Eligibility and criteria
IRB Number:
Eligible age range:
Clinical trial phase:
Phase III
Official title:
What to expect
This study consists of:Screening period: If you meet the screening criteria through a series of tests and review of your medical records, you will be randomly assigned a study treatment. Randomly assigned means that whatever treatment you get will be by chance, like flipping a coin or drawing names out of a hat. You will be chosen by a computer to be in one of 3 groups:
Group 1: to receive 210 mg of the study drug (tezepelumab) every 4 weeks as two injections under your skin, OR Group 2: to receive 420 mg of the study drug (tezepelumab) every 4 weeks as two injections under your skin, OR Group 3: to receive placebo every 4 weeks as two injections under your skin.
The study groups are assigned in a 1:1:1 ratio, which means that you have a two out of three chance of being given tezepelumab. And about a one out of three chance of receiving placebo.
Participation in the Treatment period will be one year, you will need to take the study drug tezepelumab or placebo for 1 year with up to 17 study visits. If you decide to participate in the Extended active treatment part of the study, your participation will last up to 1 year and 5 months (72 weeks) with up to 23 study visits. You must provide additional consent for the Extended active treatment part of the study.
There is a 12-week off-treatment safety follow-up period; this will occur after completing either the double-blind or extended active treatment parts of the study. You and your health insurance will pay for the first endoscopy done at Visit 1; the research study will pay for endoscopies done at Visit 8, Visit 15a and if the study drug is discontinued early.
Study procedures are listed below.Experimental procedures:
- Administration of tezepelumab or placebo via subcutaneous (under the skin) injection
- Endoscopy with biopsy, with optional EndoFLIP (a device which measures esophageal stiffness)
- Randomization
- Blood and urine tests
- Pregnancy tests
- ECGs
- Physical exams and vital signs
- Medical record review
- Answer quality of life questionnaires
- At-home questionnaires
- Telephone follow-up
- Optional qualitative interview, EndoFLIP, and genetic blood sample collection
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