The purpose of this study is to investigate the safety and effectiveness of eltrombopag in treating children and adolescents with newlydiagnosed immune thrombocytopenia (ITP). Patients aged between 1 to <18 years with newly diagnosed ITP will be eligible to enroll if they consent to participate within ten days from diagnosis and have not received any prior therapy or if they have failed standard management and are within thefirst three months from diagnosis. If you choose to participate, you will be on study for about 1 year. You will be randomly assigned to receive thestudy drug eltrombopag or standard therapy. Participation in this study includes weekly procedures such as assessments, physical exams, review ofmedical records, blood draws and questionnaires for 12 weeks and then about monthly or less often for up to 1 year.
Eligibility and criteria
What to expect
There will be up to 16 study visits over a 1 year period. In addition, we will follow you for 30 days after your last dose for this study to see how you are doing. The total number of study visits depends on the treatment group you are randomized to. You will be paid $30/visit for completing certain onsite study visits.

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