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Nursing Update: Zantac and Cytra (NOT) "OK"

Nursing Update: Zantac and Cytra (NOT) "OK"
November 19, 2019

Zantac®(Ranitidine) Update:

Given recent news about the FDA’s investigation into Zantac® and how many patients we have on this medication due to reflux and the ketogenic diet, we have seen an increase in inquiries about whether Zantac is still safe to use. CHOP as an institution has been working very closely with the FDA and has been updating us with the most recent information. Currently, this is the information we have:

The FDA is not calling for individuals to stop taking ranitidine at this time; however, patients taking prescription ranitidine who wish to discontinue use should talk to their health care professional about other treatment options. People taking over-the-counter (OTC) ranitidine could consider using other OTC medicines approved for their condition.

If you wish to stop taking Zantac and your child is followed by GI, we ask that you speak with your child’s doctor for recommendations. We will gladly give recommendations on other KD friendly options. For those not followed by the GI department, please contact the KD team and we will instruct you on next steps.  

Cytra (NOT) "OK"

Many families have reached out regarding recent news that Cytra-K is on backorder vs. being discontinued. Our pharmacologists spoke with the manufacturer, Cypress, to confirm that Cytra-K crystals will be discontinued. The Cytra-K solution and Cytra-2 solution are still available.

Since the indication of Cytra is for kidney protection in our ketogenic patients, we compared the carbohydrates of each of the Cytra products.

The Cytra-K solution is an acceptable replacement for our patients who were previously using Cytra-K crystals as it contains the same active ingredients. One important thing we should point out is that 15 mL of Cytra-K solution is equal to one Cytra-K crystal packet (less medication to take)! Therefore, if your child was taking one packet of Cytra-K before, they will now take 15 mL of solution instead.

If you are having trouble filling your prescription please reach out and let us know. We are happy to help and make it "OK”. 

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