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Child Life Services in the CFDT and SDU

Child Life Services in the CFDT and SDU

A certified child life specialist has knowledge in child development and specializes in working with children and families in the hospital setting.

The Center for Fetal Diagnosis and Treatment has a dedicated child life specialist who is specially trained to help your child(ren) cope with the birth and hospitalization of their new sibling.

Our child life specialist is available to talk with you about how to help you and your child(ren) adjust and cope with your baby’s diagnosis and hospitalization in the ICU after delivery. The use of age-appropriate education, play, preparation and supportive activities help reduce stress and provide you and your child(ren) strategies to cope with the complex medical situation in a positive way.

Several strategies offered by the child life specialist include:

  • Age-appropriate language and resources to help you explain the diagnosis to your child(ren)
  • Preparation, education and support for siblings visiting the baby in the Hospital for the first time
  • Supportive therapeutic activities for mothers on bed rest
  • Strategies to help you stay connected as a family if you have to relocate or be separated for an extended period of time
  • Preparation for the transition of bringing a new sibling into your family
  • Supportive activities to help siblings when visiting you in the Hospital
  • Assistance in creating memory making items in the event of the loss of your baby

Child life services are also available to you and your family during your baby’s time in the N/IICU or CICU.

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