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Your Child's Diabetes Center Appointment

Your Child's Diabetes Center Appointment

To each of your child’s appointments at the Diabetes Center, you should bring:

  • Your child’s blood glucose log
  • Your child’s blood glucose meter, insulin and syringes
  • Results of all blood work done since the last visit (get these from your primary care doctor)
  • A snack and something to treat low blood sugars

If your insurance plan requires referrals or prior authorization, you should also bring these to your appointment. You must obtain these referrals before you arrive at your visit. If you do not have the appropriate referrals, you will have to agree to pay in full for the visit.

If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please give us at least 24 hours’ notice so we can give your appointment to another patient.

Labs and prescriptions

If your insurance allows CHOP to perform your child’s HbA1C and other blood work, we can do this at the time of your visit. You should request a referral for lab work when you are obtaining the referrals for your appointment.

Please remember to ask for prescriptions at each appointment. You can also request refills by calling 215-590-3174, option # 5, or emailing us at Please remember that prior authorizations may take four to seven business days.

Making an appointment with a dietitian 

You can make an appointment with a dietitian by calling the main DCC phone number, 215-590-3174 and asking for an appointment with a dietitian. If your insurance requires referrals, you must obtain a referral for "medical nutrition therapy." You will be charged a co-pay for medical nutrition therapy when you see a dietitian.

Making an appointment with a certified diabetes educator

You can make an appointment with a certified diabetes educator by calling 215-590-3174. You will be asked which education session you would like to attend. This information is provided by your nurse practitioner.

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