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New Gene Therapy for Inherited Blindness: Donor-supported Research Helped Save Hannah’s Sight

New Gene Therapy for Inherited Blindness: Donor-supported Research Helped Save Hannah’s Sight

New Gene Therapy for Inherited Blindness: Donor-supported Research Helped Save Hannah’s Sight

The summer before she started second grade, Hannah Reif saw a star for the first time.

“I took her outside and said, ‘Hannah, can you see that little white light in the sky? That’s a star,’” says her mom, Amy. “And she said, ‘I can see it, I can see it!’ She was so happy.”

That moment was a breakthrough for Hannah, 7. Just a few months earlier, she couldn’t see much of anything unless she was in a bright, well-lit room. And she had been preparing for a future in which she wouldn’t be able to see anything at all.

Smiling blonde girl with freckles wearing a dark blue t-shirt

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A devastating diagnosis: Leber congenital amaurosis

Hannah’s vision problems first became apparent when she was just a few months old. She wasn’t making eye contact, and would only look out windows and at bright lights. Amy and her husband, Chris, also noticed that Hannah’s eyes moved rapidly, a condition called nystagmus. Hannah’s pediatrician referred her to an ophthalmologist, who arranged for her to have a special vision test called an electroretinogram (ERG) at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP).

At CHOP, the Reifs met with ophthalmologist William Anninger, MD, who delivered devastating news: Hannah had Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA), a rare retinal disease. Patients with LCA have very limited vision and eventually — usually in their 20s or 30s — become completely blind.

“He told us, ‘It’s OK to mourn the loss of her vision,’” Amy says. “It always makes us cry when we think about it.”

Hannah getting her eyes examined

Genetic testing revealed Hannah had a type of LCA caused by mutations in the RPE65 gene. The news gave the Reifs hope: They had recently learned of a clinical trial underway at CHOP and Penn Medicine testing a gene therapy for patients with LCA caused by RPE65 mutations. At the time, Hannah was too young to enroll in the trial, and no other treatments were available. There was nothing the Reifs could do but wait.

A new gene therapy brings life-changing news

Hannah came to CHOP every year for checkups with the Ophthalmology team, and received physical and occupational therapy. She learned to ride a bike and a scooter. She played with her brothers, Matthew and Jacob. She was able to walk without assistance, but she was learning to use a navigational cane, just in case.

And then, on Dec. 19, 2017, her family received the news they had been waiting for: LUXTURNA, the gene therapy for LCA developed at CHOP and Penn, had just been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. It was the first gene therapy for a genetic disease to be approved in the United States.

CHOP eye surgeon Albert Maguire, MD — who developed the therapy with Jean Bennett, MD, PhD, a professor of Ophthalmology at the University of Pennsylvania, and Katherine High, MD, who was Director of CHOP’s Center for Cellular and Molecular Therapeutics at the time — was one of just a few doctors in the nation to offer it. The Reifs knew and trusted Dr. Maguire, so the decision to have the procedure done at CHOP was an easy one.

Eye Surgery Diagram

How LUXTURNA works: Using DNA, scientists create a functioning gene to replace the faulty one in the retina. Then they place the new gene inside a little “coat” made up of viral proteins (known as a vector). The type of virus they use does not have the ability to reproduce or cause disease. To administer LUXTURNA, doctors add the new gene by injecting it directly into the eye through a thin needle (see 1 in illustration) connected to a syringe, with the help of a light probe (2). The new gene (3) enters the cell nucleus (4), where it makes the healthy enzymes (5) required to see.

A breakthrough restores Hannah’s sight 

Hannah had the gene therapy in her left eye on July 10 – and her world changed overnight. “Starting 24 hours after her surgery, her treated eye was very sensitive to light,” says Amy. “She came downstairs and flipped on her little desk lamp on our kitchen table like she always does, and then she pushed it away — it shocked her! No light had ever been too bright before.”

Those breakthrough moments kept happening. Hannah could see the buttons on the microwave. She could see the liquid in her drinking glass. She could see the buttons on the console in the backseat of the family’s car. She could see rain.

“The whole family is really appreciating these moments,” says Chris. “She’s seeing things for the first time.” 

Hannah had her second eye treated on July 23. And when her family arrived in Ocean City, NJ, for vacation a few weeks later, her parents noticed a huge difference right away.

“In the past, whenever we went to a new shore house, she would struggle to find her way around initially,” says Amy. “She would walk in the door and put her hands out. But this year there was none of that. She walked in and was able to navigate her way around very easily.”

  • Video: Blindness to Sight — Hannah R.'s Story

    Cameraman: Can you introduce everyone in your family?

    Hannah: This is my dad; this is my mom; that's my brother Jacob; that's my younger brother Matthew.

    And who are you?

    Hannah: I'm Hannah.

    Amy Reif, Hannah's Mom: We were at CHOP getting an ERG for Hannah; one of the ophthalmologist pulled us into one of the rooms after the ERG was finished and essentially told us the ERG was flat and that confirmed the diagnosis of Leber's congenital amaurosis.

    Chris Reif, Hannah's Dad: Best we can describe as she has no peripheral vision and really would look out of larger straws and that's … that was her visual field. And then add on top of that, the need of to have to be bright.

    Amy Reif: When we first got her diagnosis I don't think we fully grasped it, but we just kind of said we need to just raise this child we have in front of us. And you know what she can see she can see, and what she can't, she can't.

    Chris Reif: And she never caught fireflies. She couldn't see 'em. We would sit out at night and try to watch the stars; she wouldn't see them. She's being robbed of those experiences; it's plain — as simple as you can put it.

    Amy Reif: Essentially, they make a good copy of the bad gene. They attach it to a viral vector and they inject it directly into the retina, and then the good copy of the gene starts to replicate.

    Chris Reif: And then Hannah sees. That simple. The same day of surgery, same day of surgery.

    Amy Reif: Went in that morning and was …

    Chris Reif: Home by dinner.

    Amy Reif: Home by dinner, yeah

    That next morning she sat down at her seat at the table. And she has a little desk lamp that she has always used to help brighten up whatever is in front of her. And she came down and just automatically flipped on that light, and as soon as she turned it on, she pushed the light away and she started to cry because it was too bright. And no light has ever been too bright for Hannah.

    Chris Reif: How do you thank the people that, that gave your daughter this wonderful treatment option that — what parent wouldn't give their own eyes for their daughter to see a sunset. And these people who've never met Hannah; you know, a very small percentage of the people that were involved with this have met Hannah and they committed their lives and their daily lives to this, and to say thank you. I just … we want to shout on mountaintops and then get people to understand it — their time and their money and their effort is so worth it.

    Amy Reif: One night I was outside and there was a very bright star, and it was pretty low in the sky, and I was able to kind of, you know, point to the … you see the tree and the bush and, you know, look, look right above that. Do you see that little white light in the sky? I said, “That's a star.” She said, “I can see it.” That was the first time she ever saw a star.

    Chris Reif: Pretty special.

    Amy Reif: Yea, that was really awesome.

Transcript Transcript

Looking ahead, thanks to LUXTURNA

Hannah was the first patient to receive LUXTURNA at CHOP after it was approved by the FDA.  And because LUXTURNA is a new treatment, there are still many unknowns about what the future holds for her. Her care team, including Dr. Maguire and pediatric ophthalmologist Bart Leroy, MD, PhD, will follow her closely. And she’ll have her family by her side as the world continues to reveal itself to her — moment by moment, day by day.

“Think about it,” says Chris. “When was the first time you saw a star? None of us remember that. But for Hannah, it’s a moment she’ll never forget.”

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