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Pediatric Resident Research

Pediatric Resident Research

Pediatric residents at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia are active participants in the institution’s research efforts. We have leaders and resident opportunities across a wide range of research types, including basic science, clinical, improvement science, medical education, health disparities, health services, and health policy research.

For examples of our broad research portfolio, visit the CHOP PolicyLab or the CHOP Research Institute.

See a sampling of resident research, including recent publications and presentations by residents:


Ahrens-Nicklas RC, Edmondson AC, Ficicioglu C. An eight-year-old girl with abdominal
pain and mental status changes. Pediatric Emergency Care. 2015 June; 31(6):459-62.

Ahrens-Nicklas RC, Serdaroglu E, Muraresku C, Ficicioglu C. Cobalamin C disease missed by newborn screening in a patient with a low carnitine level. JIMD Reports. 13 March 2015.

Ahrens-Nicklas RC, Slap G, Ficicioglu C. Adolescent presentations of inborn errors of metabolism. Journal of Adolescent Health 2015;56:477-82.

Alderfer MA, Zelley K, Lindell RB, Novokmet A, Mai PL, Garber J, Nathan D, Scollon S, Chun 
N, Patenaude A, Ford J, Plon SE, Schiffman
JF, Diller LR, Savage S, Malkin D, Ford CA, Nichols KE. Parent decision making around genetic testing of children for germline TP53 Mutations. Cancer. 2015;121(2);286-93.

Anupindi SA, Bedoya M, Lindell RB, Rambhatla S, Zelley K, Nichols KE, Chauvin NA. Diagnostic performance of whole body MRI (WBMRI) as a tool for cancer screening in children with genetic cancer predisposing conditions. American Journal of Roentgenology. 2015 Aug;205(2):400-8.

Bhoj EJ, Li M, Ahrens-Nicklas RC, Pyle L, Wang J, Zhang V, Clarke C, Wong LJ, Sondheimer N, Ficicioglu C, Yudkoff M. Pathologic variants
of the mitochondrial phosphate carrier SLC25A3: two new patients and expansion of the cardiomyopathy/skeletal myopathy phenotype with and without lactic acidosis. JIMD Reports. 2 Feb 2015.

Close, Ryan. Report: An Assessment of Screening Practices and the Prevalence
of anemia among Preschool-Aged Children at Ninos Primeros en Salud, Consuelo, Dominican Republic. International Medicine and Global Health Center, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. 2015.

Dowshen N, Nguyen GT, Gilbert K, Feiler A, Margo KL. Improving transgender health education for future doctors. Am J Public Health, 2014 July; 104 (7) e5-6.

Edelson JB, Orenstein EW, Zaoutis
L, Copelovitch L. Intravenous fluid management in the pediatric hospital setting: Is isotonic fluid the right choice for all patients? Current Treatment Options in Pediatrics. 2015; 1(1):90-99.

Elliot DK, Rose SR, Ronan JC. Changing the culture around cultures. Hospital Pediatrics 2014;4(6):405-407.

Esbenshade AJ, Di Pentima C, Zhao Z, Shintani A, Esbenshade JC, Simpson ME, Montgomery KC, Lindell RB, Lee H, Wallace A, Garcia KL, Moons KGM, Friedman DL. Development and validation of a prediction model
 for diagnosing blood stream infections in febrile, non-neutropenic children with cancer Pediatric Blood Cancer. 2015;62(2);262-268.

Fierro JL, Middleton M, Smallwood AN, Rettig S, Feudtner C, Coffin SE, Feemster KA. Barriers to the use of PPE to prevent pertussis exposures in a pediatric primary care network. Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society. 2014.

Fierro JL, Prasad PA, Localia R, Grundmeier RW, Wasserman RC, Zaoutis TE, Gerber JS. Variability in the Diagnosis and treatment of group a streptococcal pharyngitis by primary care pediatricians. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology. 2014 Oct; 35 (S3):S79-S85.

Ghosh RM, Gates GJ, Walsh CA, Schiller MS, Pass RH, Ceresnak SR. The prevalence of arrhythmias, predictors for arrhythmias, and safety of exercise stress testing in children. Pediatric Cardiology 2015; 36(3):584-90.

Hames N (author) NEJM Knowledge + Family Medicine Board Review. From the NEJM Group. 2014-2015.

Hassanpour MS, White BR, Eggebrecht AT, Ferraadal SL, Snyder AZ, Culver JP. Statistical analysis of high density diffuse optical tomography. NeuroImage 2014:85:104-16.

Kelleher J, Salas AA, Bhat R, et al. Prophylactic indomethacin and intestinal perforation in extremely low birth weight infants. Pediatrics. 2014;134(5):e1369-77.

Lindell RB, Esbenshade AJ, Alvarez JM, Loyama T, Campbell K, Simmons JH, Friedman DL. Knowledge of diagnosis, treatment
his- tory, and risk of late effects among childhood cancer survivors and parents: the impact of a survivorship clinic. Pediatric Blood Cancer. 2015 Aug;62(8);1444-51.

Orlando MS, Dziorny AC, Harrington D, Love T, Shamlaye CF, Watson G, Wijngaarden EV, Davidson PW, Myers GJ. Associations between prenatal methylmercury exposure and auditory function at 19 years. Neurotoxicol and Teratol 2014;46:68-76.

Patel JK, Glatz AC, Ghosh RM, Jones SM, Natarajan S, Ravishankar C, Mascio CE, Spray TL, Cohen MS. Intramural ventricular septal defect is a distinct clinical entity associated with postoperative morbidity in children after repair of conotruncal anomalies. Circulation. 2015 Aug 5.

Salas AA, Bhat R, Dabrowska K, et al. The value of Pa(CO2) in relation to outcome in congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Am J Perinatology 2014;31(11):939-46.

Salas AA, Cuna A, Bhat R, et al. A Randomized trial of re-feeding gastric residuals in preterm infants. Arch Dis Child Fetal neonatal Ed 2015;100(3):F224-8.

Salas AA, Smith KA, Rodgers MD, et al. Seasonal variation in solar UV radiation and early mortality in extremely preterm infants. Am J Perinatology 2015 June 3.

Sprouse C, King J, Helman G, Pacheco-Colon I, Shattuck K, Breeden A, Seltzer R, VanMeter JW, Gropman AL. Investigating neurological deficits in carriers and affected patients with ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency. Mol Genet Metabol 2014: 113(1-2):136-41.

Tocco D, Jain AV, Baines H. The Pediatrics Milestones Pilot Project: perspectives of current pediatric residents. Academic Pediatrics 2014:14(suppl): S8-9.

Vujkovic M, Attiyeh ED, Ries RE, Horn M, Goodman E, Ding Y, Kavcic M, Alonzo T, Gerbing RB, Hirsch B, Raimondi S, Gamis AS, Meshinchi S, Aplenc R. Concordance of copy number alterations using a common analytic pipeline for genome-wide analysis of Illumina and affymetrix genotyping data: a report from the Children’s Oncology Group. Cancer Genetics. 2015 July- Aug;208(7-8);408-13.

Wolpaw AJ, Stockwell BR. Multidimensional profiling in the investigation of small-molecule-induced cell death. Methods Enzymol 2014; 545:265-302.

Zelley K, Lindell RB, Schiffman JD, Nichols KE. “Genetic Predisposition to Cancer” in: Orkin SH, Nathan DG, Ginsburg D, Look AT, Fisher DE, Lux S, editors. Nathan and Oski’s Hematology and Oncology of Infancy and Childhood, 8th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders, 2014.1270-93.


Ahrens-Nicklas RC, Chadwick SL, Zackai EH, and Kaplan P. Atypical Williams syndrome following a prenatal diagnosis of a complete atrioventricular canal defect. American College of Medical Genetics, Nashville, TN (2014).

Ahrens- Nicklas RC, Umanah GKE, Sondheimer N, Deardorff MA, Wilkens AB, Santani AB, Nesbitt A, Dawson TM, Dawson VL, Marsh ED. Targeted therapy for a novel neurological disorder identified by whole exome sequencing. American College of Medical Genetics, Salt Lake City, UT (2015).

Ahrens-Nicklas RC, Ganetzky R, Ficicioglu C. Identification of asymptomatic glutamate forminiotransferase deficiency by newborn screening. Society of Inherited Metabolic Disorders, Salt Lake City, UT (2015).

Banc-Husu AM, Rand EB, Wen JW, Loomes KW, Lin HC. Spontaneous resolution of hepatic artery thrombosis in two pediatric liver transplant patients. North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA (October 2014).

Banc-Husu AM, Vajravelu ME, Washington NR, Wedin T. The diagnosis has me on pins and needles. Society for Hospital Medicine Annual Meeting, National Harbor, DC (March 2015).

Chang JC, Kenyon CC, Wynter S-A, Fowler
JC, Long J, Bryant-Stevens T. Feasibility and acceptability of an electronic adherence monitoring intervention in high-risk pediatric asthma patients. Pediatric Academic Societies Annual meeting, San Diego, CA (May 2015).

Coughlin K, Munson D, et al. Spirituality in maternal child caregivers. Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA (April 2015).

Dean T, Goldfarb S, Allen J, et al. Thoracic growth deficiency in childhood cancer survivors: Are we overestimating restrictive lung disease? American Thoracic Society Annual Meeting, Denver, CO (May 2015).

Deng LX, Khan A, Drajpuch D, Fuller S, Ludmir J, Mascio CE, Partington SL, Qadeer A, Tobin L, Kovacs AH, Kim YY. Prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder in adults with congenital heart disease. Adult Congenital Heart Disease Symposium, Cincinnati, OH (June 2014).

Deng LX, Khan A, Drajpuch D, Fuller S, Gleason, LPG, Ludmir J, Mascio CE, Partington SL, Tobin L, Kim YY, Kovacs AH. Anxiety is more common than depression in adults with congenital heart disease. American College of Cardiology Scientific Session, San Diego, CA (March 2015).

Dziorny AC, Lautz AJ, Denson A, O’Connor KA, Weiss SL. Procalcitonin for early recognition of severe bacterial infections in the pediatric intensive care unit. Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Research Institute Poster Day (February 2015).

Dziorny AC, Lautz AJ, Denson A, O’Connor KA, Weiss SL. Procalcitonin for early recognition of serious bacterial infections in the pediatric intensive care unit. Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA (April 2015).

Gurunathan A, Rheingold S, et al. Identification of patients with CNS 2 status post induction and outcomes in acute lymphoblastic leukemia. American Society of Clinical Oncology National Conference, Chicago, IL (May 2015).

Lindell RB, Anupindi SA, Bedoya MA, Rambhatla SJ, Zelley K, Chauvin NA, Nichols KE. Screening for occult malignancy in children with cancer predisposition syndromes: a single-center experience with whole body MRI evaluation. Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC (May 2014).

Lindell RB, Ford CA, Alderfer MA, McClain Z, Zelley K, Nichols KE. Parents’ perspectives on testing and communicating with adolescents about cancer genetic risk. Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC (May 2014).

Ludmir J, Mazhani L, Cary MS, Chakalisa UA, Pettifor JM, Molefi M, Gross R, Steenhoff AP. Vitamin D status of Botswana children with and without active TB: a pilot study. Union World Conference on Lung Health, Barcelona, Spain (October 2014).

Mamula P, Banc-Husu AM, Rajala MW, Chandrasekhara V, Nuzhat AA, Jaffe DL, Ginsberg GG, Kochman ML. Nonvariceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding in pediatric patients. Digestive Disease Week, Washington, DC (May 2015).

Neal J, Chen A, et al. The effect of bedside ultrasound assistance on the proportion of successful Infant lumbar punctures in a pediatric emergency department: a randomized controlled trial. Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, Washington, DC (February 2015).

Neal J, Chen A, et al. The effect of bedside ultrasound assistance on the proportion of successful infant lumbar punctures in a pediatric emergency department: a randomized controlled trial. American Institute for Ultrasound Medicine, Orlando, FL (March 2015).

Neal J, Chen A, et al. The effect of bedside ultrasound assistance on the proportion of successful infant lumbar punctures in a pediatric emergency department: a randomized controlled trial. Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA (May 2015).

Small AJ, Kim YY, Glatz AC, Whitehead KK, Allen KY, Downing TE, Donner R, Fuller S, Giglia TM. Late myocardial infarction after Fontan in pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum. American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, Chicago, IL (November 2014).

Vajravelu ME, Tobolski J, Burrows E, Chilutti M, Bamba V, Willi SM, and McCormack SE. Peak cortisol response to corticotropin-releasing hormone is related to age and size in children referred for clinical testing. ICE ENDO Endocrine Society Meeting, Chicago, IL (June 2014).

Yeates AJ, Mulhern MS, Dziorny AC, Love T, Myers GJ, Strain JJ. A systematic review of polyunsaturated fatty acid status among pregnant and non-pregnant women of reproductive age. International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids 2014, Stockholm, Sweden (June 2014).

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