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Administration of High-Volume Enema Using a Red Rubber Catheter

Administration of High-Volume Enema Using a Red Rubber Catheter

In this training video, a gastroenterology nurse at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia demonstrates how to administer a high-volume enema to your child using a red rubber catheter.

Start by gathering your supplies — an enema bag, connection device, red rubber catheter, lubricating jelly and a tape measure. Have your child lay on his left side and in the bathroom, if possible.

First, you need to measure the red rubber catheter at 6 inches and 10 inches to ensure proper placement into your child’s colon. You never want the catheter to be inserted more than 10 inches.

Once the enema bag is connected to the red rubber catheter, close the clamp, then add the amount of saline that your child’s clinician directed. Hang the enema bag.

Next, lubricate the tip of the red rubber catheter. Insert it into your child’s rectum in a twisting motion. Once the catheter is inserted between 6 and 10 inches, open the clamp and allow the infusion solution to flow into your child. You can massage your child’s abdomen to minimize cramping.

Once your child’s body has absorbed the solution, wait another 10 minutes, then remove the catheter from his rectum and have your child sit on the toilet for 30-45 minutes until the colon is cleaned out.

Enemas are not painful, but they can be uncomfortable and cause some abdominal cramping.

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