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Abdominal Pain and Intestinal Disorders Program

Abdominal Pain and Intestinal Disorders Program

The Abdominal Pain and Intestinal Disorders Program in the Suzi and Scott Lustgarten Center for GI Motility is dedicated to the care of patients with chronic or recurrent abdominal pain. 

Small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO)

Small bowel bacterial overgrowth is also commonly referred to as small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). The small intestine and large intestine both contain bacteria that help with normal function of the intestine including digestion and  immunity. Normally, the large intestine has a much larger number of bacteria than the small intestine. In SIBO, the small intestine develops a much higher number of bacteria than the large intestine. 

Learn more about SIBO.

Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction (CIPO)

Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction (CIPO) is a rare, severe and disabling disorder of gastrointestinal motility. CIPO may involve multiple areas of the gastrointestinal tract, including the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine and rectum. The bladder may also be affected in some children.

Learn more about CIPO.

GI Mitochondrial Disease Program

We partner with Mitochondrial Medicine, A Frontier Program at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), to care for children with mitochondrial disease. We pursue a wide range of diagnostic studies to evaluate what causes of symptoms and then work together to help children feel better. 

Learn more about the the GI Mitochondrial Disease Program.

Disorders of gut development

The gut forms during pregnancy by a complex set of coordinated cell movements. This process of normal development is not always perfect, and when problems occur, bowel anatomy is not normal and the baby has a birth defect. There are many distinct types of birth defect that can affect the bowel. Some of these birth defects can affect bowel motility.

Genetic disorders of gut function

Genes are encoded in the DNA of every cell and provide the instructions for making a baby. When those “instructions” are abnormal, bowel structure and function can also be abnormal. In fact, some of the most serious bowel motility disorders have an underlying genetic basis.

Learn more about the Disorders of Gut Development Program.

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