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Alumni Notes: Winter 2020

Alumni Notes: Winter 2020
January 27, 2020

Remembering our CHOP Alumni Motto, Keep … Tradition, Keep … in Mind, Keep …in Touch, this is the second year of a newer tradition. I’m turning this space over to our 4 fabulous chief residents to provide an update on the Residency Training Program at CHOP. See the latest news.

From the Chief Residents:

It is our pleasure to highlight a few exciting updates from the Pediatric Residency Program. We cannot believe that our tenure as chief residents is already halfway done! The year has truly flown by and it has been such a privilege working with the Residency Program and watching it evolve over the past year. We continue to push ourselves to be innovators in medical education, refine our educational mission, and create programs that will train a new generation of pediatric leaders poised to address the changing healthcare landscape.

New Program Leadership

Dr Jeanine Ronan assumed the roles of Program Director of the Pediatrics Residency Program and the Lisa Zaoutis Endowed Chair in Pediatric Education in March 2019. Jeanine has had a long tenure at CHOP and is thrilled to be leading the residency program! Jeanine is originally from Buffalo, New York, and received her undergraduate, masters, and medical degrees at the State University of New York at Buffalo. Jeanine has a deep personal knowledge of the residency program, as she was a general pediatrics resident and chief resident at CHOP. She has worked as a pediatric hospitalist and has previously served as the co-director of the pediatric clerkship and as the Associate Section Chief for Hospital Medicine.

Jeanine has a passion for medical education, particularly simulation and evidence-based practice, and enjoys working with trainees at all levels. Coming back to the residency program as its leader is her dream job, and she is thrilled to be combining her passions for medical education and hospital operations in this role.

As you may know, the size of the Pediatrics Residency Program has grown over the last 3 years. In the spring of 2020, we will welcome an expanded chief resident cohort to keep pace with this growth. This cohort will be comprised of 4 categorical chief residents and 1 internal medicine-pediatrics chief resident. This newly expanded group of chiefs will help to ensure that we can continue to appropriately support the residency program as well as refine and enhance our curricula.


We are in the midst of a busy 2019-2020 recruitment season. We have loved welcoming so many applicants to CHOP already and have enjoyed showcasing the wonderful aspects of our training program. Over the course of the next few months, we plan to interview close to 350 applicants after receiving more than 1700 applications. On Match Day in March, we hope to welcome 57 new interns into the program, which will include categorical pediatrics and global health residents, as well residents in our child neurology, pediatrics-genetics, and internal medicine-pediatrics programs.

New Curricula

We continue to work on refining our existing resident curricula and developing new educational series to address changes in pediatric care delivery. This year we have worked to develop a Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS) resident curriculum. We have already launched a didactic series and are working to build an elective experience for senior residents. In order to highlight and unpack the evidence behind recommendations and decision points in CHOP’s clinical pathways, we have also designed a lecture series called “Dissecting a Clinical Pathway” that brings together the multidisciplinary experts who worked to develop select pathways to share their insights with residents.

Thank you

We would like to thank the CHOP Alumni Association for its ongoing support of resident education and wellness. With support from the Alumni Association, we annually celebrate Fellow and Resident Appreciation Week.

In March 2020, we look forward to planning a week of activities, meals, and social gatherings to show appreciation for our trainees.

In May 2020, we also look forward to planning the Resident and Fellows Grand Rounds series. These grand rounds sessions highlight the amazing research accomplishments of our trainees and would not be possible without continued support from the CHOP Alumni Association.

Chief Residents 2019-2020

  • Micaela Bowers, MD; Internal Medicine — Pediatrics
  • Bryn Carroll, MD
  • Anna Costello, MD
  • Brooks Lanham, MD, MBA


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