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Internet Access Terms and Conditions

Internet Access Terms and Conditions

Please read these Internet Access Terms & Conditions carefully before accessing the Internet while at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (The Hospital or CHOP). By accessing the Internet while at The Hospital, you indicate that you have read and agree to be bound by and accept these terms and conditions. If you do not so agree, please promptly stop your efforts to gain access to the Internet while at CHOP.

I acknowledge that access to the Internet is provided by The Hospital to patients, their families and visitors in order to allow a link with family and friends and to serve as an educational resource. I am aware that the Internet can provide access to information and connect with people around the world and that use of any information obtained via the computer and Internet is at the user’s own risk. I also am also aware that the Internet can provide access to information that is inappropriate. While CHOP has installed and configured filters to restrict access to many inappropriate web sites (including pornography and violence), I am aware that no filter is 100 percent effective and no attempt should be made to access inappropriate web sites. I am further aware that the Hospital specifically disclaims any responsibility for the appropriateness or accuracy of information obtained through the computer and Internet. CHOP also does not assure or guarantee that you will be able to make use of the Internet at any particular time or that you will be able to get access to particular Internet sites or content.

I understand and agree that my communications and interactions with the Internet will not be encrypted or otherwise protected and that my communications will be subject to interception and reading by unintended recipients. I agree that CHOP will have no responsibility or liability to me or to any other person for any such interception or reading.

Additionally, I am aware that CHOP cannot be held responsible for personal computer equipment and is not liable for any damage to my computer arising from use of the Internet or otherwise.

I acknowledge and agree to abide by the generally accepted rules of Internet etiquette and use, and I understand that any violation of these rules may result in cancellation of Internet user privileges. These rules include, but are not limited to, the following:

Illegal activities of any kind are forbidden. Adult entertainment sites or chat rooms will not be accessed. The following activities are explicitly prohibited: accessing, posting, submitting, publishing or displaying harmful material that is threatening, obscene, disruptive or sexually explicit, or that could be construed as harassment or disparagement of others based on their race, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion or political beliefs. In addition, CHOP may further limit your ability to gain access to the Internet or to specific Internet sites or content without notice to you.

Federal copyright laws will be observed in the use and distribution of information retrieved from or sent over the Internet. Placement of copyrighted material on the system without the author’s permission is prohibited. Users may download copyrighted material for their own use only.

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