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Jean A. Cortner, MD

Jean A. Cortner, MD

Physician-in-Chief, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and Chair of the Department of Pediatrics, University of Pennsylvania, 1974 -1986

Jean A. Cortner, MD, served as the inaugural Physician-in-Chief and Chair of the Department of Pediatrics when Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) moved to the University City section of Philadelphia in 1974. Dr. Cortner understood that the move from the Bainbridge Street location was an opportunity to lay the foundation in the new, “modern” hospital that would ultimately lead to CHOP’s standing as a world-class pediatric institution. A native of Nashville, Tennessee, Dr. Cortner created a firm foundation for the future of pediatric care that has carried CHOP into the 21st century.

Among Dr. Cortner’s prescient achievements were: (1) Establishing nutrition as a core clinical and research institutional goal. His seminal research in nutrition and lipoprotein turnover led to what is now the renowned Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition and the model Lipid Heart Clinic in the Division of Cardiology; (2) Prioritizing genetics as a core institutional mission. Under Dr. Cortner’s leadership, the Clinical Genetics section was created in the Division of Human Genetics. Because of his leadership, CHOP continues to be a world leader in genetics and genomics research, as well as in diagnosing and caring for patients with rare and complex genetic diseases; (3) Defining the importance of human biochemistry in pediatrics. Dr. Cortner understood that the unraveling of the myriad pathways of human biochemistry – a signal achievement in the first half of the 20th century – would eventually culminate in a novel specialty, namely Metabolic Medicine. He directed prodigious resources to ensure that CHOP would have a high profile and international reputation in this nascent field. We are fortunate that Dr. Cortner built such a solid foundation upon which we now stand in the 21st century.


  1. Private Communication.  “Memories of Jean A Cortner, M.D.”, from Marc Yudkoff, M.D. on August 17, 2022
  2. The University of Pennsylvania Almanac Vol. 52, No. 1, July 12, 2005.


Jean A. Cortner, MD, served as the inaugural Physician-in-Chief and Chair of the Department of Pediatrics when CHOP moved to the University City section of Philadelphia in 1974. He made prescient decisions that placed CHOP at the forefront of the diagnosis and treatment of childhood diseases, namely: 1) establishing nutrition as a core clinical and research emphasis; 2) establishing genetics as a critical institutional priority; 3) defining the importance of human biochemistry and metabolic medicine.  Dr. Cortner built a robust foundation that has played a key role in CHOP’s ongoing success.

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