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Reviewing the Research: Sibling Screening & Negative Celiac Serology

Reviewing the Research: Sibling Screening & Negative Celiac Serology
January 30, 2022

Arunjot Singh, MD, MPH, Co-Director of the Center for Celiac Disease at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, spoke with Reuters Health about a study that recently appeared in the Archives of Disease in Childhood, which looked at 5-year follow-up of new cases after a celiac disease screening. In the article, Dr. Singh says he believes in the value of screening for celiac disease, but “the utility of repeat screening in adolescents appears to have diminishing returns.” At CHOP, he adds, “we recommend screening of all first-degree relatives with celiac disease every 1-2 years until they reach puberty, after which it may be extended to every few years”.

Read more in the Medscape story here.

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