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Diabetes Technology Classes

Diabetes Technology Classes

If your family is interested in advanced diabetes treatments such as insulin pump therapy or continuous glucose monitoring systems, you should speak with one of the Diabetes Center’s certified diabetes educators (CDEs). CDEs can talk about what these products offer and how to incorporate technology into your child’s diabetes management. Call 215-590-3174 to schedule.

Insulin pump therapy classes

The Pre-Technology Class

This is a two-hour, individual appointment with your team’s certified diabetes educator to learn how pumps and/or continuous glucose monitors work. You will discuss your pump options and decide which pump is right for your child. We will also discuss CGM options that will work with individual pumps. This class is child-friendly and offers reluctant children an opportunity to see pumps and try on an infusion set. Call 215-590-3174 to schedule a Pre-Technology education visit.

This visit will be submitted to your child’s insurance company as diabetes education. It is your responsibility to obtain any required prior authorizations from your insurance company or referrals from your primary care provider. Please obtain a referral for CHOP hospital, not Endocrinology for this visit type.

Saline and Insulin appointments

These are mandatory, one-on-one appointments to provide training specific to the insulin pump you and your child have chosen. The saline appointment is scheduled once you receive your pump in the mail. At the end of the appointment, you will leave with your child wearing the pump with saline solution in it. You will continue to use insulin injections during this one-week trial period. Approximately one week later, you will return for an appointment to “go live” with insulin. Call 267-426-0271 to schedule. Your insurance will NOT be billed for these services. 

Advanced Pump Class

This is a two- to three-hour class approximately one month after starting on the insulin pump, where you will learn how to use more advanced features on your child’s insulin pump. Call 267-426-0271 to schedule the Advanced Pump Class.

This visit will be submitted to your child’s insurance company as diabetes education. It is your responsibility to obtain any required prior authorizations from your insurance company or referrals from your primary care provider. Please obtain a referral for CHOP hospital, not Endocrinology for this visit type.

Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) classes

The Pre-Technology Class

See the Pre-Technology Class offered above.

Due to the differences among the CGM devices, the appointment types below may differ for certain devices.

CGM Initiation appointment (at home use only)

This is a two-hour appointment with your team’s certified diabetes educator and physician/nurse practitioner to learn how to use the CGM you have chosen, including inserting the device and setting up the alarms. Call 215-590-3174 to schedule a CGM Initiation visit.

Your insurance company will be billed as a regular diabetes provider visit. It is your responsibility to obtain any required prior authorizations from your insurance company or referrals from your primary care provider so you are not billed for this service. 

CGM Interpretation appointment (at home use only)

This is a one-hour appointment with your team’s certified diabetes educator to learn advanced features of your CGM including uploading to software, viewing reports, and interpreting CGM data. Call 215-590-3174 to schedule a CGM Interpretation visit. 

This visit will be submitted to your child’s insurance company as diabetes education. It is your responsibility to obtain any required prior authorizations from your insurance company or referrals from your primary care provider. Please obtain a referral for CHOP hospital, not Endocrinology for this visit type.

Professional CGM Initiation/Interpretation appointments (clinic use only)

This is a one-hour appointment with your team’s certified diabetes educator and physician/nurse practitioner in which a CGM will be inserted on your child to provide you and your healthcare team with more information about your diabetes. You will return two weeks later to view the reports and interpret the CGM data. Call 215-590-3174 to schedule a CGM Interpretation visit. 

Your insurance company will be billed as a regular diabetes provider visit. It is your responsibility to obtain any required prior authorizations from your insurance company or referrals from your primary care provider so you are not billed for this service. 

Referral requirements

If your insurance requires a referral, please get the referral for: Follow-up Diabetes, Endocrinology Clinic, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Do not get a referral with your regular provider’s name as your child may see a different clinician on the days of your training sessions.

The training portion of the visit is considered a procedure.

  • The first follow-up visit (the initiation) should have a procedure code of 95250.
  • The second follow-up diabetes visit (the download and interpretation) should have a procedure code of 95251.
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