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Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory Patients Stories Listing

Your child will be cared for by one of the most accomplished teams of interventional cardiologists in the world. We make sure your child gets the best possible care.

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Patient story

Coming Full Circle: MarlaJan’s Story

From a tetralogy of Fallot patient to a Cardiac Center nurse, MarlaJan’s heart journey has made her an advocate for children with CHD.
Patient story

Patent Ductus Arteriosus: Zylah’s Story

Before Zylah was even born, she received a miraculous birthday gift. It wasn’t a frilly dress or a pretty doll, but a heart procedure developed for extremely premature babies, just like her.
Patient story

Arrhythmias: Disha's Story

Born with a serious heart condition, Disha has grown up under the care of CHOP's Cardiac Center and now has a family of her own.
Patient story

Tetralogy of Fallot: Fiona's Story

Fiona, 7, has an active lifestyle thanks to surgeries she’s received at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia to correct a serious heart problem – TOF.
Patient story

Heart Transplant: Kylee's Story

Kylee is a happy and healthy 5-year-old girl thanks in large part to a heart transplant at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
Patient story

Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF): Alissa’s Story

When Alissa was a baby, she underwent heart surgery at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia to treat tetralogy of Fallot (TOF), a congenital heart defect.
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