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National Shortage of RSV Medication Beyfortus

National Shortage of RSV Medication Beyfortus
January 7, 2024

Please read on for important information related to the availability of the new RSV prevention for infants, called Beyfortus™. Overwhelming demand for this medication has exceeded the manufacturer’s expectations, and it is now in short supply nationally. Unfortunately, the supplier will not be able to provide any more doses of the medication to CHOP or any other organization in the region this season. As a result, CHOP will not be able to administer this as we had planned.

We know how frustrating this news is, and we share your disappointment that we are unable to provide this medication to more babies at this time.

How this impacts your family

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued updated guidance on Jan. 8, 2024, to prioritize getting remaining doses to infants most at risk.

CHOP is following the CDC’s recommendation to resume dosing for:

  • All healthy and high-risk infants up to 8 months of age
  • High-risk patients 8 months to 19 months of age
  • American Indian and Alaskan Native infants

Contact your primary care office to find out of supply of Beyfortus is available for your child.

What you can do

While we hope supply of this medication will increase in future RSV seasons, it is important to protect your baby the best that you can this sick season.

You can do this by:

  • Practicing consistent handwashing, and covering coughs and sneezes
  • Keeping children home from school or daycare when sick to prevent the spread of germs
  • Limiting the number of people your baby is around, especially during the first several months of life and during winter sick season
  • Making sure that anyone in contact with your baby washes their hands with warm soapy water prior to holding your baby and doesn’t kiss or touch your baby on or around their face
  • Keeping your baby away from tobacco smoke as well as crowded areas
  • Asking anyone with cold-like symptoms to hold off on visiting with your baby until they are well

While these measures won’t prevent all cases of RSV, they will decrease the chance that your baby gets infected with this or other winter viruses. We appreciate your understanding and partnership as we navigate this sick season together!

More resources for sick season

Visit for more advice on how to navigate the inevitable illnesses that circulate through our community every year.

Learn more about signs of RSV and tips on how to treat it at home.


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