Military Medicine. 184(11-12):e590-e593.

Nimmon, L., Artino, A., Varpio, L. (2019). Social network theory in interprofessional education: Revealing hidden power. Journal of Graduate Medical Education. 11(3):247-250.


Bynum, W.*, Varpio, L. (2018). When I say… Hermeneutic phenomenology. Medical Education. 52(3), 252-253.

Paradis, E., Varpio, L. (2018). Difficult but important questions about the ethics of qualitative research. Perspectives on Medical Education. 7, 65-66.

**INVITED** Varpio, L., Nagler, A. (2018). The bumps and bruises from turning a blind eye: Learning from our failures and surprises. Perspectives on Medical Education. 7(S1), 1-3.

**INVITED** Varpio, L., McCarthy, A. (2018). How a Needs Assessment Taught Us a Lesson about the Ethics of Educational Research. Perspectives on Medical Education. 7(S1), 34-36.

Velthuis, F.*, Varpio, L., Helmich, E., Dekker, H., Jaarsma, A.D.C. (2018). Navigating the complexities of undergraduate medical curriculum change: Change leaders’ perspectives. Academic Medicine. 93(10): 1503-1510.

**INVITED** Varpio, L., Frank, J., Sherbino, J., Young. M. (2018). Research Environments: Can the cloud supplement brick-and-mortar? Medical Education. 52(9), 891-893.

**INVITED** Varpio, L. (2018). Using rhetorical appeals to credibility, logic, and emotions to increase your persuasiveness. Perspectives on Medical Education. 7(3), 207-210.

Varpio, L., Bader, K., Meyer, H., Durning, S.J., Artino, A., Hamwey, M.* (2018). Interprofessional Healthcare Teams in the Military: A Scoping Literature Review. Military Medicine. 183(11-12): e448-e454.

**INVITED** Varpio, L., Driessen, E., Lingard, L., Winston, K., Kulasegaram, M., Nagler, A., Maggio, L., Cleland, J., Schonrock-Adema, J., Paradis, E., Morcke, A., Hu, W., Hay, M., Tolsgaard, M. (2018). Advice from the editors of Perspectives on Medical Education: How to get your research published. Perspectives on Medical Education. 7(6):343-347.

Varpio, L., Ray, R., Dong, T., Hutchinson, J., Durning, S. (2018). Expanding the Burnout Conversation through Conceptions of Role Strain and Role Conflict. Journal of Graduate Medical Education. 10(6): 620-623.


Varpio, L., Ajjawi, R., Monrouxe, L., O’Brien, B., Rees, C. (2017). Shedding the Cobra Effect: Problematizing Thematic Emergence, Triangulation, Saturation and Member Checking. Medical Education. State of the Science Issue. 51(1), 40-50.

Rachul, C.*, Artemeva, N., O’Brien, B., Varpio, L. (2017). AM Last Page: Situated Learning in Medical Education. Academic Medicine. 92(1),134.

Humphrey-Murto, S., Varpio, L., Gonsalves, C., Wood, T. (2017). Using Consensus Group Techniques such as Delphi and Nominal Group in Medical Education: AMEE Guide. Medical Teacher. 39(1), 14-19.

Varpio, L., Grassau, P., Hall, P. (2017). Looking and Listening for Learning in Arts- and Humanities-Based Creations. Medical Education. 51(2), 136-145.

Varpio, L., Gruppen, L., Hu, W., O’Brien, B., ten Cate, O., Humphrey-Murto, S., Irby, D., van der Vleuten, C., Hamstra, S., Durning, S.J. (2017). Working Definitions of Three Roles and an Organizational Structure in Health Professions Education Scholarship: Initiating an International Conversation. Academic Medicine. 92(2), 205-208.

**INVITED** Watling, C., Cristancho, S., Wright, S., Varpio, L. (2017). Qualitative Rip Out #7: Necessary Groundwork: Planning a Strong Grounded Theory Study. Journal of Graduate Medical Education. 9(1), 129-130.

Varpio, L., Aschenbrener, C., Bates, J. (2017). Tackling Wicked Problems: How Theories of Agency Provide New Insights. Medical Education. 51(4), 353-365.

Joseph, K.*, Bader, K., Wilson, S.*, Walker, M., Stephens, M., Varpio, L. (2017). Unmasking Identity Dissonance: Exploring Medial Students’ Professional Identity Formation Through Mask Making. Perspectives in Medical Education. 6, 99-107.

**INVITED** Varpio, L., Paradis, E., Watling, C. (2017). Introducing A Qualitative Space. Perspectives on Medical Education. 6, 63-64.

Young, M.E., Thomas, A., Varpio, L., Razack, S., Hanson, M., Slade, S., Fischer, K.L., McKnight, D.J. (2017). Facilitating Admissions of Diverse Students: A 6 Point, Evidence-Informed Framework for Pipeline and Program Development. Perspectives on Medical Education. 6, 82-90.

**INVITED** Varpio, L., Meyer, H. (2017). A Lesson from the Qualitative Rip Out Series: Let Go of Expectations for Universally Applicable Gold Standards for Qualitative Research. Journal of Graduate Medical Education. 9(2), 154-156.

Larsen, D., Wesevich, A., Lichtenfeld, J., Artino, A.R., Brydges, R., Varpio, L. (2017). Tying knots: An activity theory analysis of student learning goals in clinical education. Medical Education. 51(7), 687-698.

Varpio, L., Hu, W., ten Cate, O., Durning, S., van der Vleuten, C., Gruppen, L., Humphrey-Murto, S., Irby, D., Hamstra, S., O’Brien, B. (2017). Exploring the Institutional Logics of Health Professions Education Scholarship Units: An International Study. Medical Education. 51(7), 755-767.

**INVITED** Varpio, L., Nagler, A. (2017). Lessons Learned from Health Professions Education Scholarship’s Failures Surprises: A Call for Papers. Perspectives on Medical Education. 6: 139-140.

Varpio, L., O’Brien, B., Durning, S., van der Vleuten, C., Gruppen, L., ten Cate, O., Humphrey-Murto, S., Irby, D., Hamstra, S.J., Hu, W. (2017). Health Professions Education Scholarship Unit Leaders as Institutional Entrepreneurs. Academic Medicine. 92(8): 1189-1195.

Humphrey-Murto, S., Varpio, L., Wood, T.J., Gonsalves, C., Ufholz, L.A., Foth, T. (2017). The Use of the Delphi and Other Consensus Group Methods in Medical Education: A Review. Academic Medicine. 92(10), 1491-1498.

**INVITED** Varpio, L., Farnan, J., Park, Y.S. (2017). Summary: Research Diseases Need Holistic Care. Academic Medicine. 92(11S), S7-S11.

**INVITED** Karani, R., Varpio, L., May, W., Horsely, T., Chenault, J., O’Brien, B. (2017). Racism and Bias in Medical Education: How Educators, Faculty Developers, and Researchers Can Make a Difference. Academic Medicine. 92(S11), S1-S6.

Humphrey-Murto, S.,Wood, T.J., Varpio, L. (2017). When I say… Consensus group methods. Medical Education. 51(10), 994-995.


Cristancho, S., Varpio, L. (2016). Twelve Tips for Early Career Medical Educators. Medical Teacher. 38(4), 358-363.

Rashotte, J., Varpio, L., Day, K., Kuziemsky, C., Parush, A., Elliott-Miller, P., King, J., Roffey, T. (2016). Mapping Communication Spaces: The Development and Use of a Tool for Analyzing the Impact of EHRs on Interprofessional Collaborative Practice. International Journal of Medical Informatics. 93, 2-13.

St-Onge, C., Chamberland, M., Levesque, A., Varpio, L. (2016). Expectations, Observations, and the Cognitive Processes that Bind Them: Expert Assessment of Examinee Performance. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 21(3), 627-642.

Varpio, L., Amiel, Y., Richards, B. (2016). Writing Competitive Research Conference Abstracts: AMEE Guide No. 108. Medical Teacher. 38(9), 863-871.

Horsley, T., Moreau, K., Lockyer, J., Zeiter, J., Varpio, L., Campbell, C. (2016). More than reducing complexity: Canadian specialists’ views of the Royal College’s Maintenance of Certification Framework and Program. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions. 36(6), 157-163.

Yepes-Rios, M., Dudek, N., Duboyce, R., Curtis, J., Allard, R., Varpio, L. (2016). The Failure to Fail Underperforming Trainees in Health Professions Education: A BEME Systematic Review (BEME Guide No. 42). Medical Teacher. 38(11), 1092-1099.

Dudek, N., Dojeiji, S., Day, K., Varpio, L. (2016). Feedback to Supervisors – Is Anonymity Really so Important? Academic Medicine. 91(9), 1305-1312.

**INVITED** Meyer, H., Varpio, L., Gruppen, L., Sandhu, G. (2016). The ethics and etiquette of research collaboration. Academic Medicine. 91, e31.

**INVITED** Meyer, H., Varpio, L., Gruppen, L., Sandhu, G. (2016). The ethics and etiquette of research dissemination. Academic Medicine. 91, e44.

D’Angelo, M., Saperstein, A., Seibert, D., Durning, S., Varpio, L. (2016). Military Interprofessional Healthcare Teams: How USU is Working to Harness the Power of Collaboration. Military Medicine. 181 (11/12), 1404-1406.

Varpio, L., St.-Onge, C., Young, M.E. (2016). Academic Promotion Packages: Crafting Connotative Frames. Perspectives on Medical Education. 5, 354-357.

**INVITED** Baker, L., Phelan, S., Snelgrove, R., Varpio, L., Maggi, J., Ng, S. (2016). Qualitative Rip Out #5: Recognizing and Responding to Ethically Important Moments in Qualitative Research. Journal of Graduate Medical Education. 8(4), 607-608.


Casimiro, L., Hall, P., Kuziemsky, C., O’Connor, M., Varpio, L. (2015). Enhancing patient-engaged teamwork in healthcare: An observational case study. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 29(1): 55-61.

Varpio, L., Day, K.*, Elliot-Miller, P., King, J. W., Kuziemsky, C., Parush, A., Roffey, T., Rashotte, J. (2015). The Impact of Adopting Electronic Health Records: How Losing Connectivity Effects Clinical Reasoning. Medical Education. 49(5): 476-486.

Balmer, D., Richards, B., Varpio, L. (2015). How Students Experience and Navigate Transitions in Undergraduate Medical Education: An Application of Bourdieu’s Theoretical Model. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 20(4): 1073-1085.

**INVITED** Regehr, G., Varpio, L., Kulasegaram, M. (2015). Results: Presentation. In Academic Medicine’s Reviewer Guidebook: Review Criteria for Research Manuscripts. Eds. S.J. Durning and J. Carline. 2nd ed. Washington, DC: Association of American Medical Colleges; pp. 114-123.

**INVITED** Varpio, L., Regehr, G. (2015). Results: Reporting Qualitative Findings. In Academic Medicine’s Reviewer Guidebook: Review Criteria for Research Manuscripts. Eds. S.J. Durning and J. Carline. 2nd ed. Washington, DC: Association of American Medical Colleges; pp. 133-139.

**INVITED** Anderson, M.B., Varpio, L., Finn, G., Youssry, I. (2015). Really Good Stuff: Introduction. Medical Education. 49(5), 511-512.

**INVITED** Varpio, L., Martimianakis, T., Mylopoulos, M. (2015). Qualitative Research Methodologies: Embracing Methodological Borrowing, Shifting and Importing. In Researching Medical Education. Eds. S.J. Durning and J. Cleland. Wiley-Blackwell; pp. 245-255.

Varpio, L., Rashotte, J., Day, K., King, J. W., Kuziemsky, C., Parush, A. (2015). The EHR and Building the Patient’s Story: A Qualitative Investigation of How EHR Use Obstructs a Vital Clinical Activity. International Journal of Medical Informatics. 84(12), 1019-1028.

**INVITED** Varpio, L., Artino, A., The Qualitative Collaborative. (2015) Answering the mail: Replying to common questions about qualitative inquiry. Journal of Graduate Medical Education. 7(4), 667-668.

**INVITED** Teherani, A., Martimianakis, T., Stenfors-Hayes, T., Wadhwa, A., Varpio, L. (2015). Qualitative Rip Out #1: Choosing a qualitative research approach. Journal of Graduate Medical Education. 7(4), 669-670.


Dell, E., Varpio, L., Petrosoniak, A., Garjaria, A., McCarthy, A. (2014). The ethics and safety of medical student global health electives. International Journal of Medical Education. 5:63-72.

Gonsalves, C.*, Ajjawi, R., Rodger, M., Varpio, L. (2014). A novel approach to needs assessment in curriculum development: Going beyond consensus methods. Medical Teacher. 36(5): 422-429.

St.-Onge, C., Chamberland, M., Levesque, A., Varpio, L. (2014). The role of the assessor: Exploring the clinical supervisor’s skill set. Clinical Teacher. 11(3): 209-213.

Varpio, L., Bidlake, E., Humphrey-Murto, E., Sutherland, S., Hamstra, S. (2014). Key Considerations for the Success of Medical Education Research and Innovation Units in Canada. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 19(3): 361-377.

Mendard, P, Varpio, L. (2014). Selecting an Interprofessional Education Model for Tertiary Healthcare. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 28(4): 311-316.

Hall, P., Brajtman, S., Weaver, L., Grassau, P., Varpio, L. (2014). Learning collaborative teamwork: An approach for incorporating the humanities. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 28(6):519-525.

Bryson, G., Mercer, C., Varpio, L. (2014). Patient and Caregiver Experiences Following Ambulatory Surgery: Qualitative analysis in a cohort of patients 65 years and older. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesiology, 61(11): 986-994.

Varpio, L., Bidlake, E., Casimiro, L., Hall, P., Brajtman, S., Kuziemsky, C., Humphrey-Murto, S. (2014). Resident Experiences of Informal Education: How Often, From Whom, About What & How. Medical Education. 48: 1220-1234.


Touchie, C., Humphrey-Murto, S., Varpio, L. (2013). Teaching and Assessing Procedure Skills: A Qualitative Study of Internal Medicine Residents. BMC Medical Education. 13:69.

Varpio, L., Albert, M. (2013). AM Last Page: Brief Review of the Theory and Concepts of Pierre Bourdieu. Academic Medicine. 88(8): 1189.

McCarthy, A., Petrosoniak, A., Varpio, L. (2013). The complex relationships involved in global health: A qualitative description. BMC Medical Education. 13 (1):136

**INVITED** Varpio, L., Regher, G. (2013). What to do about Trust: A Source of Contradiction in Interprofessional Collaboration. Commentary. Journal of Graduate Medical Education, 5 (4), 703-704.

Varpio, L., Bell, B., Hollingworth, G., Jalali, A., Haidet, P., Levine, R., Regehr G. (2012). Is Transferring an Educational Innovation Actually a Process of Transformation? Advances in Health Sciences Education. 17 (3). 357-367.

Varpio, L., Kuziemsky, C., MacDonald, C., King, J. (2012). The Helpful or Hindering Effects of In-Hospital Patient Monitor Alarms on Nurses: A Qualitative Analysis. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing. 30 (4): 210-217.

Posner, G., Naik, V., Bidlake, E., Nakajima, A., Sohmer, B., Arab, A., Varpio, L. (2012). Assessing Residents’ Disclosure of Adverse Events: Traditional OSCE vs Mixed Reality. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. April; 34 (4): 367-73.

Abu-Rish, E., Kim, S., Choe, L., Varpio, L., Malik, E., White, A., Craddick, K., Blondon, K., Robins, L., Nagasawa, P., Thigpen, A., Chen, L.L., Rich, J., Zierler, B. (2012). Current Trends in Interprofessional Education of Health Sciences Students: A Literature Review. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 26 (6): 444-451.

Young, M., Razack, S., Hanson, M., Slade, S., Varpio, L., Dore, K., Herold, J., McKnight, D. (2012). A Call for a Broader Conceptualization of Diversity: Surface and Deep Diversity in Four Canadian Medical Schools. Academic Medicine (Special Issue on Diversity and Inclusion). 87(11): 1501-1510.


Kuziemsky, C., Varpio, L. (2011). A Model of Awareness to Enhance Our Understanding of Interprofessional Collaborative Care Delivery and Health Information System Design to Support it. International Journal of Medical Informatics. 80(8): e150-160.

Quon, D.L., Dudek, N.L., Marks, M., Boutet, M., Varpio, L. (2011). “If I had a hatchet I’d take it off myself”: A qualitative study of factors influencing the decision to have an elective amputation. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. 93. 2087-92.


Petrosoniak, A., McCarthy, A., Varpio, L. (2010). International health electives: Thematic results of student and professional interviews. Medical Education. 44. (7). 683-689.

Varpio, L., Boutet, M., Marks, M. (2010). Getting out there: Developing an abstract editing circle. Medical Education. 44. (11). 1140-1141.

Kuziemsky, C., Varpio, L. (2010). Describing the Clinical Communication Space through a Model of Common Ground: ‘You don’t know what you don’t know’. American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Annual Symposium Proceedings. 407-411.


Kuziemsky, C., Varpio, L., Hall, L., Casimiro, L., Leipe, E., Weaver, L., Jelley, W., Cragg, B., Brajtman, S., Barnes, P., MacDonald, C., Poitras, S. (2009). Health Information Systems Design to Support a Nursing Model of Care: Opportunities and Challenges. Advances in Information Technology and Communication in Health. Book series entitled: Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 143, 177-85.

Varpio, L., Schryer, C.F., Lingard, L. (2009). Routine and Adaptive Expert Strategies for Resolving ICT Mediated Communication Problems in the Team Setting. Medical Education, 43. 680-687.

Jalali, A., Mioduszewski, M.*, Gauthier, M.*, Varpio, L. (2009). Wiki Use & Challenges in Undergraduate Education. Medical Education, 43. 1117.


Varpio, L., Hall, P., Lingard, L., Schryer, C.F. (2008). Interprofessional Communication and Medical Error: A Reframing of Research Questions and Approaches, Academic Medicine, 83 (10) (Suppl), 76-81.

Marks M.B., Varpio L., Wood T.J., & Handfield-Jones R. (2008). MEdCAPs Review 2008-2 [Review of the article Clinical oversight: Conceptualizing the Relationship between Supervision and Safety]. Canadian Association of Medical Educators web site:

Wood T.J., Varpio L., Marks M.B., & Handfield-Jones R. (2008). MEdCAPs Review 2008-3 [Review of the article Mail versus internet surveys: Determinants of method of response preferences among health professionals]. Canadian Association of Medical Educators web site:

Varpio L., Marks M.B., Wood T.J., & Handfield-Jones, R. (2008). MEdCAPs Review 2008-4 [Review of the article Exploring Obstacles to and Opportunities for Professional Success Among Ethnic Minority Medical Students]. Canadian Association of Medical Educators web site:

Wood T.J., Marks M.B., Varpio L., & Handfield-Jones R. (2008). MEdCAPs Review 2008-5
[Review of the article The relationship between experience with standardized patient examinations and subsequent standardized patient examination performance]. Canadian Association of Medical Educators web site:


Varpio, L., Spafford, M., Schryer, C.F., Lingard, L. (2007). Seeing and Listening: A Visual and Social Analysis of Optometric Record Keeping Practices, Journal of Business and Technical Communication, 21 (4), 343-375.


Varpio, L., Schryer, C.F., Lehoux, P., Lingard, L. (2006). Working Off the Record: Physicians’ and Nurses’ Transformations of EPR-based Patient Information, Academic Medicine, 81 (10) (Suppl), 35-39.

Abstracts (includes Posters and Scientific Presentations)


Goldszmidt, M., McKenzie, P., Varpio, L. (Senior Author) (August 2022). The use of personal notes in medical practice: Implications for how we teach clinical documentation. Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE). Lyon, France.

Cristancho, S., Field, E., Bader-Larsen, K., Varpio, L. (Senior Author) (August 2022). Interchangeability in Military Interprofessional Healthcare Teams: Lessons into collective self-healing and the benefits thereof.  Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE). Lyon, France.

Bynum, W.*, Jackson, J., Varpio, L. (Collaborator), Teunissen, P. (August 2022). Shame at the Gateway of Medicine: A Qualitative Exploration of Shame Experiences in Pre-Medical Learners. Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE). Lyon, France.

Barry, E.S.*, Merkebu, J., Varpio, L. (Senior Author). (May 2022). Towards a State-of-the-Art Literature Review Methodology: A six-step approach. 2022 Northeast Group of Educational Affairs (NEGEA) Annual Virtual Conference. Online.


Bynum, W.*, Teunissen, P, Varpio, L. (Senior Author). (November 2021). “In the shadow of shame”: A phenomenological exploration of the nature of shame experiences in medical students. Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Medical Education Meeting. [Virtual due to COVID-19]

Barry, E.S.*, Larsen, K.B., Meyer, H., Durning, S.J., Varpio, L. (Senior Author). (October 2021). What we can learn from leadership and followership in military interprofessional healthcare teams. 23rd Annual Global International Leadership Association: Reimagining Leadership Together. [Virtual due to COVID-19]

Bourgeois-Law, G.*, Regehr, G., Teunissen, P., Varpio, L. (Senior Author) (April 2021). Remediation as experienced by practicing physicians. Canadian Conference of Medical Education (CCME). Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Konopasky A, Varpio L. (Collaborating Author), Norton C, Sederstrom M, Ramani D, Santiago P. (April 2021). Narrating racism deliberately: A linguistic and narrative review of literature on healthcare workers and racism [Paper session]. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference. Online.

Humphrey-Murto, S., Lingard, L., Varpio, L., (Collaborator), Watling, C., Ginsburg, S., Rauscher, S., LaDonna, K. (April 2021). Learner Handover – Who is it really for? Canadian Conference of Medical Education (CCME). Virtual conference. [virtual only due to COVID-19 pandemic]

Bourgois-Law, G.*, Regehr, G., Teunissen, P., Varpio, L. (Senior Author). (February 2021). Educator, Judge, Public Defender: Conflicting Roles for Remediators of Practicing Physicians. Society for Academic Continuing Medical Education (SACME) Annual Meeting. [Virtual due to COVID-19]


Bourgois-Law, G.*, Regehr, G., Teunissen, P., Varpio, L. (Senior Author). (November 2020). Who are you? The roles of practice remediators. Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Medical Education Meeting. Washington, DC. [declined to present at virtual offering of conference –  COVID-19 pandemic]

Humphrey-Murto, S., Lingard, L., Varpio, L., Watling, C., Ginsburg, S., Rauscher S., LaDonna, K. (Collaborator). (September 2020). Learner handover: Who is it really for? Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE). Glasgow, Scotland. [declined to present at virtual offering of conference –  COVID-19 pandemic]

Varpio, L. (Primary Author), Bader-Larsen, K., Durning, S., Meyer, H., Cruthirds, D., Artino, A. Mass Casualty Events: How Providers can Learn from Military Care Teams. Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE). Glasgow, Scotland.     P [conference canceled due to COVID-19 pandemic]

Bynum, W.*, Varpio, L., Teunissen, P. (Collaborator). (September 2020). How medical learners engage with and recover from shame experiences during medical training. Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE). Glasgow, Scotland. [declined to present at virtual offering of conference –  COVID-19 pandemic]

Goldszmidt, M., McKenzie, P., Varpio, L. (Senior Author). (September 2020). The use of personal notes in the practice of medicine: Implications for how we teach clinical documentation. Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE). Glasgow, Scotland. [ declined to present at virtual offering of conference –  COVID-19 pandemic]

Bourgois-Law, G.*, Regehr, G., Teunissen, P., Varpio, L. (Senior Author). (April 2020). Who are you? The roles of practice remediators. Canadian Conference of Medical Education (CCME). Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. [conference canceled due to COVID-19 pandemic]

Goldszmidt, M., McKenzie, P., Varpio, L. (Senior Author). (April 2020). The use of personal notes in the practice of medicine: Implications for how we teach clinical documentation. Canadian Conference of Medical Education (CCME). Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. [conference canceled due to COVID-19 pandemic]

Humphrey-Murto, S., Lingard, L., Varpio, L. (Collaborator), Watling, C., Ginsburg, S., Rauscher, S., LaDonna, K. (April 2020). Learner Handover: Who is it really for? Canadian Conference of Medical Education (CCME). Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. [conference canceled due to COVID-19 pandemic]


Varpio, L. (Primary Author), Bader, K., Hamwey, M.*, Semelrath, K., Paradis, E. (November 2019). Interprofessional education in uniform: How the US military prepares its care teams for mass trauma responses. Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Medical Education Meeting. Pheoniz, AZ.

Larsen, D., Lawrence, R., Hickman, B., Varpio, L. (Senior Author) (November 2019). Artifacts of tension: How meaning emerges from resident competency-based assessments. Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Medical Education Meeting. Pheoniz, AZ.

Cruthirds, D., Varpio, L., (Co-Primary Author) Bader-Larsen, K., Artino, A., Meyer, H., Durning, S., Hamwey, M.* (November 2019). Team chatacterisitcs that save lives: Lessons learned from military healthcare teams. Sigma Theta Tau International Biennial Convention. Washington, DC.

Chamberland, M., Setrakian, J., Bergeron, L., St.-Onge, C., Plaisance, M., Varpio, L. (Collaborator), Aliki, T. (October 2019). Building knowledge for clinical reasoning pre-clinical medical education: An evidence informed learning approach combining self-explanation and structured reasoning. 5th Montreal International Conference on Clinical Reasoning. Montréal, Canada.

Varpio, L. (Primary Author), Bader, K., Hamwey, M.*, Semelrath, K., Paradis, E. (September 2019). How simulation can prepare interprofessional care teams for mass casualty response. Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE). Vienna, Austria.

Varpio, L. (Primary Author), Bader, K., Hamwey, M.* (Presenter), Semelrath, K., Paradis, E. (August 2019). Military interprofessional education: How the U.S. Military prepares its care teams for the deployed environment. Military Heath System Research Symposium (MHSRS).  Kissimmee, FL.     P [conference canceled due to COVID-19 pandemic]

Varpio, L. (Primary Author), Bader, K., Artino, A., Cruthirds, D., Meyer, H., Durning, S., Hamwey, M.* (Presenter) (August 2019). Preparing for Deployment: Characteristics that Help Military Interprofessional Healthcare Teams Succeed Across Care Contexts. Military Heath System Research Symposium (MHSRS).  Kissimmee, FL.     P [conference canceled due to COVID-19 pandemic]

Kiger, M.*, Bertagnoli, T.M., Bautista, E., Fairman K., Hammond, C., Kickey, K., Uijtdehaage, S., Dong, T., Varpio, L. (Collaborating Author), Meyer, H., Burke, A.. (March 2019). Full-Day Continuity Clinics: Resident and Attending Perspectives on Work, Balance, Patient Ownership, and Continuity of Care. Association of Pediatric Program Directors. New Orleans, LA.

Larsen, D., Lawrence, R., Varpio, L. (Senior Author). (May 2019). Judgements of Competence: Negotiated Meaning Making in Resident Evaluations. American Academy of Neurology. Philadelphia, PA.

Wyatt,T.R., Winston, N., Powell, F., Varpio, L. (Senior Author). (April 2019). Reading Erasure: Professional Identity Formation in Medical Students Who Are Under-Represented in Medicine. American Education Research Association (AERA). Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Lectures by Invitation


Varpio L. Association for Medical Education in Europe. August 2022. One way or another: Medical education’s irreconcilable values.  (Conference Plenary)

Varpio L. UniLearn MedEd. May 2022. Day 1: The roots of qualitative research: From paradigms to research questions; Day 2: Building qualitative research: Qualitative research methodologies. (Online Guest Speaker)

Varpio L. Northwestern University. May 2022. Evanston, IL.Virtual workshop. The Forest and The Trees. (Educational Grand Rounds)

Varpio L. University of Calgary, Health & Medical Education Scholarship Symposium. February 2022. Virtual Symposium. Square Pegs and Round Holes: The Incommensurate Values of Medical Education. (Keynote Speaker)

Varpio L. University of Ottawa, Meridith Marks Research Day. March 2022. Virtual Conference. When Medical Education’s Ideology is Misaligned. (Conference Plenary)

Varpio L. Mälardalen University, School of Health, Care and Social Welfare. January 2022. Virtual Meeting. Qualitative research: A different landscape. (Guest Speaker)


Varpio L. The Generalists meeting. November 2021. Virtual conference. When the earth moved under our feet. (Conference Plenary Speaker)

Varpio L. Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. October 2021. Cincinnati, Ohio. Putting the houses of knowledge synthesis in order. (Guest speaker)

Varpio L. Australia and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA). October 2021. Virtual Conference. Finding growth and opportunity in the face of failure. (Conference Plenary)

Varpio L. Australian and New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators (ANZAHPE) conference. September 2021. Virtual Conference. Mountaineering and Theory in Medical Education Research. (Conference Master Class)

Varpio L. Rogano Conference. September 2021. Virtual Conference. Theory in Your Medical Education Research. (Invited Conference Session)

Varpio L. Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra / Northwell. Medical Education Research Rounds. Hempstead, New York. September 2021. Mountaineering and Theory in Medical Education Research. (Educational Grand Rounds)

Varpio L. The University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands. May 2021. Virtual Conference. Can the pandemic change everything? (Educational Grand Rounds)

Varpio L. Imperial College School of Medicine, London, UK and Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Singapore. April 2021. Virtual Conference. Examining the pandemic’s fault lines. (Conference Webinar Plenary)

Varpio L. Center for Health Professions Education and Scholarship (CHES) Island Medical Programs. March 2021. Virtual Meeting. How do you climb a mountain? One step at a time: Using theory in health professions education research. (Educational Grand Rounds)

Varpio L. The Irish Network of Healthcare Educators (INHE). March 2021. Virtual Conference. Earthquakes of thought and dancing on fault lines: How the pandemic could change everything. (Conference Plenary)

Varpio L. Children’s Hospital of Pennsylvania (CHOP). Medical Education Research Rounds. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. February 2021. Failure in Health Professions Education and Scholarship. (Grand Rounds)

Varpio L. Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. February 2021. Cincinnati, Ohio. Failure in Health Professions Education and Scholarship. (Education Grand Rounds)

Varpio L. Trainees in the Association for the Study of Medical Education (TASME). January 2021. Virtual Conference. Philosophy of Science: Post-Positivism vs Constructivism. (Guest Speaker)


Varpio L. International Conference on Residency Education (ICRE). October 2020. Virtual Conference. Finding growth and opportunity in the face of failure. (Conference Plenary)

Varpio L. Society for Education in Anesthesia. Virtual Conference. October 2020. The forest and the trees: Publishing in medical education. (Conference Plenary Speaker)

Varpio L. University of Virginia Medical School. Charlottesville, Virginia. January 2020. Improving your academic writing: A hands-on, 2 day workshop for improving your research manuscripts. (Two-day Educational Faculty Development workshop)


Varpio L. University of Manitoba Health Professions Education Research Day, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. April 2019. (Provincal Conference). Talks given: Mile Markers, Methodologies, and Mindsets: An Illustrated How-To-Guide for Developing a Program of Research in HPE (Plenary Speaker); Translating Health Professions Education Research; Finding your research identity in health professions education.

Varpio L. University of Pennsylvania Medical Education Master’s Program Research Block. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. February 2019. Medical Education Research Requires Translation: How to Become Multilingual. (University-sponsored Institutional Conference – Plenary Speaker)

Varpio L. Children’s Hospital of Pennsylvania (CHOP). Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. February 2019. Medical Education Research Requires Translation: How to Become Multilingual. (Medical Education Research Rounds)

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