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Q&A with CHOP Resident: Brittany Guttadauria

Q&A with CHOP Resident: Brittany Guttadauria
August 20, 2019
Brittany Guttadauria

We sat down with first-year resident Brittany Guttadauria to learn about her path to residency, get her viewpoint on CHOP's culture, and find out about her goals and aspirations.

Tell us about yourself. Where are you working now at CHOP? What does a typical day look like for you at CHOP?

I grew up in Deer Park, NY, which is on Long Island, and lived with my parents and two younger sisters. I studied Biology at Cornell University as an undergraduate, and then went to the Donald & Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell for medical school. I'm currently an intern at CHOP, so I work all over. I was outpatient at Karabots last month, and this month I'll be working on 8 South [Main Campus]. My typical day varies depending on which service I'm on, but always involves lots of patient care. I'm very interested in acute care, and also hope to work in medical education in the future.

What made you select CHOP?

I loved everything about CHOP on my interview day. Everyone I met seemed so happy and genuinely seemed to enjoy the work they were doing, which was something that was really important to me. I also wanted to be in an environment where learning and teaching were priorities, and this definitely seemed like a place where that was a focus.

What are some things that you appreciate the most about the culture at CHOP?

I appreciate how everyone has been so kind. Starting work at a new hospital (especially one as large as CHOP) can be intimidating, but everyone I've worked with has been so patient and willing to help me adjust.

What advice would you give to others who are applying for residencies?

The most important thing to be looking for in a residency program is how you feel when you're there. You want to be at a program where you feel like you can be a part of the community and can learn in a way to best suit your style. Never forget that The Match is as much about you choosing a program where you'll be happy as it is about the program choosing you.

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