Fred and Suzanne Biesecker Pediatric Liver Center News and Updates

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Q&A with Dr. Amit A. Shah

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Amit A. Shah, MD, MSHP, shares why he choose to work with children with liver disease and what makes CHOP’s Pediatric Liver Center stand out. 

The Flame of Discovery Burns Brightly

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The Flame of Discovery Burns Brightly - Liver

For 22 years, collaborative research at CHOP’s Biesecker Pediatric Liver Center has been changing the future for children with serious liver diseases.

Liver Disease in Children

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Research in the lab and at the bedside offer new hope for young patients with biliary atresia, Alagille syndrome and other chronic liver disorders.

Neonatal Jaundice: When to Refer

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Newborn jaundice is a common pediatric problem. Most instances are benign, and the challenge for clinicians is to determine when further evaluation is needed.