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The Cardiac Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Hosts the 26th Annual Update on Pediatric and Congenital Cardiovascular Disease

The Cardiac Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Hosts the 26th Annual Update on Pediatric and Congenital Cardiovascular Disease
March 21, 2023

Experts in pediatric heart disease shared the latest research findings at Cardiology 2023: The Circulation: What Makes the Blood Go ‘Round in Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease? The 26th Annual Update on Pediatric and Congenital Cardiovascular Disease took place in Rio Grande, Puerto Rico.

Through learning, sharing, networking and professional socialization, the conference aims to give healthcare providers the tools necessary to best deliver a normal quality and duration of life for patients with pediatric and congenital cardiovascular disease.

This year, CHOP presentations included:

A History of Discovery: Our Evolution of Understanding of the Heart and Circulation—from Harvey to Today
Joseph Rossano, MD, MS, FAAP, FACC

Innovators and Innovations that Changed Our World: Pioneers and Discovery in Congenital Cardiovascular Disease
Meryl Cohen, MD, MSEd

The Gateways of the Circulation: How Heart Valves Function and How Best to Understand Them
Matthew A. Jolley, MD

Determining Adequacy and Viability of the Right side of the Heart in Congenital Heart Disease
Michael Quartermain, MD

The Stressed Right Ventricle in Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot
Laura Mercer-Rosa, MD, MSCE

Advanced ECHO Techniques: Utility in Critical Decision Making
Laura Mercer-Rosa, MD, MSCE

Prenatal Cardiovascular Imaging
Jack Rychik, MD

Advanced Cardiac MRI Techniques: Utility in Critical Decision Making
Mark A. Fogel, MD, FACC, FAHA, FAAP

Advanced Cardiac CT Imaging: Utility in Critical Decision Making
David Biko, MD, MBA

Multimodality Imaging for Comprehensive Characterization of the Circulation
Matthew A. Jolley, MD

Utilizing Exercise Testing for Critical Decision Making
Stephen Paridon, MD

Medications for the Failing Heart: What’s New for the Pediatric Patient?
Joseph Rossano, MD, MS, FAAP, FACC

Deciding Who Is a Candidate and When to Initiate Mechanical Circulatory Support
Carol Wittlieb-Weber, MD

Strategies for Mechanical Support: What’s Available? Choosing the Right Technology for the Right Condition
Constantine D. Mavroudis, MD, MSc, MTR

Transitioning the Patient with Mechanical Support from the Operating Room to the Intensive Care Unit: Pearls and Pitfalls
Richard Melchior, BS, MPS, CCP, LP, FPP

Biology, Form and Function of the Left Ventricle
Daniel P. Kelly, MD

Determining Adequacy and Viability of the Left Ventricle
Meryl Cohen, MD, MSEd

Biology, Form and Function of the Pulmonary Vasculature
David B. Frank, MD, PhD

The Clinical Spectrum of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: Who Has It? Is It the Same Disease in All?
Catherine Avitabile, MD

Surgical Techniques for Pulmonary Arterial Rehabilitation in Pulmonary Atresia with Aorta-Pulmonary Collaterals
Muhammad Nuri, MD

Is Pulmonary Vein Stenosis a Treatable Disease?
Ryan M. Callahan, MD

Does Pulmonary Vasodilation Impact the Fontan Circulation?
David J. Goldberg, MD

Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Visualization of the Lymphatic Circulation
David Biko, MD, MBA

Diagnostic Innovations to Accurately Map the Lymphatic System
Christopher L. Smith, MD, PhD

Building a Lymphatics Program: The Team Approach
Erin M. Pinto, MSN, RN, CCRN, FNP-BC

What Is the Next Set of Challenges to Overcome in Caring for Lymphatic Conditions?
Yoav Dori, MD, PhD

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Kimberly Y. Lin, MD

Anesthetic and Supportive Care Considerations When There Is a Fragile Myocardium
Andrew T. Costarino, MD, MSCE

Annual Rauch Memorial Lecture
Ruth A. Frey, MSN, CPNP

Annual Pediatric and Congenital Cardiovascular Basic Science Lecture
Daniel P. Kelly, MD

Cardiac Remodeling and Secretion of the Heart Derived Hormones that Communicate with Other Organs
Liming Pei, PhD

Nutrition and Growth in Congenital Heart Disease
Chitra Ravishankar, MD

Healthcare Provider Wellness: Physician Heal Thyself!
Carol Wittlieb-Weber, MD

Prenatal Life with Single Ventricle: Is This a Golden Opportunity?
Jack Rychik, MD

Individualizing Initial Management for the Newborn with HLHS
Jonathan M. Chen, MD

The Successful and Dramatic Reduction in Inter-stage Mortality: How Did We Do This?
Monique Gardner, MD

Innovative Molecular Analysis Offers Insights into Fontan Associated Liver Disease
Liming Pei, PhD

Keeping the Beat When There Is Only One Pump: Controversies in Arrhythmia Management in the Fontan Circulation

Transplantation in Single Ventricle: Timing and Strategies for Success
Kimberly Y. Lin, MD

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